- Recently, a reader sent me data on air tests performed
in the Phoenix area. These charts show a number heavy metals are present
in the environment at levels far exceeding the safe toxic level standards
for human health. The person who performed the air sampling had it analyzed
by a professional laboratory, and has asked for confidentiality. Exact
location in Phoenix of the samples collected and names involved will not
be disclosed in this report.
- I have personally seen the actual report with the name
of the person who and location where air was sampled and the name of the
testing laboratory, and certify that the report appears authentic.
- Scans of the report provided to me of laboratory results
were sent as files of more than 1MB in size each. Each chart has been reduced
in size here to fit on your screen by this author. One chart was rotated
for proper orientation but has not been altered in any other way.
- a. Air was sampled through an air filter which operated
approximately 4 hours during the day and 4 hours after sunset for 28 days.
- b. Method used by the test laboratory was defined as
"ICP scan, inorganic analysis."
- c. Short columns in the charts indicate the maximum safe
level for a given metal.
- Tall columns are the measured amounts found in the filter
for a given metal.
- d. MCL = Maximum Containment Level
- e. Chart values are shown in parts per billion. To convert
any reading to parts per million (which is often more convenient for a
mental comparison) simply drop three zeroes from any value shown on any
- f. I have provided the calculations on how many times
each metal is over each toxic health limit. For example, in Fig. 1 barium
is 278 times (or 278x) higher than the toxic health limits set by federal
- Fig 1 In this chart we see that barium is 278x
the toxic limit, copper is 98x the toxic limit, manganese is a staggering
5,820x the toxic limit and zinc is 593x the toxic limit
- Noteworthy here is that manganese is an element commonly
found in the environment and soil in small quantities. However, manganese
is also a toxic element. This element is the black electrolyte material
found in batteries (dry cell types) before the advent of alkaline batteries
took over the battery market. Manganese is still used in cheap batteries
and commonly provided with remote controls.
- Barium, copper and zinc are also heavy metals. Copper
and zinc are used by the human body's metabolism but only in very small
amounts. Barium is a common contrast agent used for X-ray diagnostic imaging,
but it is not used in powder form. It is suspended in a liquid form for
contrast enhancement of X-rays to outline digestive tract soft tissue.
- Barium and aluminum (more on aluminum later) are commonly
found in chemtrail fallout. These two compounds were also described by
Dr. Teller in his weather modification paper as two possible agents that
could be spread by aircraft into the upper atmosphere. His intention was
to use them as reflective agents for sunlight in an effort to reduce global
- However, anyone who has ever been inside a tent an hour
or more after the sun comes up on a cool day knows it will get hot inside
quite fast. It could be that Teller's theory is flawed, and that instead
of reflecting the sunlight barium and aluminum are accelerating global
warming. After several decades of chemtrail spraying weather records clearly
show our planet is not cooling off. In the spring of 2008, the US army
announced the problem is with the Sun and that global warming is not directly
caused by civilization.
- Fig 2 Here we see that cadmium is 126x the toxic
limit, chromium is 282x the toxic limit and nickel is 169x the toxic limit.
Note that the permissible amount of Cadmium in the environment is equivalent
to a tiny ten parts per billion.
- These metals are commonly used for steel manufacturing
and electro- plating. All are toxic in significant amounts.
- Fig. 3 Here aluminum is a staggering 6,400x the
toxic limit, iron is 28,000x the toxic limit, magnesium is 5.3x the toxic
limit, potassium is 793x the toxic limit and sodium is 15.9x the toxic
- According to the reader providing the data, for unknown
reasons aluminum results are commonly provided by an "out of state
test lab." It's also interesting that of all the contaminants, aluminum
had the highest reading of all metals over the safe toxic limit by 6,400x.
I will not comment here on my opinion as to who may run that lab or the
data source, but will leave that to the reader's imagination. As bad as
aluminum being 6,400 times the toxic limit it may also be that the actual
level of aluminum is far higher than what we see here.
- Although physically lighter in weight than steel or other
metals, aluminum is still considered a heavy metal. Like Teflon®, aluminum
is very difficult to remove from the human body.
- It is also well known that for unknown reasons, aluminum
has been found in higher than normal concentrations in the brains of deceased
Alzheimer's patients. It is also known that Alzheimer's disease is on the
rise. Perhaps finally a connection can be made here as to the source of
the illness, but more science would need to be done to confirm this. A
correlation between aluminum levels in the air for various cities and Alzheimer's
statistics needs to be made. This is outside the scope of this report.
- Clearly, there must be a source for these very high levels
of heavy metals in the Phoenix environment. It could very well be a direct
result of chemtrail spraying, since the trails have been commonly seen
in the sky over Phoenix and other cities. If these levels are elevated
in Phoenix's air, it may stand to reason that the same problem is happening
all over the country elsewhere. It's quite possible that these various
metals are elevated in different amounts in the air over other cities.
More tests like this are needed for other cities, with air sampling and
analysis performed in the exact same way to allow proper correlation.
- I strongly suspect that once this report is public and
those behind the chemtrail spraying see this, obtaining similar laboratory
tests in the future may become more difficult. A cover-up may even take
place if certain corporate or government interests are threatened by this
- Anyone having similar air tests performed by a laboratory
in the future should stay at the test lab for as long as it takes, and
watch the test results as they are obtained from start to finish. If they
will not permit this then find another reputable laboratory. Leaving the
laboratory and returning for the report, or accepting an email of the test
results is not wise. It may result in altered or lost test results
- These lab tests could serve as a rough guide as what
to expect from air tests in other cities. For example, if aluminum or barium
levels are stated as near normal for lab tests of air in other large cities,
those results should be suspect. I would not recommend that an entire air
filter be given to any one test lab, but rather carefully collected samples
that have not touched by human hands from the filter. Laboratories only
need very small samples to complete an analysis. This will allow the tests
to be performed by other laboratories in the event of suspect results.
- If anyone is interested in air collection details such
as flow rate in cubic feet per minute, air filter size or other details
to duplicate this test, I will try to provide them.
- Ted Twietmeyer
- www.data4science.net
- tedtw@frontiernet.net
- Comment
- From Kimberly Dawley
- National Institute of Health / PubMed indexed for Medline
- Mark Purdey
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez? cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=15082100&query_hl=2
- 1: Med Hypotheses. 2004;62(5):746-54. Links
- Chronic barium intoxication disrupts sulphated proteoglycan
- synthesis: a hypothesis for the origins of multiple sclerosis.
- High level contamination by natural and industrial sources
of the alkali earth metal, barium (Ba) has been identified in the ecosystems/workplaces
that are associated with high incidence clustering of multiple sclerosis
(MS) and other neurodegenerative diseases such as the transmissible spongiform
encephalopathies (TSEs) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Analyses
of ecosystems supporting the most renowned MS clusters in Saskatchewan,
Sardinia, Massachusetts, Colorado, Guam, NE Scotland demonstrated consistently
elevated levels of Ba in soils (mean: 1428 ppm) and vegetation (mean: 74
ppm) in relation to mean levels of 345 and 19 ppm recorded in MS-free regions
adjoining. The high levels of Ba stemmed from local quarrying for Ba ores
and/or use of Ba in paper/foundry/welding/textile/oil and gas well related
industries, as well as from the use of Barium as an atmospheric aerosol
spray for enhancing/refracting the signaling of radio/radar waves along
military jet flight paths, missile test ranges, etc.
- "an atmospheric aerosol spray for enhancing/refracting
the signaling of radio/radar waves along military jet flight paths, missile
test ranges, etc. "
- Comment:
- This National Institute of Health document just described
the U.S. Navy barium chemtrail aerosol program called:
- "Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation"
- sub program,
- within the
- "Radio Frequency Mission Planner"
- U.S. Navy warfare system
- (The chemtrail aerosol spraying program began with the
top secret U.S. Navy RFMP/VTRPE aerosol program, spraying a mixture of
barium into our atmosphere from aircraft. The chemtrail program is associated
- Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.)
- "atmospheric aerosol spray for enhancing/refracting
the signalling of radio/radar waves along military jet flight paths, missile
test ranges, etc."
- (RFMP/VTRPE Barium Chemtrail aerosol was first reported
in the Washington,D.C., Spotlight Newspaper / American Free Press by senior
reporter Mike Blair.)
- The NIH article continues:
- It is proposed that chronic contamination of the biosystem
with the reactive types of Ba salts can initiate the pathogenesis of MS;
due to the conjugation of Ba with free sulphate, which subsequently deprives
the endogenous sulphated proteoglycan molecules (heparan sulfates) of their
sulphate co partner, thereby disrupting synthesis of S-proteoglycans and
their crucial role in the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling which
induces oligodendrocyte progenitors to maintain the growth and structural
integrity of the myelin sheath. Loss of S-proteoglycan activity explains
other key facets of MS pathogenesis; such as the aggregation of platelets
and the proliferation of superoxide generated oxidative stress. Ba intoxications
disturb the sodium- potassium ion pump--another key feature of the MS profile.
The co- clustering of various neurodegenerative diseases in these Ba- contaminated
ecosystems suggests that the pathogenesis of all of these diseases could
pivot upon a common disruption of the sulphated proteoglycan-growth factor
mediated signalling systems. Individual genetics dictates which specific
disease emerges at the end of the day.
- PMID: 15082100 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
- http://www.markpurdey.com/mark_purdey.htm
- Italian Chemtrails Lab Report
- 6-15-8
- BABELFISH / ENGLISH: Chemtrails: Inquiry in Molise
- Chemtrails: Inchiesta in Molise
- Chemical analysis of the snow. 20 December 2007
- Article published in the daily paper of Molise. 8 February
- Interview of independent investigators in the course
of the television news of Telemolise
- BABELFISH / ENGLISH: Public studies were carried out
from Gianni relative to environmental conditions in the Molise region
of Italy. A laboratory analysis was made and repeated private surveyings
in support of the campaign against the (Chemtrails) Wakes Chemistries.
The precious contribution of the independent city investigators worried
for the health of their own beloveds and the entire ecosystem would fill
up the first pages of national journalistic heads. A job that rewards,
the will to tell the truth in spite of institutional accomplices and corruption.
- I ministeri della salute e dell'ambiente utilizzano armi
ambientali per ledere la salute dei propri connazionali, inconsapevoli
vittime di questi crimini contro l'umanità. Vorrei ringraziare
Gianni e Nicola per aver intrapreso questa battaglia locale, sperando
che possa suscitare interesse fra voi lettori e fra coloro che vorranno
dare risalto alla notizia. Sarebbe bello che questa indagine fosse citata
nei maggiori blog relativi al problema, essa rappresenta la partecipazione
attiva del cittadino contro uno Stato che ignora i diritti fondamentali
- BABELFISH / ENGLISH: The Ministries of Health and Atmosphere
offend the health of their own compatriots, unconscious victims of these
crimes against humanity. I would want Gianni and Nicholas to have undertaken
this local battle, hoping that it can provoke interest between you readers
and those who will want to give prominence to the news. It would be beautiful
if this survey was cited in greater blogs relative to the problem. It
represents the active participation of the citizen against a State that
ignores the fundamental rights of all man.
- I ministeri della salute e dell'ambiente utilizzano armi
ambientali per ledere la salute dei propri connazionali, inconsapevoli
vittime di questi crimini contro l'umanità. Vorrei ringraziare
Gianni e Nicola per aver intrapreso questa battaglia locale, sperando
che possa suscitare interesse fra voi lettori e fra coloro che vorranno
dare risalto alla notizia. Sarebbe bello che questa indagine fosse citata
nei maggiori blog relativi al problema, essa rappresenta la partecipazione
attiva del cittadino contro uno Stato che ignora i diritti fondamentali
- http://www.ecplanet.com/canale/ecologia-6/ scie_chimiche-144/1/0/40050/it/ecplanet.rxdf
- Lab report (see below) :
- Alluminio = Aluminum
- Bario = Barium
- Silice = Silica
