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Herr Bush's Paraguayan Liquid Gold
Herr Bush's Paraguayan Liquid
Gold: Making Billions On Ignorance,
Apathy, Death & Self-Fulfilling Policy

By Dr. Ed
The current internet chatter distracting our brave and freedom loving American citizens from action to return our stolen Constitutional rights is the fact that Herr Bush has currently purchased 99,000 acres in Paraguay. Unfortunately, even most of those that know some of the truths regarding our government's abuses of power believe posting on the internet is activism. It seems there is no real action until our citizens have conc rns about their immediate comforts. This purchase by Heir Bush shows that American comforts are in for a big surprise.
Most economists will tell you oil is the key to great financial wealth. A few others will tell you that gold is the only commodity one needs to purchase. Herr Bush knows that very shortly there is only one real commodity that will soar in price and has proven it with his Paraguay purchase. Herr Bush's ranch sits on top of the Guarani Aquifer System. The Guarani Aquifer system is the largest fresh water system in South America. It may be the largest safe aquifer in the world - the worlds largest - the Ogallala aquifer of the Great Plains is currently being drained.
Future water supply must come from an underground under developed, smaller population and non nuclear nation. Surface water is being contaminated worldwide. Underground water is being contaminated worldwide. Neither of the previously cited links mentions the most hazardous water contamination. All of the nuclear nations have tremendous amounts of radioactive water in storage some of it since the mid 1950s. Just one site's leaking tanks are noted inHanford. There are hundreds more of these known sites in the US and thousands more worldwide. One site pumped 4 billion gallons of radioactive waste into the ground and raised the groundwater level by 20 to 30 feet. Several years ago there were at least 2 trillion gallons of contaminated ground water in the US. US abandons most radioactive waste disposal and leaves nuclear waste in clandestine  limbo. Uranium mining is contaminating even more areas.
Global warming and rising oceans are now accepted facts that can no longer be concealed. In 2005 and 2006, glacial and polar ice has been melting at a speed approximately three times faster than anticipated. Predictions of a complete melt of the arctic ice cap with a rise in the oceans of 20 feet have accelerated and are now estimated by 2060. These estimates do not take into account the acceleration of the warming process that is taking place. Historical references show that based on these rising temperatures the oceans rising levels will take place faster than anticipated by theory. A twenty foot rise in ocean levels is essentially unstoppable. Time will only tell if we can stop the antarctic complete loss of ice that will bring about a rise in the oceans of 213 feet. This rise in sea level will contaminate many low lying underground water reservoirs with saline.
Herr Bush is going to make another killing, financially and literally. It's easy to make money when you know and control all the national security secrets. Almost all of the industrialized and nuclear nations are already buying bottled water for safe consumption. Water is not far from becoming liquid gold. You can't survive on oil or gold.
The people of the world have done nothing for decades except for blind obedience in ignorance of the facts. We deserve what we get. Unfortunately, and as usual, our children will suffer the worst devastation. Maybe they will be the generation that cares and acts on government's abuses for a return rights and information to The People.
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