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Making 'Hate Criminals' -
With No Law Broken

By Rev. Ted Pike 
In the US, our First Amendment guarantees free speech. Because of this and determined opposition, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, architect of U.S. hate laws, has been frustrated in attempts to pass a federal hate and speech crime law. Yet, ADL has not given up. Through bias and hate crime laws on the state and local levels, this enormously powerful and persuasive Jewish activist group still aggressively erodes freedom of speech for Americans, especially Christians and conservatives.
  ADL has persuaded lawmakers to pass bias and hate crimes legislation by saying these laws would not affect freedom of speech. This worked in Canada. In 1971, the northern branches of ADL, the Canadian Jewish Congress and B'nai B'rith Canada, convinced Parliament to enact their federal "anti-hate" law (The Canadian Human Rights Act). They assured MP's that there were adequate restraints in the law to preserve freedom of speech. Yet the supposed "checks and balances" proved a sham. 
  In Canada today, there is no protection for anyone accused of expressing public, verbal "hatred or contempt" for members of a federally protected group (especially homosexuals, Jews, or Muslims). A homosexual "victim" needs only to persuade a single hearings officer that his feelings were hurt; truth is not admitted as evidence, and his critic will be found guilty as a hate criminal. First offenses average a $5000 fine. No one so accused in Canadian hate crimes tribunals has ever been acquitted.
Phase One: Passing Hate Laws
  In order to persuade wary US legislators to pass hate laws, ADL assures them that hateful or contemptuous speech is not itself a hate crime. To be a hate crime, ADL says "bias" must motivate a violation of established law, i.e. traditional English law. Only then can police and courts pursue a hate crime charge. ADL says this definition of a hate crime is so protective of free speech that no American will ever be prosecuted for a speech crime under ADL hate laws.
  As in Canada, 45 U.S. state legislatures were satisfied that ADL only wanted to punish actual crime, not speech. They trustingly enacted ADL hate laws-just like parliaments in Canada, most European countries, Australia and New Zealand.
  Having passed the Canadian hate law in 1971, ADL/B'nai B'rith were confident they could enact its American equivalent, the federal Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 1998. As in Canada, they wanted to suddenly entrap Americans in a hate crimes vise, initiating hate crimes indictments throughout America from the federal level. This lockdown on free speech, buttressed by Jewish-dominated big media, would be virtually impossible to repeal. (See, <http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/jewsconfirmbigmedia.html>Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish) 
  Yet ADL did not expect dogged, long-term educational and legislative opposition, largely from the National Prayer Network (<http://www.truthtellers.org/>www.truthtellers.org). Now, ten years later and after five defeats in Congress, a frustrated ADL is far behind schedule, deprived of an all-empowering federal hate law. (See, <http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/unsungheroes.htm>Unsung Heroes of Hate Bill Defeat)
Phase Two: Indicting Speech
  Defeated in attempts to pass a federal hate law, ADL is now moving forward aggressively with hate and bias crimes prosecutions on state, county, and municipal levels. ADL has permeated these strata of our society with extensive "anti-bias" education programs for at least 40 years.
  ADL still attempts to persuade members of Congress that a federal hate law will never threaten free speech. But on the local level, ADL is already doing the opposite: fast-forwarding prosecution of Christians for speech crimes alone. In the US, we now see ADL-educated state, county, and city officials making Canadian-style laws. They indict individuals who have not committed criminal acts ­ not according to traditional law. Consider:
In 2004, eleven Christians were arrested in Philadelphia for the "hate crime" of singing "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord" and holding up signs with Scripture verses condemning homosexuality, even though they violated no law. (See, <http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/philadelphiapursuescharges.html>Philadelphia Pursues "Hate Crimes" Charges Against Christians)
California's recently passed anti-discrimination law, S.B.777, bans verbal expression of bias against homosexuality in public education. It makes this an offense worthy of dismissal of a teacher, expulsion of a student, or a lawsuit. Expressing moral opposition to homosexuality is now a "hate crime" in California, even though it violates no traditional law. (See, <http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/howbiblebecamehate.htm>How the Bible Became 'Hate Speech' in California)
In New Mexico, a photographer and his wife were found guilty of a "hate crime" for refusing to photograph same-sex couples; they were fined $6600. Their "crime of bias" violated no law. (See, <http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=68693>New Mexico accused of violating 'free exercise' of religion)
The Colorado legislature just approved S.B.200. This law says no business can criticize or discriminate against anyone because of their "perceived" sexual orientation. Penalty for violation: one year in prison. Again, a hate crime without violation of established law. (See, <http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=68542>Legislator: Law allows banishment of Bible)
  These are only a few examples of the many bias and hate crimes charges being leveled in the US without violation of traditional law. 
  Some cases derive authority from recently passed, phony bias crime laws. Many U.S. states have passed ADL's "workplace discrimination" laws. They indict any employer or property owner who discriminates against homosexuals in sales, rentals, or hiring and firing. Again, such individuals become criminals not for violating a just law established over the past 5000 years, but for violating a politically biased law probably passed in the last two years. 
  ADL/B'nai B'rith want to make Christians and freedom-loving Americans into hate criminals simply for holding to Constitutional rights and Biblical values they can't compromise. For example, the ADL's "Office of Global Anti-Semitism" in the U.S. State Department now transforms tens of millions of Christians who inflexibly believe the New Testament into "classic anti-Semites." (See, <http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/bibleishatesaysusgov.htm>Bible is Hate, says U.S. Government) The moral principles of conservative Christians are mis-defined as evil and "hateful;" the ultimate goal is to remove Christian influence from society. 
Paralysis of the Church
  Incredibly, the church and its leaders remain determined to not criticize those who foment such persecution - the evil leaders and activists of "God's chosen people." Christians fear being labeled "anti-Semitic." They remain immobile, indecisive, even as Biblically prophesied persecution begins.
  This cannot be God's will.  
  America, unique in the world's history, was founded by Christian believers as a bastion of religious and political freedom. If the American church had guarded this heritage by speaking out, in specific terms, against anti-Christian Jewish activist groups, such as ADL, People for the American Way, Southern Poverty Law Center, ACLU, etc., we would not be losing our freedom of speech today. (See, <http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/acluheavywithjews.html>ACLU Top Heavy with Jews) Instead, the church languishes in the bondage of a self-imposed restriction not to criticize and identify the very Jewish media and "civil liberties" activists who seek to destroy her.
  Since the church has willingly allowed one hand to be tied behind her back, it is little wonder that, although she seeks to escape the "hate crimes" noose being tightened around her, she cannot. As long as evangelicals do not love the whole truth enough to speak it, and instead protect those who seek its ruin, how can they escape?
  As a result, no longer sharing characteristics of the noble and mighty eagle, the church now owns the traits and possible fate of a much less empowered, vulnerable bird:
  The sitting duck.
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