- The Trilateral Commission plans to invite China and India
to join them next year, according to the Sankei Newspaper, one of Japan's
leading dailies. http://sankei.jp.msn.com/world/america/080510/amr0805101854009-n1.htm
- In an article dated May 10th, 2008, that somehow slipped
under my radar screen, the paper, citing un-named Trilateral Commission
sources, says many Trilateralists have been complaining in recent years
that the commission should disbanded because, without India and China involved,
it had become meaningless.
- As a result of these complaints, it was decided at the
April Trilateral meeting in Washington to invite China and India the club.
- "Adding India and China to the commission will be
an event of world historical importance," the paper quotes Masa Yamamoto,
a Tokyo-based Trilateral commissioner, as saying.
- Both Japanese and US Trilateral commission members have
told me in the past the commission was becoming irrelevant. The Japanese
members complained that the US and European members never took their advice
and so that Japan was beginning to distance itself from the organization.
- The Trilateral Commission was set up by David Rockefeller
in 1973 because the members of the Bilderberg group refused to let Japanese
join their club for racist reasons, commission members say.
- The move to invite China and India to their club is probably
too little, too late, given the rise of a world-wide anti-Rothschild alliance.
However, taken in conjunction with the recent firing of Bush-Cheney linked
Air Force Generals, the firing of Carl Rove, the resignation of Donald
Rumsfeld etc. it may be that David Rockefeller has decided to make a move
against the EU-based Rothschild faction of the Western secret government.
In that case plans to create a world religion and a EU-based world government
are doomed. We could be seeing the end of Zionist world control. Stay tuned.
- Benjamin Fulford