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The Big Money Rip-Off
By The Ruling Class

By Greg Boone
Alright, I'm not going to get elaborate nor dish out big words nobody short of a Jeopardy contestant can comprehend, I'm just going to spit this out straight onto the fire and any chawback that hits me is my own responsibility.
With the advances in technology over the past 100 years one might have expected that we the United States of America and the global community might by now have figured out how to do things right. We have the technologies to grow food in any environment from arid deserts to frosty arctic plains the depths of the sea and most challenging the confines of spacecraft. We are industrious and can tackle any problem set before us it appears but when one looks at the sheer magnitude of the financial mess we're in one wonders how we could be so irresponsible.
It's not like there weren't enough people shouting from the mountain tops warning of the turn of events that led to this problem. The main problem is our mainstream news sources spent more time focusing on the mishaps of former child star Britney Spears and whatever celebrity who had life's roadblocks bring in the attention of the papparazzi. When professionals in the various fields of science and social economics and journalism chose to use the alternative press to bring these issues to the fore we were attacked, called names such as "conspiracy theorists" and "tin foil hatters" and other such indicators of their own feelings of inadequacy.
For the first time in history we've had outlets via the internet like websites and podcasts, radio, video that have proven to be ratings hits but you good folks out there that listened to us and tried to take measures to be responsible citizens found more roadblocks by political officials and their flunkies who had interests other than yours.
Without taking up too much space on good Jeff Rense's website so he can continue to bring you the stories the other news services fear, let me first validate Jeff's prophetic sense of journalism.
He's posted, time and time again - now going on 20 years - crucial stories the mainstream news wouldn't and won't touch because big money was behind the obstructions. From your health, to the corruption in government and the economy, to secret weapons and mass mind control, to your children's future,  to the strange and beyond, Jeff Rense and his site and program have put it all on the line for all of us, day after day, year in and year out. Read more at this link http://www.rense.com/aboutnew1.htm
The guests he's discovered and pioneered and brought to the fore range from top scientists and theorists in their fields, to multi-award winning authors, great journalists, artists and countless brilliant people from all walks of life.  Most recently, his coverage of the US and world financial crisis has featured extraordinary and often unprecedented analysis.  The list of Rense guests is enormous and probably unequalled  in radio history.
Sure, we don't always see eye to eye, but Jeff's efforts and those of his colleagues continue to challenge the big money gangsters and globalists without pause. Which brings me to something that dawned on me recently. It has to do with the economic nonsense we're in. We're pointing fingers in every direction and that's the first sign of the guilty. We're all responsible for what's happening now but what's most alarming is that when one looks at the corporations that are making a fortune where everything else is sinking faster than a cookie in a cup of hot tea we see that the oil/petroleum pals of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are rolling in dough! How'd that happen?
You mean to tell me that everyone this side of the Atlantic Ocean is going broke but not Bush and Cheney's pals. Would you like to bet that when things hit rock bottom they'll use their surplus to buy up everything they want on the low end? They've seen the world go into a fire sale and they're going to clean up?
Doesn't take that much brain power to figure this one out folks.
The surplus from the 1990's got eaten up by a war and the only people who have surplus money are the ones who started that war? China and Europe got taken for saps because as the U.S. economy falls so do their economies and guess who'll be there for the buyout on the down low?
You got it. See how this works? China got fooled into buying U.S. debt and anyone with any sense knows you don't buy debt because if the persons who are in debt were able enough they wouldn't be in debt in the first place. Anyone remember when Jesus beat up the money changers in the temple? Nothing like the Lord setting an example is there?
Don't invest in suppressive business exchanges. They'll bounce back at you and bite you in the butt.
Remember how when the U.S. hit Afghanistan we all thought the heroin and opium trade would come to a stop. Well there's a belly laugh for you. How do you not stop dope? It got so bad even the Russians and French complained. A hurricane shows up in the Gulf of Mexico and gas prices shoot through the roof. Some guy in Saudi Arabia stubs his toe on his DVD player and oil prices shoot through the roof, but we drop an entire army in Afganistan and dope comes flowing out of the country like they were growing the stuff with Jack the Giant Killer's magic beans.
So, sit down and think about it. Look at the people and corporations that are just wallowing in money and you'll find your culprits.
Now, stay tuned to the Jeff Rense Program and those websites, journals, newsletters of his guests because the fate of the free world is up for grabs and this time the world's going to pay more attention to the cries in the wilderness.
Best, Greg
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