- The Zapruder film is real. Zapruder was there to film
the event -- one more "laughing Israeli." He did not want
to make his presence known and so he kept his video secret all that time.
The film certainly had market value -- one must ask what reason Zapruder
could have for holding it back -- especially from the authorities. Clearly
an obsruction of justice. DO you think Zapruder knew fellow Zionist Jew
Jack Rubinstein, who was dying of cancer anyway, and had one more service
he could render the country he loved?
- The film is not faked and obviously you are posting your
attack on the video in defense of Fetzer who was instrumental, with John
Judge, in seeing that this new evidence was smothered under the pillow
of bogus "debunking" and studious ignoring and diverting to
other "no-plane-equivalent" theories.
- Here is what really what happened -- I'm giving you the
conclusions, not the multiple lines of evidence supporting all points:
- I have no investment in any explanation.
- At the moment, I think the following is the best explanation
of the facts established by photographic evidence and what reconciles
with witness the tendency of varying testimony.
- First, bombs went off inside the Pentagon. Minutes later
a single- engine aircraft or missile (I have suggested that this could
be a remote-controlled F-16 -- such a plane would fit the facts, as
would other possible single engine planes of fifty foot length or less)
hit between ground story and second story at column 14 -- and that this
plane may have been guided in by a trailor that was parked right along
the wall where at column 14 where the crash took place. Also, as indicated
by the missile smoke trail in the security camera video picture #1, a
missile was being fired by the "killer jet" as it approached
the building.
- This missile either went ahead of the plane to soften
the wall ahead of the crash or else it targeted someone inside the building
(perhaps a briefcase with a homing device) to make sure that this person
did not escape the attack. Also the trailer parked at column 14 may have
had explosives, because the damage near the gound at that location is
far too extensive given that the nose of the plane hit at the ceiling
of the first floor (i.e. i.e. the ceiling of ground-floor offices, the
floor of the second story.)
- Even after objects struck a black-op commando attack,
by infiltrated dual-citizenship "Pentagon personnel" including
Lincoln Leibner continued killing targeted individuals from naval intelligence,
from Pentagon auditing, to others who knew to much who were assigned to
that portion of the building that morning to get what the Zionist plotters
had coming to them.
- View this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=KQ_g1buWhAA Then
read this article by Barbara Honegger. http://www.thehandstand.org/archive/
september2006/articles/911second.htm Remember -- I am not trying to
convince you -- I am merely stating my conclusions.
- To summarize these conclusions: Assassination bombs
killed people inside the Pentagon minutes before before the crash. The
van at column 14 may have exploded as the larger of two flying objects
hit there and a smaller missile entering to the right of column 19 on
the second floor. Thus on the second floor we have two holes. The one
where the larger object took out column 14 and the windows to the right
and left of column 14 and the other that went through the window to
the left of column 19 and knocked off limestone facing on column 19 (although
there is some damage to column that is not explained as I showed).
- The damage near the ground of column 14 is too much
if the plane hit at the ceiling of the first floor. Remember, the engines
hang a few feet lower than the fuselage and so there should be more damage
near the ground floor where the engine hit than where the fuselage hit.
This is not the case. I suggest that the white trailer that was parked
also contained explosives -- possibly simple "flash powder"
to create bright white initial flash that would -- like a flash bulb --
momentarily blind witnesses so they would not actually see the Boeing
fly over the building as the smaller and much faster two objects hit the
building below.
- People who threatened this Israel-directed black op against
the US for the purpose of getting Americans to spend blood and treasure
killing Israel's innocent Moslem neighbors were assigned by high-up infiltrated
black-op agents to offices in the targeted southwest wedge -- and where
bombs and missiles did not kill them commando attacks finished the job.
Rumsfeld ordered that no rescue go into the building -- see the research
of Carol Valentine and Elmer Lane.
- The only Fakes are the no-planers and the ray-gun disinformation
smoke-screen operatives who are obstructing justice in the greatest treason
conspiracies of all time.
- Dick Easman
- Yakima, Washington
- oldickeastman@q.com
- http://youtube.com/watch?v=mcWT2lQszEE
- ----- Original Message -----
- From: New World OrderLies
- Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 8:14 AM
- Subject:
- More Faked Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination
- The Zapruder Film
- http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/385.html
- 9/11 in 1963
- Most people assume the famous "Zapruder film"
showing the moment John F. Kennedy was shot is an accurate portrayal of
what happened. What many don't know is that even before digital video it
was possible to alter moving picture images.
- And the Zapruder films shows extensive signs of having
been doctored. Manipulation of moving pictures is another similarity between
the Kennedy assassination and the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.
- .