- Inflation has done great damage to Americans
- it robs the middle class of its savings. But inflation can be a good
thing for the country, for almost all Americans, depending on certain
other things. Please let me explain, because no other concept in economics
is as important at the moment for us to understand.
- Yes, prices are going up -- but it is not because of
too many dollars IN THE HANDS OF AMERICANS chasing too few goods -- rather
the prices of food and oil are high because of monopoly pricing by oil
and agribusiness, by flight from dollars to the agricultural and minerals
(copper etc.) futures markets.
- Right now the American people are crushed by debt, loss
of jobs, loss of their businesses, loss of their homes -- because of lack
of purchasing power.
- Now loss of purchasing power and inflation and wages
and debt burden all must be considered together when asking whether inflation
is desirable or not.
- Let me spell it out.
- If prices go up and if wages go up -- wage-prices-balanced
inflation -- then purchasing power is not lost and people are as well
off after the price increase as before.
- At the same time, if people have a tremendous debt burden
owed to predatory finance capitalists -- i.e., obligations to pay back
their loans at high rates of compound interest -- then they definitley
benefit from inflation that reduces the burden of that debt upon them.
- As Calvin Coolidge one pointed out, inflation is debt
repudiation -- and in 2008 debt repudiation without invoving the sheriff
in foreclosures and collection agencies is what this country needs.
- It was through criminal manipulation of markets that
the lords of high finance engineered the debt crisis, the dollar crisis
and the monopoly pricing catastrophe we are now suffering through. It
is altogether right and proper that GOOD INFLATION be introduced to remedy
the current crisis. Good inflaion is the expansion of money and credit
in the hands of the public so they can bid against the foreigners buying
up our money.
- Good inflation redistrubites purchasing power from the
manipulating internationalist reditor-class crime syndicate and the holders
of all of dolalrs internationally (the multinational corporations and
drug lords and the China slave-labor masters etc.) -- by diminishing
drain on purchasing power that the IOU's they hold represents. For imaginary
example, if in the year 3010 a man owes 100,000 Euros which is enough
to buy a new car -- if inflation comes along with a commensurate wage
increase so that the debt of 100,000 Euros is only the burden of purchasing
power to buy a bag of groceries -- then the debtor has gotten has had
the debt lifted.
- Today everyone is crushed by debt. Clearly the system
has been biased to favor the creditor class. The monetary policies and
the reglatory structure of the finacial system as allowed the bankers
too much advantage -- so that they have put everyone in the country
in debt to themselves. Inflation is the only corrective to the problem
-- without a revolution that will replace the entire system with a social
credit system.
- Remember, it is wrong to call a these price increases
"inflation" when the cause is monopoly pricing. People need
to distinguish between "Price inflation" and "inflation
of the money supply".
- "Price inflation is an increase in prices -- but
it does not necessarily mean that the majority of Americans are worse
off if there is also "wage inflation" to keep pace with it.
And the third concept "money supply inflation" is a good thing
because it is the only thing that will reduce the disastrous mountain
of debt that the financial elites have contrived to place on the backs
of almost every American household that can obtain any credit at all.
- The International Bankers are dead set against "money
supply inflation" ("MSI" in Eastmanian economics) although
they are cheerfully giving us "Price Inflation ("PI") and
wage deflation (through very tight money and credit for almost all American
households) -- but when MSI serves their purposes they have always
been happy to inflict it upon us. WHen the American people still had
a lot of savings after the 1950s and 1960s they robbed those savings
through high inflation under Fed Chairmen Burns and especially Miller
(sort of the GWBush of Fed Chairmen) -- and when our savings were eaten
up they switched to deflation under Volker -- because by then we had no
savings and they had all of the IOUs and so deflation served their purposes.
And then there was the German hyperinflation. After World War One the
German people had tremendous savings and savings bonds. The victors --
international finance -- then simply arranged for massive MSI -- bad
inflation from the standpoint of most German households -- to rob them
of the savings, to rob them of their claims on future production.
- Therefore, we see that the financial elite use MSI to
rob the middle class when the middle class have savings and they oppose
it when the financial elite hold IOU's (negative savings for us).
- But is is exactly after the parasites have taken everyting
and we are all debt slaves that real money supply inflation (MSI) can
save the people. The new money in the hands of the people reduces their
debt burden. It allows them to bid against the foreign-held dollars that
are now pouring in to buy out our lands, businesses, homes, roads and
bridges, ports and airports etc. etc. And whether we get good MSI inflation
right now to save us as a nation -- or whether we get "inflation
fighting" tightening of the domestic money supply -- or even the
most sinister plot of all, a switch to a gold standard so that the debtors
must repay their compound-interest debt in gold.
- So don't confuse the need of lots of new purchasing power
in the hands of the public -- with the problem of the fact that foreigners
no longer want to lend us money to feed ourselves -- isn't it amazing
how the Zio-cons set up this arrangement -- putting the whole country
on international welfare all these years -- which they knew we (not them)
would eventually have to pay by selling foreigners everything of value
in this country!!! We need MSI -- good inflation -- immediately. This
will enable the people to fight back against monopoly pricing and debt
enslavement. To get this solution is a political problem, not an economic
one. It is politics, not laws of market economics that prevents this
from happening. The Money Power is using the laws of economics to plunder
and enslave us -- just as the laws of Chemistry are used to by the Chemist
who wants to poison his wife so he can marry his girlfiend. Right now
the Money Power controls the military and the police and the courts and
the leglislature, because their monopoly of credit has made the the owners
of all of it -- and the social hierarchy consisting of the wage slaves,
the debt slaves and the court prostitutes of law, corporate business,
government and politics.
- We can only get the remedy of good inflation if we exert
political power to get it -- something no one has really tried since
Lousiana backed Huey Long.
- May I suggest, ladies of America, on this 4th of July
that we -- at this late hour -- that you exercise your voting majority,
announce your rejection of all current candidates unless they switch
alligence and back the welfare of American households.
- Dick Eastman
- Yakima, Washington
- Please pass on the above message, #1 in the series
- The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Populism
- (Have a Glorious Populist 4th of July!)