- On Friday, September 5, 2008, there will be an unprecedented
landmark television media blitz on ABC, CBS, and NBC to raise money to
fight cancer. The live, commercial-free fundraiser, sponsored by StandUp2Cancer.org,
will feature A-list Hollywood celebrities reminding viewers that 1,500
Americans die from cancer every day.
- The tax-deductible contributions will go to Stand
Up To Cancer, a tax-exempt charity of the Entertainment Industry Foundation.
Viewers will be urged to support "partners" of the event, such
as Lee jeans, Revlon, AOL, and others. The donations will go to
- selected "dream teams" of scientific researchers
"of the most visionary minds around."
- As far as I know, none of the money will help cancer
victims pay for cancer treatment.
- It is unlikely the media will inform the public that
last year the National Cancer Institute (NCI) spent 4.75 billion of taxpayer
money on cancer research, including 51 million on breast cancer research,
and 305 million on prostate cancer research. Since the so-called War
On Cancer began in 1971, the government has spent more then 40 billion
dollars on cancer research. Unfortunately, few Americans can now afford
treatment for serious forms cancer, unless they have adequate medical
- Despite the extensive transfer of cancer-causing viruses
and cancer tumors into various species of laboratory animals worldwide,
the War on Cancer ended in the early 1980s, as a total failure. What
was accomplished in 1971 was the marriage of the military biological warfare
establishment at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, to the cancer research establishment
at the NCI. When the Cancer Program ended, it was immediately followed
by the AIDS epidemic which broke out in gay men in 1981. Since that
time we have witnessed the emergence of new viral diseases, one notable
example being the mosquito-born West Nile Virus, previously confined to
Central Africa and now an endemic killer in many parts of America.
- What exactly has been accomplished in the search for
the cause and cure of cancer over the past century? Prostate cancer is
the leading cause of cancer in American men, killing 28,000 per year.
If a man lives long enough, it is believed that every man will eventually
develop prostate cancer. Yet, if he asks his doctor how to prevent prostate
cancer, or what causes prostate cancer, his doctor will not know.
- One of the reasons for the failure of the War on Cancer
is that physicians have completely ignored bacteria (not viruses) as a
cause of cancer. The idea that bacteria cause cancer is strictly taboo
in modern medical science. Researchers who have studied the "cancer
microbe" have always been professionally marginalized and sometimes
even actively persecuted. (Two notable examples of this are Raymond Royal
Rife's microscopic research showing bacteria in tumors; and the cancer
bacteria research of the "notorious" Wilhelm Reich, who was
sent to prison where he died in 1957.)
- In the late nineteenth century, William Russell, a famous
pathologist from Scotland, was the first to report "the characteristic
organism of cancer" in every cancer case he examined microscopically.
(See my Internet article, "The Russell body: The forgotten clue to
the bacterial cause of cancer".) Since Russell's first report in
1890, a small cadre of rogue scientists has continued this "cancer
microbe" research up to the present time.
- During the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, the most extensive cancer
microbe research was reported by physician Virginia Livingston, bacteriologist
Eleanor Alexander-Jackson PhD, cell cytologist Irene Dlller PhD, and
world famous biochemist and tuberculosis- researcher Florence Seibert PhD.
These four women were mentors in educating me about the TB-like bacteria
that lie at the root of cancer; and they painstakingly described the
appearance of these bacteria in cancerous tissue and in culture, yet their
revolutionary findings remain largely unknown and unrecognized to this
day. (See, my article "Virginia Livingston, M.D.: Cancer quack or
medical genius?" posted on the website of the Independent Cancer
Research Institute.)
- Fortunately, one can use the Internet to learn a great
deal about the pleomorphic (variously sized and shaped) bacteria, as well
as the virus-like, mycoplasma-like, and fungal-like forms of the cancer
microbe in cancer tissue and in laboratory culture. Livingston claimed
that everyone carries the type bacteria found in cancer. The fact that
all men eventually get prostate cancer may be a reflection of this concept.
- Details of the germ of cancer can be found in my books:
The Cancer Microbe, Four Women Against Cancer, and AIDS;The Mystery and
the Solution. My video presentation "The Cancer Microbe and the
Russell Body" can also be viewed on YouTube.com. Numerous microphotographs
of cancer bacteria , some of which can be blown up to full computer screen
size, can be studied at the www.joimr.org. website. Finally, abstracts
of some of my cancer microbe papers, as well as those of other cancer
microbe scientists can be viewed at the National Library of Medicine's
PubMed website.
- The microphotograph below shows bacteria that can be
observed in prostate cancer. Prior to my report, which was first posted
on the www.joimr.org website in 2004, there was little or no interest
in bacteria in this common male cancer. Fortunately, since then a few
adventurous researchers have confirmed this research. (See, "Even
more proof cancer is caused by bacteria", posted on rense.com on
- 2-23-08.)
- Why does the cancer establishment ignore cancer microbe
- Undoubtedly, the recognition and acceptance of cancer-causing
bacteria might cause chaos (and financial loss) among physicians who
routinely treat certain cancers with radiation and chemotherapy. The
reason for this is simple: treating cancer with radiation damages
healthy tissue; and chemo damages the immune system. If cancer were
proven to be an infection with bacteria, these methods would no longer
be considered ideal treatment for an infectious disease.
- It is possible that many people reading this posting
might deem it highly implausible and improbable for cancer microbes to
exist without being recognized by cancer experts and pathologists. However,
a careful study of the history of modern medicine indicates that a handful
of doctors and researchers (and sometimes just even one physician) can
be correct about a disease being caused by bacteria, while millions of
their colleagues believe otherwise. (There are about 1.5 million physicians
in the U.S.)
- For a century, doctors thought that bacteria could not
live in the acid environment of the stomach. Thus, in 1940, when pathologist
A. Stone Freedberg (using a special silver tissue stain) reported bacteria
in stomach ulcers, his discovery was ignored. Several
- decades later, bacterial infection finally became widely
accepted as the most common cause of stomach ulcers. Chronic ulcers can
also lead to stomach cancer. Two Australian researchers won the Nobel
Prize in Medicine in 2005 for proving that bacteria caused stomach ulcers.
- Because physicians do not believe in cancer microbes,
there is no orthodox treatment for cancer bacteria; and I have no recommendations.
However, if I were diagnosed with cancer I would insist on studying my
cancerous tissue to determine the presence of bacteria. Unfortunately,
one cannot totally rely on pathologists to do this because they generally
do not identify bacteria in cancer, nor do they employ the special "acid-fast"
tissue staining required to view these microbes more easily.
- One should not be surprised if the cancer establishment
eventually is forced to accept bacteria as a cause of cancer. However,
it is my belief that the public will probably have to educate the
doctors on cancer microbe research. A simple Google search of: "cancer
bacteria" and/or "cancer microbes" reveals a wealth of
information about these bacteria, all of which will be ignored by the
cancer charity asking for your donations to Stand Up To Cancer!
- So why is Hollywood again hustling the American public
for more money for cancer research when there is zero interest in cancer
bacteria? And at a time when people are struggling to pay medical bills
and accumulating medical debt at an increasing rate, this according to
a survey by the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation that supports
independent research on healthcare.
- When Hollywood calls on you to empty your wallet, my
advice is: "Just Say No."
- Save your money for the time when you or a family member
get an unfortunate diagnosis of cancer. You will then need every penny
you can muster up to pay for it; and don't look to Hollywood to help
you foot the medical bill.
- (Dr. Cantwell is a retired dermatologist. A full list
of his published scientific reports can be found at the PubMed website.
- His books on the cancer microbe are available through
Aries Rising Press (www.ariesrisingpress.com) and also through Amazon.com
and Book Clearing House @ 1-800-431-1579. Email: alancantwell@sbcglobal.net.)