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Obama Evades AIDS
Origin Scandal
Denies Evidence of Genocidal Conspiracy to Save Candidacy

By Dr. Len Horowitz
LOS ANGELES -- Barack Obama critics are questioning the candidate's sudden break from his long-term minister and confidant, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached HIV/AIDS is a genocidal conspiracy administered by Anglo-American population controllers.
The transparency of this racial and political hypocrisy affords Americans a rare view into a closet of skeletons Washington wishes to ignore.
Speaking for the media's mainstream, ABC News' Senior National Correspondent, Jake Tapper, wrote (March 14, 2008), "Let's just say it: some of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's theories and sermons have been, well, shall we say 'out there' Like, for instance, the notion that the U.S. government started the AIDS virus." (1)
Obama, quickly covering the apparent skull and bones with a transparent drape said, "I vehemently disagree and strongly condemn the statements that have been the subject of this controversy." (2)
Right wing opportunists, like National Review journalist John Hinderaker, balked as though the candidate exchanged a pink elephant for an AIDS skeleton. "If a reader had to rely on Obama's post," Hinderaker wrote, "he would have no idea what statements" are at issue.
Hinderaker, with Claremont Institute's conservative policy think tank continued, "What I'd really like to know more about, though, is Wright's position on the AIDS virus. He writes that "We started AIDS;" what is that supposed to mean?"
Are we to believe Obama's aversion to details, along with Hinderaker's oblivion, is sincere when the details on Wright's position on AIDS has been plastered all over the Internet for years?
Hinderaker answered his own lame question by writing, "Factually, it's incorrect, I believe that AIDS originated in Africa," insinuating this closet of skeletons was built by stupid dirty Black people in jungles swarming with germs.
Moreover, since when does a belief evidence a fact? Civilization once believed the world was flat!
Hinderaker's monologue transitioned into his slight-of-hand routine. Here, Obama's elephant and Washington's skeletons suddenly disappeared: "It's possible that the claim that 'We started AIDS' is intended as an indictment of the San Francisco bath house culture that did so much to spread the disease," he wrote, "but I've seen no indication that this is what Wright has in mind."
Stay focused on his right(winger) hand. "In any event, San Francisco didn't "start" the virus. I don't know how to interpret this claim that "we" started the disease as anything other than an endorsement of the fable that the CIA invented AIDS in a laboratory so as to kill off African-Americans."
Here's the rub that compels political aversion and magical disappearing acts: The "fable" that the "CIA invented AIDS in a laboratory" Is materially evidenced.
"The AIDS virus originated in African chimpanzees. Everyone knowledgeable about HIV knows that. But follow the chimps and the money. They lead you from Africa to New York thanks to jet planes and researchers working for the U.S. military, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and health agencies directed by the CIA according to scientific documents, government contracts, and whistleblower testimonies," explains Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the man most responsible for substantiating the "fable."
It was not called AIDS or HIV at that time. It was a cancer virus production and biological weapons development program involving vaccine experiments.
"This is why Washington insiders quarantine this subject like a plague," says Horowitz, a Harvard-trained public health expert who has authored three bestsellers, including the definitive tomb on this subject, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron Press, 1998). Here he reports the science, politics, and covert intelligence underlying AIDS coming to America by way of the Merck Pharmaceutical Company.
"Zero candidates have the decency and integrity to discuss how American researchers working under military and NCI contracts used chimpanzees from Africa, gay men from Greenwich Village, Willowbrook State School mentally-retarded children on Staten Island, and natives from Central Africa between 1972 and 1974 to produce the first hepatitis B vaccines," Dr. Horowitz details.
The main contractors included Litton Bionetics, intimately linked to biological weaponry through the Nixon White House, and the Merck Pharmaceutical Company--the world's leading vaccine maker--whose president directed America's biological weapons program.
For nearly a decade Dr. Horowitz's website www.originofAIDS.com has provided details and documents of these experiments for free, including his scientific publication in Elsevier's respected peer- reviewed journal Medical Hypothesis. This article creates more liability for U.S. Government agencies, along with Merck Inc., than politicians care to discuss. This best explains Washington's damage- control rhetoric and political theatrics.
"The 'hundredth monkey' (forgive the pun) has been reached," Dr. Horowitz says with a smile. "More than 3 million Americans have become aware of the truth candidate Obama, and the rest of his ilk, are avoiding thanks to the Internet; particularly You Tube and Google video."
Not only does Dr. Horowitz document the roles American politicians and agencies, including the CIA, played in advancing AIDS as a population controlling weapon, he explains why drug companies and the CIA, controlling federal agencies, suppress potential cures including oxygenation therapies, chemotherapies using tetrasilver tetroxide (Tetrasil), and the new silver-oxygen hydrosol called OXYSILVER that became Google's most popular website last week for people searching for natural alternatives to intoxicating vaccines following the government's first admission that inoculations can cause autism.
Classified government documents were found during Dr. Horowitz's three-year investigation with the help of persons working for the military and scientific communities. The NCI, he explains, has kept all of this intelligence under lock-and-key allegedly for reasons of "national security."
Besides reviewing scientific journals, Dr. Horowitz also interviewed eyewitnesses from Bethesda and Uganda each evidencing related parts of the conspiracy. The covert operation included an extensive military biological weapons program that develop "synthetic biological agents," that is, laboratory prepared viruses identical to HIV by description and function.
Dismissed, at one point, as being a Russian hoax, this American conspiracy reality was further substantiated by the admissions of Dr. Maurice Hilleman, Merck's recently deceased vaccine department chief, in a secreted interview Horowitz made public on You Tube.
Dr. Horowitz also disproved claims made by the federal government's chief AIDS propagandist--the infamous Dr. Robert Gallo--the alleged "discoverer" of HIV. Captured on film is Gallo at the XI International Conference on AIDS being confronted by Horowitz. The segment shows Gallo being stunned and defensive to what Horowitz published in Medical Hypothesis.
In Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional?, Horowitz showed Gallo's scientific defenses to be absolutely unsubstantiated and even ludicrous.
Dr. Gallo claimed that he couldn't have created HIV with colleagues before the mid-to-late 1970s. Gallo has told audiences, "We didn't have gene cloning capability until that time."
This defense, however, neglects Gallo's own earliest publications detailing cruder methods used to bioengineer viral mutants-- recombinants of leukemia, lymphoma, and sarcoma--by the late 1960s. This worked was directed by the Army's sixth leading biological weapons contractor, Bionetics Research Laboratories, Inc. Their NCI contract commissioned them to produce and test these unprecedented immune-suppressive viruses ideal for population reduction through profitable chronic disease progression.
"That's the enterprise of 'disease control,'" Dr. Horowitz laments, referring to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). "Notice the 'prevention' and 'cure' is subject to elimination and subversion."
More recently, Horowitz produced a feature length documentary condemning the Department of Homeland Security, the CIA, and Health and Human Services Television for issuing more AIDS and Ebola propaganda in their "History of Bioterrorism." In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism is now freely viewable in its entirety on Google Video. Released by Tetrahedron Films, the company's website,http://www.inlieswetrust.com, also provides incriminating documents that Washington insiders prefer to neglect.
"Mental midgets and yellow-press journalists like ABC's Jake Tapper andNational Review author Hinderaker ignore the evidence that vaccines prepared in African chimpanzees were tested in America between 1972 and 1974 according scientific publications," Dr. Horowitz said. "These are historic facts, albeit political dynamite, and the vaccine industry's neglected liability."
Due to the activism of another AIDS conspiracy researcher and HIV- positive attorney, Boyd Ed Graves, the U.S. General Accounting Office launched an investigation into the possibility that HIV was constructed during a "Special Virus Cancer Program" beginning in the 1960s. Dr. Horowitz was among a handful of experts interviewed by GAO investigators. Their specious report entirely neglected Dr. Horowitz's recorded statements.(3)
This aversion to the truth about the origin of AIDS is not exclusively American. Two weeks ago the international AIDS Community, hosted by the UNAIDS Secretariat to the UN Theme Group on AIDS working from India considered censoring all such theories for lacking credibility, with Horowitz's first on their list.
As a member of their group, Horowitz kabashed the effort by circulating a copy of his Medical Hypothesis journal article.
Pleading for more research and open discussions on this AIDS origin issue; noting that without a clear determination, one way or the other, he wrote, "the hepatitis B vaccine produced initially in chimpanzees . . . currently being given to our infants and children, . . . might still be fueling the AIDS pandemic!"
Only "a grossly-malfeasant blindly-biased sociopath" would neglect this possibility, he concluded.
For the sake of fairness, Barack Obama is not the only American presidential candidate deserving this diagnosis.

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