- The title does not refer to a people, to a religion or
to a race; it refers to a twisted cult of Zealots that seek nothing less
than to enslave the world. They call themselves Zionists, and they have
attracted millions of followers the world over to their creed that worships
money and power to the exclusion of all else.
- They are not Semites, they are evil incarnate and they
live by draining the life-force from others of their kind in a satanic
celebration of Greed and Envy that uses hate and bigotry, along with racism,
to utterly destroy their enemies regardless of race, creed or national
- These Zionists represent the most dangerous thing that
the human race has ever faced, and unless we begin to find ways to drive
these bestial savages back into oblivion, then we are doomed.
- Zionists tend to be secretive, but they are not secret.
If you have a U.S. one-dollar bill, then you have been notified of their
supremacy in the 'natural order' of all things American: Because they have
placed themselves inside the Great Seal of the United States of America,
above the Eagle, where they have enclosed the thirteen stars of the original
colonies within their six-pointed Star of David.
- This should not be confused with the religious symbol
of Israel, even though that was the intended purpose long before there
was a 'State of Israel.' What it stands for here is absolute control over
the power of the United States and by extension the World: Because the
symbol for Zionism has captured the thirteen stars of the original thirteen
colonies, and whatever power they might symbolize in the 'American' Eagle
and its olive branch or its arrows: All the potential might that this US
Seal sought to convey, is redirected by the imposition of Zionism in both
the Great Seal and on US currency, which is now known the world over. In
1913 - After the financial panics of 1893 and 1907, the Federal Reserve
Act of 1913 was passed. It created the Federal Reserve System as the nation's
central bank to regulate the flow of money and credit for economic stability
and growth. The system was authorized to issue Federal Reserve Notes, now
the only U.S. currency produced.
- In 1929 - Currency was reduced in size by twenty-five
percent and standardized with uniform portraits on the faces and emblems
along with the monuments on the backs." This tells us how long Zionism
has been a real problem in the modern world, but this is not the issue,
it's only the backdrop.
- Zionism is not like other cults or national movements.
Zionism is not limited to any one group of people, to any one belief system
or to any specific area of interest-it is truly a universal evil- something
that some might call a philosophy yet it is far larger than that. This
concept is a massive parasite that actively seeks to destroy anything that
willingly or unwillingly serves as a host for its plans and designs: anything
that comes between what it has and what it wants. It will use any religion,
any philosophy, or any 'people' to obtain its long-term goals. Along the
way it sows dissention, racial and religious hatreds among the whole range
of human belief systems, while it keeps the Cyclops of its monomaniacal
and one-dimensional eye, upon the expansion of its greed and the ever-rising
lust of its passion for total power. Everyone that uses this money has
in effect been put on notice, as to what and who is actually behind our
actions and our lives.
- Zionism feeds upon the world that was built by others
over thousands of years; it's only interest is in control and dominance
over existing resources and power world-wide. To this end it has used world
history and most religions, just as it has used fear and conspiracies to
frustrate those that might uncloak this monstrous cabal that uses nations
and people like chess pieces in their bid for global dominance. Its methods
begin with deception and run the gauntlet from barbarity, through torture
and murder to pre-emptive wars of conquest and massive destruction of previously
successful civilizations. This is why Zionism is able to threaten the whole
of humanity, and it is also why it must be eradicated from the councils
of men and women everywhere!
- Fast-forward to this last week in the world today, just
to check up on the progress of this parasitical would-be ruler that continues
to threaten the entire planet.
- We rejoin this continuing fable at the point where Zionist-Israel
is about to begin Operation Clean Break. "From the very first moment,
the Bush foreign policy would focus on three key objectives: get rid of
Saddam, end American involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process,
and rearrange the dominoes in the Middle East. A key to the policy shift
would be the concept of pre-emption.
- The Blueprint for the new Bush policy had actually been
drawn up five years earlier by three of his top national security advisors.
Soon to be appointed to senior administration positions, they were Richard
Perle, Douglas Feith, and David Wurmser. Ironically the plan was originally
intended not for Bush but for another world leader, Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu.
- At the time, the three officials were out of government
and working for conservative pro-Israel think tanks. Perle and Feith had
previously served in high level Pentagon positions during the presidency
of Ronald Reagan. In a very unusual move, the former-- and future--senior
American officials were acting as a sort of American privy-council to the
new Israeli Prime Minister" (1)
- The point here is apparently to launch another attack
upon Lebanon and Syria, to give Israel one more chance to redeem their
miserable military and diplomatic performances in 2006. (2)
- Whether this is just another distraction or yet another
cover for what's about to happen with Columbia, Venezuela, and several
other countries in South America remains to be seen. These slights of cloven-hooves
are something that is always used to keep the herds more quiet than they
should be, because we are entering the final phase.
- For a very long time now the USA has been running a psychological
test in the prison system, as a dress rehearsal for the "new"
reality they want to begin to implement. Of course this too began with
privatization on a massive scale: This time it was the entire US Prison
system that was used to test and reconfigure how people can be effectively-managed
behind prison bars.
- Since "REX 84" was introduced inside FEMA's
Homeland Security plan: it has been nearly impossible for the public to
figure out just how 50 million prisoners could possibly be used to keep
this country afloat. One fatal flaw in trying to solve this riddle was
that the goal here was not "to keep the country afloat," it was
about giving the Corporations a way to use prison labor to counter what
global outsourcing has done to U S Corporations-which of course has more
than contributed to the oncoming crash.
- The Corporations want to return to being able to manufacture
goods again, but they can't compete with foreign workers that work for
next-to-nothing, so the solution was obvious; create a prison population
that can double as their own private work force-then collect on them as
prisoners, from the government, and use their labor to expand corporate
profits as well. In case anyone might still be wondering, the way to create
this new world order, is to institute Martial Law, and use that as the
excuse to lock up the 50 million people they want to use, and eliminate
the remaining problem-people. Of course the prisoners will be living in
the 2008 version of "1984" but hey that's the price for failing
to pay attention.
- For decades now prison labor has been used to undercut
American jobs in all kinds of ways, in addition to the continued undercutting
by illegal-laborers, and the outsourcing by these same corporations of
millions of former US jobs. Prisons are the answer that the corporations
came up with to solve this inequity and enhance their own bottom
lines as well. Think of these "camps" as the new norm that has
been designed to merge the old middle- class with an under-class that will
form the new slave-class of American workers. (3)
- If you think this is too far-fetched, just look at Social
Security in Chile under Pinochet. The plan to privatize America's Social
Security was lifted directly from Pinochet's plans in fascist Chile! This
was designed by the Chicago Boys, as part of their long- range plans of
the future of the USA. The Social Security transplant failed here, but
rather than try to bring it back, they've decided on Martial Law to simply
eradicate Social Security altogether. (4)
- Everything above is all in play at the moment, and depending
on which massive part of what used to be this nation collapses first, we
will either become part of the beginning of World War III with anarchy
and chaos as our new best friends, or the schedule for Martial Law will
take-over and end all this talk of elections and the beauty-contest between
failures: for who will be the new Master- of-Ceremonies among the crumbling
fifty States that once thought they were sovereign.
- For those interested there's even a television series
that outlines it all, disguised as entertainment of course. Ironically
it's called OZ, life inside a maximum security prison, and is available
on Netflix. It's the new "1984" with excellent performances from
known actors.
- In the meantime, you might want to think about just how
blatant all this has always been-from the symbols on the money in your
pockets to the number of times that 911 has run unchallenged on national
television. Because the people who brought you both of these things are
the same people which this article is all about. Truly: "Never Have
So Few Done So Much, to So Many" But they could not have done it,
without so much help from all of us!
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- 1) A Clean Break http://neoconzionistthreat.blogspot.com/
- 2) Who Will Stop the Countdown http://www.rense.com/general73/wde.htm
- 3) U.S. Concentration Camps FEMA and the REX 84 Program
http:// www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/camps.html
- 4) The Chicago Boys and the Chilean economic miracle
http:// www.rrojasdatabank.org/econom~1.htm