- Since the Clinton administration made biotechnology "a
strategic priority for U.S. government backing" (1), giant transnational
agri- business concerns have aggressively taken over the global food chain
by flooding it with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) without regard
for the consequences to the earth or its inhabitants. This takeover not
only has the potential for global economic devastation, but threatens
the earth's population with far-reaching health concerns as well. One
health concern that seems to coincide with the GMO revolution is Morgellons
disease. What if the advent of Morgellons disease has something to do
with the ingestion of GMO foods?
- Morgellons Disease What is it?
- Very little can be found regarding this disease. Originally,
sufferers were told that their problem was imaginary. This was of little
comfort to the people who were suffering.
- Morgellons Disease sufferers report strange, fiber-like
material sticking out of sores or wounds that erupt on the skin. This
is accompanied by painful, intense itching, that has been described as
"an ever present sensation as if something is crawling under the
skin." (2)
- On May 18, 2006, KGW, a local news channel reporting
out of the Oregon area published this story:
- Strange sickness: Mystery disease horror story (excerpt)
- [Dr. Drottar] The disabled family practice doctor felt
like bugs were crawling under her skin.
- "If I fully tell people what has gone on with me
medically, they think they're in the twilight zone," said Drottar.
- She woke up with the feeling that fluid was flowing just
below her skin. Often black or blue hair like fibers protruded from her
skin, she said.
- "I thought I had been exposed to asbestos. I thought
I was having asbestos fibers come out of my skin. I was pulling long,
thin, small hair-like fibers that were extremely sharp that could literally
pierce through my finger nails," Drottar said.
- In addition to the feeling of bugs and the fibers, Drottar
also suffered from severe depression, chronic fatigue and a weakened
immune system. As a result, she had to give up her family practice, Drottar
said. (3)
- Here are some pictures of Morgellons lesions included
in the KGW report:
- The Morgellons Research Foundation
- Fibers embedded in skin removed from facial lesion
of three year old boy, 60x.
- morgellonsusa.com
- Photo of the fibrous structures that were in
the skin of a Morgellons sufferer.
- Morgellons and GMO the Link
- Little information has been revealed concerning the long-term
health effects of GMO crops on humans or animals, and even less information
can be had regarding research correlating Morgellons with GMO foods.
This is suspicious right off the bat, because it would seem that there
would be a natural curiosity regarding a link between Genetically Modified
Organisms that people ingest regularly and inorganic fibers that protrude
from a person's skin. This would be right up a geneticist's alley, and
quite worthy of intensive research. So, why aren't there a ton of published
studies? Why is it so difficult finding anything related to this? Could
it be that companies such as Monsanto have enough clout to effectively
squash these stories? If they have enough clout to ruin countries by
deceiving impoverished farmers into purchasing patented GMO seeds, and
then take it a step further and force these poor people to purchase seeds
year after year instead of harvesting their own, then they have enough
clout to ask our more than willing corporate government to manipulate
the press...again.
- According to Mike Stagman, PhD,
- "Genetic Engineering is a nightmare technology that
has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized."
- Well Monsanto, you let at least one study slip through.
With the help of a couple of search engines, the following article by
Whitley Strieber published on October 12, 2007, titled "Skin Disease
May Be Linked to GM Food" was found, which concludes that the fibers
taken from a Morgellons sufferer contain the same substance that is "used
commercially to produce genetically-modified plants." Here is the
- Skin Disease May Be Linked to GM Food
- 12-Oct-2007
- Many people-and most physicians-have written off Morgellons
disease as either a hoax or hypochondria. But now there is evidence that
this mysterious disease may be REAL and related to GENETICALLY MODIFIED
- The skin of Morgellons victims oozes mysterious strands
that have been identified as cellulose (which cannot be manufactured by
the human body), and people have the sensation of things crawling beneath
their skin. The first known case of Morgellons occurred in 2001, when
Mary Leitao created a web site describing the disease, which had infected
her young son. She named it Morgellons after a 17th century medical study
in France that described the same symptoms.
- In the Sept. 15-21 issue of New Scientist magazine, Daniel
Elkan describes a patient he calls "Steve Jackson," who "for
years" has "been finding tiny blue, red and black fibers growing
in intensely itchy lesions on his skin." He quotes Jackson as saying,
"The fibers are like pliable plastic and can be several millimeters
long. Under the skin, some are folded in a zigzag pattern. These can be
as fine as spider silk, yet strong enough to distend the skin when you
pull them, as if you were pulling on a hair."
- Doctors say that this type of disease could only be caused
by a parasite, but anti-parasitic medications do not help. Psychologists
insist that this is a new version of the well-known syndrome known as
"delusional parasitosis." While this is a "real" disease,
it is not a physically-caused one.
- But now there is physical evidence that Morgellons is
NOT just psychological. When pharmacologist Randy Wymore offered to study
some of these fibers if people sent them to him, he discovered that "fibers
from different people looked remarkably similar to each other and yet
seem to match no common environmental fibers."
- When they took them to a police forensic team, they said
they were not from clothing, carpets or bedding. They have no idea what
they are.
- Researcher Ahmed Kilani says he was able to break down
two fiber samples and extract their DNA. He found that they belonged to
a fungus.
- An even more provocative finding is that biochemist Vitaly
Citovsky discovered that the fibers contain a substance called "Agrobacterium,"
which, according to New Scientist, is "used commercially to produce
genetically-modified plants." Could GM plants be "causing a
new human disease?" (5)
- GMO Not on My Watch!
- The giant transnational corporations behind the GMO revolution
are hitting us in our most vulnerable spot our bellies. Most people
have been brought up with an innate trust that what they purchase from
the stores is safe to eat. This is no longer true, since most processed
foods contain genetically engineered ingredients that can have disastrous
effects on both animal and human health. What you purchase from the corner
store might just change your DNA and create such frightening symptoms
that the general public simply does not believe it. What is worse is that
when you go to the doctor to get help, he/she tells you what you are experiencing
is all in your head. This is rubbish! It is up to people who care to make
the correlations between what we eat and what happens to our bodies. Remember
the old saying "you are what you eat?" Well, this author
believes it is true.
- Notes
- 1) Engdahl, F.W. (2007). Seeds of Destruction.
- 2) Stagman, M. Phd. (2006). GMO Disease Epidemics:
Bt-cotton Fiber Disease. Retrieved from http://portland.indymedia.org/en/
- 3) Porter, L. (2006). Strange sickness: Mystery disease
horror story. Retrieved from http://www.kgw.com/news-local/stories/ kgw_051806_news_sweeps_strange_sickness_morgellons.53b2569a.html
- 4) Stagman, M. Phd. (2006). GMO Disease Epidemics:
Bt-cotton Fiber Disease. Retrieved from http://portland.indymedia.org/en/
- 5) Strieber, W. (2007). Skin Disease Might be Linked
to GM Food. Retrieved from
- http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/?id=6486
- Barbara H. Peterson is a Writer and Activist,
- http://spktruth2power.wordpress.com
- http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8464
- Global Research Articles by Barbara H. Peterson