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The Most Fateful Day
In US History?
The USA May Fall Today

By George Paxinos
with thanks to Astrologer A.L.R., who pointed out
Astrological Aspects of This Fateful Day
Today could be the most Fateful Day in the history of the United States of America.
In a recent conversation with friend and astrologer A.L.R., she pointed out a precise Opposition of remarkable Astrological Aspects occurring today, just on this day of the most-contested Presidential Election in almost half-a-century of US history.
This Opposition is the angle-minute-precise Opposition of Saturn at 18° 58' in the Sign of Virgo, to Uranus at 18° 58' in the Sign of Pisces, at 180° across the Zodiac, directly opposed to it.
And it could be the most fatefully-decisive day for North America since European settlers first began invading and occupying it, over five-hundred years ago.
Let's look at why, and for that we must look at Process in North American History :
Europe's emigrants, mostly practical, no-nonsense, gung-ho types, fleeing from oppressive Europe, swarming across the Atlantic into new lands and bent on carving out a niche for themselves in the wide-open spaces, brought, in their turn, oppression to the indigenous peoples of the land they were occupying, and represented, in their actions of destroying primeval forests and landscapes, a Saturnian and also, with their burgeoning scientific bent and its application, a Virgo astrological aspect of the Astrological Zodiac.
Let me try to explain what this means in the real world :
The Zodiacal sign Virgo is an Earth Sign, and is ruled by the Planet Venus. Venus is the Beautiful, the Harmonious, and is much like a statue in marble of a most lovely woman, standing in eternity as a monument to the principle of Harmony, but with strict rules of Proportion, so She, as Goddess, also brooks no nonsense in her doings, and is very symbolic of the careful progress of Science and Technology.
Yet those settlers, slashing, burning, cutting down ancient, primeval forests and laying out towns and villages with straight roads, also represented, to the wild natural world they invaded, Saturn, the Grim Reaper, who lays down strict laws and is always to be thought of as the Man With the Scythe, who limits wild, natural growth and can enforce those laws he makes with grim intent if contravened, and bring perdition to those who disrespect them.
Already sounds like US History, doesn't it?
Saturn rules over the Sign of Capricorn, another Earth Sign, which can be thought of symbolically as a Mountain Goat perched on high, dry, inhospitable peaks, and whose written astrological symbol is a stylised goat's head with horns.
Saturn's sign is a cross, standing for the Earth Principle, but with an appended semicircle, making a stylised Scythe.
So take the Grim Reaper out of his natural sign in Capricorn, and place him in the Sign of Virgo, and you pretty much have a powerful, lawgiving force, upholding Science and Technology, but also Harmony and Proportion. He will hold the Status Quo -- and enforce it rigorously.
Yet, if the Status Quo is biased in any way, say toward a Jovian, Jupiter-style, expansive, excessive, Fat-Hog-like, or Plutocratic, Money-Power-hegemonic lifestyle, Old Grim Reaper will chop it down, just as assuredly as holding it up if it were in harmony with Natural Process in Universal Life ...
Question : Have some Plutocrats in your or another's country recently lived a Jovian lifestyle, have they lived too "High on the Hog" -- someone else's hog? You decide. Cutting down the excesses might mean deprivation, it might even mean the hog's owners forcibly taking back the stolen meat, but Saturn will restore some balance, hold some semblance of order in the process.
This is the one Choice on this Election Day.
On the other hand, directly across the Zodiac from Saturn in Virgo, directly opposite this aspect on This Fateful Day, stands the Sign of Pisces. Pisces means Fish, and is, appropriately, a Water Sign -- the very antithesis of Virgo's Earth Sign!
Pisces can be imagined as a deep ocean, inscrutable in its murky depths, sometimes opaque, with unknowable creatures moving unseen deep within it, fish and other unknown, strange and slippery denizens of the deep always slithering out of one's grasp and representing the unseen, mysterious and ultimately unknowable, both in its inhabitants, and in its processes.
It is the Principle of Dissolution, of things sliding under the sea's surface and disappearing, dissolving, never to be seen again. This sign is ruled by Neptune.
Now, Neptune itself can be thought of as a green-yellow, misty entity, a poisonous fog that obscures the vision and obfuscates reality, and is creepingly and insidiously toxic in its actions.
But on this day, the Planet URANUS is in the Sign of Neptune! -- and what is Uranus? Well, it has to do symbolically also with Uranium -- because Uranium was discovered in 1789 by one Martin Heinrich Klapproth, who named the Element after the recently-discovered Planet Uranus.
And, to astrologers, who can testify this from experience, Uranus represents the Jumpy Principle, if you can call it that, the principle of unexpected, sudden and upredictable leaps, whether they be of creative thinking into new areas of thought hitherto unexplored, or totally unexpected actions of human beings :
As one astrologer once explained from his own experience, a woman he had once known, born under Uranus in the Sign of Aquarius, with beloved husband and several children, one day just got on a train and, on a whim, on the spur of the moment, decided to just keep going, finally writing her husband and children from another continent, saying she wasn't ever going to return. Uranians can be unpredictable!
Uranus is very creative, in fact, sometimes surprisingly so! It is modern and forward-looking, stepping outside the bounds of the daily grind, and can often represent what appears at first sight to be almost unacceptably-radical or even unimaginable CHANGE ­ but whether that ever comes about in any practical way, or was just a straw-fire dream of the Uranian, is another matter entirely! -- but his promises can fascinate the unwary!
In its other aspect, it can also represent an explosive egress from normal process -- much like the Element named after the Planet -- Uranium -- and we all know about the Little Boy Bomb over Hiroshima, and Little Boy used Uranium to do his thing! -- NOT UNRELATED IN PRINCIPLE!!!
So today, on this Fateful Day in American Politics, and across from Saturn, the Lawgiver, in Virgo, we have Uranus in Pisces : The Unpredictable, Explosively Unexpected, but NOT moving out in the open, bright light of day, but sliding insidiously in opaquely dark, murky depths of an unfathomable sea ruled over by Neptune's toxic mist, obfuscating and impenetrable, quietly and poisonously doing things that shun the light of day.
Who it is in American Politics today that stands out in the Light of Day, and who it is who has no background that he wants released, who has even sealed all his records behind a mist or rather fog-bank or even self-generated smokescreen of secrecy, is something you must decide, for yourselves, and for your country.
If this Astrological Symbology holds true, if the Unites States was built by Saturnian processes within a framework of Virgo, then, most assuredly, should Uranus in Pisces be voted into power today, it means the End of The United States of America.
Your call, and your fate.
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