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Sara Palin Is Not A
Fundamentalist Christian

By Sheryl Jackson
Sara Palin is a fundamentalist Christian, my big fat butt.  She is so male dominated that she believes that God starts wars and fractures His own children and their families.  Oh, lest I forget, George W. Bush claimed that God told him to "smite Saddam Hussein", and that is what started this war.  George Bush started the war, not God.  The only time you will see God on the battlefield is when the Conscientious Objectors are responding to help the wounded, no matter what side they are on. Besides, everyone that ever told me that God told them to kill others are doing life without parole.
I have stated for five years that if God had told Little Boy George to smite Saddam, why didn't Little Boy George just get on Air Force One and take him out?  No where, did God say to destroy the Iraqi people and poison our own soldiers with Depleted Uranium.  We are all God's children.  Why would he need our puny weapons to wipe out Iraq?  Why does God need us to "protect" his chosen people, The Jews?
My God is a Weapon of Mass Destruction.  He blinked us in, in a nano second and he can blink us right back out in another nano second
According to the Hassidic Jews, God never gave Israel a land.  God was still angry with them and their Golden Calves.  I wonder what He thinks of Corp/speak and so many of us falling down before the Altar of Greedy Avariciousness?  I wonder how he judges those who are killing in His name?
Has Sara Palin or John McCain ever read the Bible for themselves?  Do either of them have any education that would allow them to read the Bible and understand it? Do either of them have any education at all besides high school?   Do we really want someone with no knowledge of the war?  She stated several weeks ago in an interview that she had not been keeping up with the war.  Her own son is trying to deploy to Iraq now?  But then she may know that he will not have to go because being a vice presidential candidates kid is like being the queen's son.  No, no, no, you cannot go to war young man.  Security is too hard to keep up with him.  Same as Biden's kid.
I want to hear from her on foreign policy, state policy, not just Alaskan policy.  And the pipeline is a pipedream that will not be available for 15 years or so and then it will only last for a year or so.  Too much for too little.  Hell no.  Spend the money on the Katrina victims that are still waiting to have their homes rebuilt.  Use it to take care of our crippled and irradiated soldiers.  There are many things that money could be used for.
But Palin believes that God tells others to kill his children.  Too scary for me.  And she is supposed to be a woman.  Isn't she?  She is a mother of five.  Isn't she?  No wonder she does not have a brain in her little confused head. 
Insanity is contagious, parents get it from their children.
Sheryl  Jackson
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