- Anyone thrilled with the mess in Washington, DC? Do
you find yourself grieving over unending incompetence, dim-witted scandals,
moronic rhetoric and hypocrisy cascading out of our nation's capital daily?
- Anyone excited about the activities of our U.S. Senate?
How about the House of Representatives? Do you like Vice President Dick
Cheney's actions for the past seven years? Would you again vote for the
bungling, if not lawless leadership, of President Bush?
- Would you again choose 4,000 of our kids sacrificed in
an endless, ludicrous and totally fabricated Iraq War? Is the carnage
we provoked in Iraq worth destroying our national treasures: our youth,
our moral standing in the world, our financial balance or our military?
- In six years, what have we accomplished in Iraq? Answer:
weekly killings, bombings, mayhem, chaos and millions of refugees. Our
military destroyed a functioning society under one of dozens of similar
dictators in the world.
- At what cost? Answer: $600 billion and counting! $12
billion a month with no end in sight!
- Are we safer from Islamic radicals? You answer that
when our borders remain wide open to terrorism 24 hours a day! President
Bush wouldn't know a terrorist from an ice cream cone. Dick Cheney wouldn't
know an IED from a bag of popcorn.
- What do the democrats and republicans deliver for the
money we pay them to maintain our country? What proud accomplishments
might they boast?
- Do they pride themselves about their $700 billion trade
deficit that they facilitate annually by doing nothing to stop it? Do
they brag about the $9 trillion national debt they bequeathed upon our
citizens for decades to come? Can they stand tall as they rebuild Iraq
but watch Katrina-ravaged New Orleans slog through the unending rubble
of devastated neighborhoods of our poorest Americans? Such profound incongruence!
- How about 14 million unemployed Americans while 20 million
illegal aliens depress and wreak havoc on our wages and jobs across America?
How do they fabricate, "Illegal aliens do the jobs that Americans
won't do at slave wages."
- While we give billions of dollars to Iraq--and thousands
of our soldiers' lives, how can our President tolerate 1.3 million homeless
people in America with 13 million children living below the poverty level?
- While Bush sends 572,000 troops to 700 bases worldwide,
how can he allow our borders to stand wide open to an invading armada of
illegal aliens? How does it make sense to maintain 35,000 troops on Korea's
border, but not on our own?
- Is it right for our Congress to force American taxpayers
to shell out $338 billion dollars annually to pay for education, medical
care, language translation, food, assisted housing and incarceration costs
for people who broke our laws to enter our country and break our laws daily
by remaining here? What rationale does the president use for his lack
of upholding the U.S. Constitution?
- Why would this Congress uphold and increase H-1B, H-2B,
L-1 and many other visas that undermine and steal jobs away from millions
of Americans? Why would those we elect to serve us enslave us? Why would
they outsource, insource and offshore our jobs to third world countries
in order to give our own corporations greater profits at the expense of
our citizens?
- The War on Drugs costs us $70 billion a year for the
past 37 years, but drugs remain as available today as in 1971. Why does
Congress ignore viable options while continuing to waste our money for
its failed drug war?
- We could address another dozen items ignored by our president
and Congress: 80 percent of Americans want out of Iraq, 50 percent of black
Americans that didn't graduate from high school can't find a job; 50 percent
of American Hispanics and blacks drop out of high school, 50 percent of
black and Hispanic teens have children out of wedlock and land in welfare
lines; average American credit holder suffers a $9,240.00 balance; absence
of national container recycle/deposit law to conserve resources; missing
national energy policy; lack of water usage policy, shallow enforcement
of our immigration laws, outright anarchy by employers of illegal aliens,
mortgage foreclosures, national language usurped by immigrants, thousands
of Americans killed by illegal aliens on our highways and in our homes,
and the list goes on!
- What's at the base of this national trauma? Both republicans
and democrats fail our country at the most profound level: integrity, common
sense, reasoned solutions and actions! Reelection trumps unified efforts.
Senators Obama, Clinton and McCain failed to address our most pressing
problems in their years of service. The House of Representatives languishes
in Abramoff scandals, Duke Cunningham $2.4 million bribes, Tom Delay money
laundering and God only knows how many other payoffs and kickbacks continue
under the radar.
- At the beginning of the 21st century, republicans and
democrats fail citizens of the United States of America. They undermine
our jobs, our laws, our language, our safety and our Constitution. Both
parties fail this republic. What's worse? Based on their past track
records, we may expect more of the same no matter whom we elect-without
a 180 degree turn-around.
- Americans long for that day and a candidate to meet countless
challenges facing our republic. Let a third party candidate step up to
serve with honor and accountability.
- Take action: www.thesocialcontract.com ; www.numbersusa.com
; www.fairus.org ; www.firecoalition.com ; www.alipac.us ; www.capsweb.org
; www.vdare.com ; www.immigrationcounters.com ; www.proenglish.org ; www.patriotunion.org
; www.SafeAmericaAct.com; www.cairco.org ; www.politicaltruthandfact.com ;
www.patriotunion.org ; WWW.immigrationshumancost.org ;www.limitstogrowth.org
; www.balance.org; www.carryingcapacity.org
- Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents
from the Arctic to the South Pole as well as six times across
the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from
the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents "The Coming
Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it" to civic
clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring
about sensible world population balance at his website www.frostywooldridge.com
- Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Tuesdays and Thursdays
as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting
the Dots" at www.republicbroadcasting.org at 6:00 PM Mountain Time.
Adjust tuning in to your time zone.
- "To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone
will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping
he will eat you last but eat you he will."
- ~ Ronald Reagan
- http://www.newswithviews.com/Wooldridge/frosty344.htm