- Over and over we read, or view TV, scenes of police
beating citizens unmercifully - using tasers on them - breaking in the
wrong apartment, with innocent citizens ending up dead etc. http://pictures.aol.com/ap/singleImage.do?pid=7360vT
- NUsMWRjP2mtOZoAfJiTxCgyYWkn9-Rv4xQp5Fd3Ig%3D
- View full size This young boy is in Intensive Care -
Missouri - he didn't respond fast enough after a FALL - due to a broken
back - so police shot him with a taser 19 times. IMAGINE that this boy
was the nephew of President Bush - or the the son of the Missouri Governor
- what do you think would be done with this rogue police? Once upon a
time a police officer could be trusted to HELP you / now you have to FEAR
for your life!! This could be your son.
- It was recently announced that a man in Louisiana was
tasered 9 times by polilce - and DIED. At 247lbs he couldn't get up fast
enough! The taser was invented in a garage by two guys - the only TESTING
done was on a PIG.
- This weapon is very dangerous - in that it shocks the
body with some 50,000 volts. A person on certain medications - medical
conditions - a heart condition etc, can DIE for a damn misdemeanor. The
Arizona Republic, is the one newspaper that has tracked these DEATHS -
which are numerous --and mostly POOR - mentally ill - or BLACK.
- Here you have a young boy - who is badly injured having
fallen some 30 ft / he was incoherent / could not respond to commands to
get up etc, because he had a BROKEN BACK. This just makes me ill.
- I have worked in an institution, with extremely agitated
- out of control residents. We were trained in crisis control --nobody
gotten beaten up / we didn't have taser guns. I also worked for years in
a soup kitchen - homeless shelter - on the streets as the director of a
homeless program.
- In these situations we dealt with persons high on crack
- having a psychotic break - drunk - violent etc. One man had a machete
for goodness sakes. NOT once did the police in this CT - city beat anybody
senseless - kick them- beat them senseless, with their night sticks, or
of this young boy BELOW --I will research Missouri newspapers - this police
dept and send out contacts tomorrow - people have got to start speaking
out on these killings.
- dthmoriarty@yahoo.com
- Note - Taser deaths are PUBLIC EXECUTIONS...is that
the real message of tasers?
- There have been over 300 police exections of innocent
civilians with tasers to date. -ed