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Pig, Thug Cops Taser Boy
With Broken Back 19 TIMES
Do Not Call The Police If In Need

By Judith Moriarty 
Over and over we read, or view TV, scenes of police beating citizens unmercifully - using tasers on them - breaking in the wrong apartment, with innocent citizens ending up dead etc. http://pictures.aol.com/ap/singleImage.do?pid=7360vT
View full size This young boy is in Intensive Care - Missouri - he didn't respond fast enough after a FALL - due to a broken back - so police shot him with a taser 19 times. IMAGINE that this boy was the nephew of President Bush - or the the son of the Missouri Governor - what do you think would be done with this rogue police? Once upon a time a police officer could be trusted to HELP you / now you have to FEAR for your life!! This could be your son.
It was recently announced that a man in Louisiana was tasered 9 times by polilce - and DIED. At 247lbs he couldn't get up fast enough! The taser was invented in a garage by two guys - the only TESTING done was on a PIG.
This weapon is very dangerous - in that it shocks the body with some 50,000 volts. A person on certain medications - medical conditions - a heart condition etc, can DIE for a damn misdemeanor. The Arizona Republic, is the one newspaper that has tracked these DEATHS - which are numerous --and mostly POOR - mentally ill - or BLACK.
Here you have a young boy - who is badly injured having fallen some 30 ft / he was incoherent / could not respond to commands to get up etc, because he had a BROKEN BACK. This just makes me ill.
I have worked in an institution, with extremely agitated - out of control residents. We were trained in crisis control --nobody gotten beaten up / we didn't have taser guns. I also worked for years in a soup kitchen - homeless shelter - on the streets as the director of a homeless program.
In these situations we dealt with persons high on crack - having a psychotic break - drunk - violent etc. One man had a machete for goodness sakes. NOT once did the police in this CT - city beat anybody senseless - kick them- beat them senseless, with their night sticks, or TASER them. No person EVER DIED ---THIS BARBARISM HAS GOT TO STOP. Article of this young boy BELOW --I will research Missouri newspapers - this police dept and send out contacts tomorrow - people have got to start speaking out on these killings.
Note - Taser deaths are PUBLIC EXECUTIONS...is that the real message of tasers?
There have been over 300 police exections of innocent civilians with tasers to date. -ed
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