- Dear Jeff, please publish this email exchange that people
should know what is going on in Afghanistan.
- I am still in Afghanistan and will be coming back to
the states next week. It is a total disaster here.
- To give you an example in the Gorbaz village in
southeastern Afghanistan, the US hounds of war went to this house in order
to search the house. There were two brothers in the house. One of the brothers
opened the door and stepped out. The US forces shot the brother dead, and
his wife screamed and threw herself on her dead husband. These coward American
soldiers then shot the wife as well, and killed her.
- This is classic case of US "development" in
Afghanistan, but they will lose the same way the Russians lost...as did
the empires before them.
- An ocean of Widows and orphans roam the streets of Kabul
while internally displaced population due to bombing by US-NATO forces
die from cold winter in makeshift camps. I came across an elderly lady
begging on the side of the street in Kabul. I asked her where she was from,
she had been forced of her village after the US forces bombed. The Americans
killed her elderly husband and her son and she and her daughter in law
along with her grandchildren had to fend for themselves.
- This is democracy American style.
- Talk to you when I am back in Chicago,
- Mohammed