- ....Because that's what it's going to take to bail out
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac...
- But, not to worry! Our fearless leaders can simply order
the Treasury Dept. to print it up and we can borrow it back with interest
from the not-so-Federal Reserve! Makes perfect voodoo-economic sense to
- My only other issue with the otherwise acerbic NY Times
article linked below is it's half-hearted attempt to make excuses for the
actions of the Federal Reserve under the tenure of Lord Greenspan.
- Despite what we are told ad-nauseam by the press...The
actions of the Fed under the Marionette hand of "Sir" Greenspan
were NOT erroneous. Greenspan (and the shadowy clique of International
Banksters who pulled his strings) knew EXACTLY what they were doing. (And...This
aint the first time, Virginia)
- What we see happening now is just part of the same old
plan. You will notice that the Fed is now rushing forward to be an integral
part of the "solution"! How selfless and considerate of them!
Are we grateful yet?
- Of course we are!...The gullible American Sheeple will
bleat thankfully as they follow their Judas-Goat leadership all the way
to the Bankster's final solution.
- Perhaps, from a historical point of view.. its all for
the best. Somebody needs to end this charade and finally put Lassie out
of her misery! It's painful to watch the betrayed trust of the doe-eyed
old girl continue to limp on so faithfully.
- -Cliff Mickelson
- http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/13/business/13gret.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&oref=slog
- in&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss&pagewanted=all&adxnnlx=1215965271-vZOAV+
- pGspTEabBN1JpfMg