- Preamble
- " We the People, Demanding this Civil Law, Prohibiting
the utilization of aerial deployments regarding aerosolized chemicals or
biological agents and/or Bio-Chemical Mutations banning for any purpose
in the North American Continent Airspaces, as has been used for United
States Global Warming Mitigation, Climate Change and/or Weather Modification
Programs which are deployed into the unified atmosphere over the United
States or Canada. Continued ChemTrails Spraying will result in irreparable,
long term, toxic and heavy-metal poisoning of the populace. This Preservation
and Protection extends to prevention of contamination via toxic fall-out
onto the infinite environment of the United States and Canada, which includes
our Air-Column, Land masses, rivers, lakes, and Ground- waters, forests
and seas and all Foods. There are NO current Laws or Rules protecting our
atmosphere and upper-atmosphere from these forms of toxic contamination,
ChemTrails, Aerosolized Contaminants, Weapons all. This Environmental
Terrorism must and Will End."
- Attention Congress People and Elected Officials. This
Draft-Law Document has been written, 'By the People' that will stop and
halt all ChemTrails bombardment and the literal poisoning of the Earth's
Breathable Air Column. This subject shall not be debated, UAPA8 is a
Civil Complaint and Demand to the United States Congress for Protection
of all Life Form's Breathable Air Column, Life and Liberty.
- Written By the People in 'plain-Civil and simple, understandable
English language so all can understand exactly of what is expected of the
US Congress in this Air Emergency-matter. There will be zero- respect given
to any official protocols of preparation for this Document, or Submittal(s)
thereof; This Document fully states Our Demands.
- _________________________
- A proposed Law that effectively bans and forever prohibits
the deployment or otherwise released, into or onto the Earth's Natural
Atmospheric/Stratospheric column:
- This Law will prohibit-the-forming or Act as an Instrument
for dissolution targeting the US Weather Control Board or Agency; Weather
Manipulation is a part of identified function and purpose of the toxic
chemicals and biological mutation agents, therefore, Weather Modification
and Control will be prohibited due to the absolute toxicity profile of
the agents used for manipulation, management or controls.
- Congress Shall Make and Pass This Law that will:
- Banning mixtures (any Organic or Inorganic chemicals
or compounds, elements of the Periodic Table, gases, solids or plasmas)
of chemical materials known as "chaff" from military training
operations. Ceasing the operation of Chemical trails (ChemTrails) that
occlude sunlight. Weather modifications or any combination of chemical
biological mixtures used for any purpose are expressly prohibited;
- "Cloud Seeding" and Atmospheric/Stratospheric
"seeding" technology that utilizes chemicals, gases, synthetic
filament carriers or biological substances such as pseudomonas strain germ
or mutations thereof, or any sort for the purpose of weather manipulation/modification,
such as precipitation, drought, cyclonic, ultra-violet, infra-red heat
or cosmic storm managements.
- Electro-Magnetic radiation/radio and SCALAR or plasmic
energy waves generated, HAARP's Array, Cell-Tower transmitted, propagated,
reflected or otherwise articulated into a focused beam or pattern that
has the intended purpose of manipulating Weather-systems, causing Droughts,
heating Weather-systems or otherwise energizing, or utilized in a mixed
waveform of Mind-Control, experimental or operational.
- These banned Weapons wave form shall include: Microwave
spectrum, Acoustic and Sonic spectrum, including Infra spectra to lowest
base-sonic range and all in between, Extreme- Low Frequency (ELF) to magnitude
Extreme High Frequency spectrum, all energies Waveform between these EMF
points of magnitude, all energies traveling through any portion of Atmosphere,
Bedrock or Waters, or reflected back to the planet's surface for intent
and purposes described herein.
- Focused or spatial-bleed of radiations would result in
total and cumulative radiation dosages resultant in cellular damages to
Humans and the Environment of Plant and Animal Kingdoms. The use of such
technologies exceeds pre-set EMR thresholds and limitations and is therefore,
banned from use.
- Specifically banned are SCALAR-ELF Energies used for
Psychotronic-weaponry for Mind-Control, Behaviors-manipulation, Brain-dimming
or other forms of 'classified' Weaponry used experimentally or Operationally,
anywhere on the Earth.
- Vaccines of any types are banned, deployed into or unto
the Atmospheric/Stratospheric Air Column. Bio-controls deployed aerially
are expressly banned and prohibited from usage that has any mixtures of
chemicals or biological materials. Bio-controls containing genetically
engineered microbes or biological life forms, natural or genetically engineered
are banned and prohibited, expressly banned are any Nano-technologies and
devices, genetically mutated, self-replicating, synthetic propagation and/or
attached to fungal-forms, bacterium's or any combinations thereof, for
any reason or purposes.
- Prohibition of Aerial-dispensed Pesticides, Herbicides,
Fungicides, Pheromones, Hormones, Pollens or seeds of GMO's (Genetically
Mutated Organisms)- Banning 'all' aerially deployed or dispensed
pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, artificial pheromones, hormones, Animal
or Human intended vaccines. An independent Environmental Impact Study
must be conducted prior to considerations of Agricultural spraying of any
sort and which must include all negative effects of Genetically Mutated
species on all Life Forms within a 100 Mile radius of the potentially effected
area. Due to previous and widespread misuse and mis-management by Governmental
Agencies, USDA and rampant abuse of Aerial-spraying of these chemical and
biological toxins, here-to-fore, all rights or authority is herein rescinded.
- All Prohibitions and Bans herein described are expressly
focused at any State or
- Federally- Approved Contractor of the United States
Government, Military or
- Agencies Corporate-Military Partnerships, International
Contractors or New World
- Order Contractors or Agencies of Government(s) are
hereby prohibited and shall
- be fully enforceable under Criminal Prosecution
by a State's or Federal Court and
- will be subject to 'War-Crimes Against Humanity
charges and Indictments.
- Emergency Investigation Funding-$8.0 Million to commence
an Investigation to access the magnitude of Environmental damages that
have already occurred by the criminal and illegal spraying, deployment
or otherwise released toxic materials described herein, into and onto the
North American Continental Air Column and the entire Earth's Air Column.
This Emergency investigation will have far-reaching effects with intent
to hold all Government, Military, Federally Approved Contractors, Corporate-Military
Partnerships, all Foreign entities, US Agencies and personnel, accountable
for the purposeful and Criminal release of extremely toxic agents into
the Unified Air Column. Probable Criminal prosecution by a Civil United
States Court of Law or future Authority, or a Special Prosecutor assigned
by the Ranking Congressional Authority. This is an integral part of the
Unified Atmospheric Preservation Act of 2008.
- 7. International Coordination and Treaty by the Directives
of this Bill,
- the Ranking United States Congressperson shall
seek International cooperation through the coordination of all bans and
prohibitions set forth in this Legislation, serving as the model and primer
for Global Protection of the precious Unified Atmosphere/Stratosphere
surrounding this Earth.
- a.)The Congress shall engage, through the US
State Department, in International discussions for the enjoinment
of the Protections and Preservations set forth in the Unified Atmospheric
Preservation Act of 2008 as Model for an International Treaty
for the prohibition and banning of 'all' aerosolized chemicals or biological
agents and/or genetically engineered life-forms contaminations
of Earth, released into the Unified Atmosphere or Stratosphere of
the entire planet.
- Purpose: Emergency-level Cessation, prohibition and
banning of' 'all' aerial dispensement of any chemical/biological/electromagnetic
treatments, deployments, managements, modification or manipulation of the
Unified Atmosphere/Stratosphere and Air-Column above the North American
Continent or any Global portion thereof, via any artificial means, for
any and all purposes.
- Scope: A vote by the citizens of the United States of
America through our elected United States House of Representatives, the
US Congress and the United States Senate, with the signature of the President
of the United States, this legal and binding authorization would put a
ban and prohibit the purposeful release of any organic/inorganic chemicals,
compounds, elements such as heavy metal aerosol particulates, polymer filaments,
dipoles of metallized glass or crystalline compositions. This would include
vaccines; bio-controls of genetically altered biological life forms. This
Law will effectively abate all fallout (back-to-earth), aerial-released
chemicals, biological materials, extraneous and spatial reflected electromagnetic
- Section 1. This Law shall ban and prohibit the intentional
and purposeful release of all chemical and biological substances into the
Unified Atmosphere including the upper atmosphere/stratosphere. Current
laws and International treaties do NOT recognize, prohibit or regulate
atmospheric/stratospheric releases of chemicals, elements, Focused Radiant-Energies
or biological materials which are used in Global Warming Mitigation/Climate
Change schemes, all clandestine, Weather-Modification(s), Climate change
or other biosphere mitigation strategies OR Vaccines, secret-operations
carried out by Corporate-Military Contractors, Foreign Governments or entities
of any of the above. This specifically includes the U.S. Government, Branches
of the recognized US Military or any Agency Appointee.
- These substances and agents currently fall back to Earth,
mostly as 'spent-wastes' from Illegal ChemTrails Operations with results
of widespread chemical and heavy-metal contamination of breathable air,
food, water supplies (including groundwaters), foliage and fauna as well
as Humans suffering toxic effects, infestations of Humans and animals via
an aberrant, Black-Op Self-Replicating Nano-Technologies. The release of
toxic substances will be causative of chemical poisoning and toxicity to
the infinite environment and humankind as a whole.
- This Law is intended to interrupt and impede current
and all future practices of artificial/man-made aerial releases or deployment(s)
of various chemicals, which cause residual "fall-out" of pollutants
that will descend to the earth's surface, will be absorbed, inhaled or
systemically be causative of genetic and cellular damages, heretofore not
regulated nor managed and conducted illegally and clandestine.
- Section 2. This Law is designed to intercede and bring
to immediate cessation any and all current and future operations. To also
ban and prohibit deploying of aerosolized polymer filaments, chemical technologies,
climate changing/weather modification/manipulation chemicals, and EMR energy-excited
operations for the further cause of Global Warming Mitigation. To declare
an immediate national moratorium on the deployment or use of Global Warming
Mitigation technologies that are intended to artificially shield the Earth's
surface from ultra-violet and cosmic radiation or in-situ reparations of
the ozone or ionospheric layers in the unified atmosphere/stratosphere.
- i) United Nations General Assembly Resolution 31/72,
TIAS 9614 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile
Use of Environmental Modification Techniques"
- ii) Federal statute 15 USC ยง 330 (enacted 1971)
requires reporting of weather modification to the Secretary of Commerce.
- Section 3. Vaccine Prohibition - Prohibits the aerial
release of any artificial vaccine en-masse onto segments of the human or
animal species. This encompasses chemical or biological experimentation
on humans until such a time when exacting, exhaustive public, civil and
private-sector medical/scientific studies can prove the overall benefit(s)
to humans and the environment. To also inform the Public of the acute/chronic
effects that the vaccines will have on humanity and Mother Earth.
- No Agency of the United States, including the U.S. Military
shall have the authority or official capacity to dispense, deploy or otherwise
released into any Natural or synthetic medium, of any mass-vaccine(s) onto/into
the Civil-Military or Animal/Creature kingdoms, populaces. Specifically,
the President of neither the United States nor the Secretary of Defense
may order mass aerial vaccines be deployed unless a Declaration of War
has been declared by the United States Congress upon the targets of the
- Section 4. Document Languages/Vectors/Modalities and
- Human Health Risk Assessments, Environmental Impact Statements,
Public and Civil Disclosures shall be written in languages, statistics,
data and vocabularies that common people, educated and uneducated and citizens
of the United States of America may read, hear or otherwise be informed
of; to understand any transmitted communication on the subject(s) of this
- All information pertaining to the Unified Atmospheric
Preservation Law shall be the responsibility and duty of the U.S. Congress
and/or the County Sherriff of each County within the United States, for
collection and transmittal or disbursement of this Law to the public, State
Elected Officials, Municipal or Township Officials. The public notification(s)
will commence upon this becoming a Law of the Land and Air. Public observations
of ChemTrails being sprayed into our Atmosphere will set forth Enforcement
and Interdiction to have the County Sheriff arrest the violators for future
Criminal Prosecutions.
- The County Sheriff is the only Elected Law Enforcement
Official as referenced by the United States Constitution. The Government
of the United States , Agency and Military have demonstrated hostile actions
upon the Populace and the Environment and therefore cannot be Trusted in
any aspects of compliance with this Law.
- This Law will ensure that pre-deployment knowledge, derived
from toxicological and integrative research of Earth's Bio-spherical/Geo-spherical
system sciences with disclosure(s) of all Human Health Risks and Environmental
Impact factors, be in compliance with the prohibitions and directives contained
herein, for any current or future countermeasure technology considerations.
- These Standards will prohibit the utilization of HAARPS
(Tesla/Eastlund), High-Energy technologies and plasmas transmissions to
orbiting geo-stationary satellite receivers and re-transmitting to the
Earth's surface. Also prohibits reflected high dosage sources of microwave,
Extreme Low Frequency (ELF), Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) and Electromagnetic
Radar/Airborne Chemical synergism Interface via the ionosphere.
- ____________________________________________________________________
- I, Richard M Castle do hereby Waive any benefits or assistances.
- I, _______________
- "We, the People, shall prevail"
- Prepared and authored by Richard M. Castle, Columbus,
Ohio, USA
- December 7, 2003 Revised May 2005
- Revised March 14, 2008
- Instructions
- To all Recipients of this DRAFT Law 'The Unified Atmospheric
Preservation Act of 2008',
- Copy and take to City Councils, Township, Counties Officials,
the elected County Sheriff, States Representatives, Congresspersons and
Senators. Always send Certified US MAIL.
- Sign your Legal Name on all copies you receive as this
will suffice the same as a Petition.
- I, the Author of this Document, Richard Michael Castle
hereby Sign this Draft of UAPA8 and do hereby, Swear that I am a Citizen
of these United States of America.
- "I Pray These Protections of Life Will Be Forged'
- Richard M, Castle March 15, 2008 ____________________
- Co-Signatories
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