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Workable Solution For
The Doomsday Ark

By Ted Twietmeyer
Somewhere, someone with a mental disorder had to dream this one up. Send a Doomsday Ark to the MOON and retrieve data from it after a catastrophe that wipes out humankind! The last time I read something this mental was about the infamous space elevator. You might remember that one ­ another NASA "bright idea" intended to quickly and economically get payloads into orbit. Never mind that the 2 BILLION volt electrical potential of the ionosphere would be short-circuited to Earth by the highly conductive graphite cable they propose to use ­ which destroy the only solar radiation screen Earth will ever have and wreak other untold damage to life on Earth. And then there are mechanical stress issues which are off the scale, too. Looks like the idea of thinking out an outlandish idea before announcing it after the space elevator fiasco still isn't reality just yet.
The "Doomsday Ark" could only be an exercise in non-thought and infinite stupidity. First, let's look at what it takes to receive a high bandwidth microwave signal from 250,000 to 300,000 miles away in space ­ the average distance between the Earth and the Moon. It would need to be a high data rate signal, if it transmitting EVERYTHING humankind knows.
To receive this archival data stream you would need:
1. High gain microwave dish, such as those used for deep space communications.
2. Low noise microwave amplifier, for C band or higher.
3. Digital data receiver with error correction capability
4. COMPUTER with SOFTWARE that can assemble the data stream
5. A PRINTER with plenty of PAPER that can print out MILLIONS of pages.
6. AC POWER or other power source to run everything listed above
7. The EXACT frequency that the data stream is being transmitted on. Who will keep a record of that frequency? And where will it be safe?
And let's not forget something else important ­the know-how to make the entire system work. Somehow I don't picture a man sitting in a log cabin, chomping away on a piece of cooked rat as the one who will put all this together and make it work.
Perhaps "Doomsday Ark" is a good name for this ­ it would be a real Doomsday indeed if the human race was totally depending on receiving this information from the MOON to survive.
If the Earth is destroyed by something so devastating, that all the data stored on computers all over the planet is wiped out as well as the computers and all electronics technology, there will be nothing left to build all the items in the list shown above. It's far better to store the data here on EARTH, where you will not need AC power, 2 million dollars worth of equipment (and the know-how to operate it) in order to receive it.
Here's what I propose as a possible Ark Pod solution:
1. The information should be stored using holographic principles. To accomplish this, we will store identical complete information on the human race at NUMEROUS sea and land locations around the Earth, not just at any one place. No one can reliably predict which areas will be devastated and which areas will not be.
2. Since the volume of information is so incredibly huge, it must be stored on numerous OPTICAL disks and not on magnetic media. A magnetic or electrical storm or other disaster could wipe out all data on hard disks, even on the Moon. There are also mountains of useless data which will not be stored to the betterment of future humans like internet blogs, chat room logs, porn photos and movies, etc
3. Each storage location has one or more hermetically sealed, watertight Ark Pods. Each one is completely self-contained and anchored to the sea bottom somewhere near a coastline, or deep inland.
4. Each Ark Pod will have multiple sensors to detect a catastrophe. After the catastrophe is over, the pod will activate and cut the anchor line causing it to rise to the surface. If a pod is buried on land, then a flag or something could "pop up" to draw attention to it or it could have a titanium or concrete marker to identify its location. Another method for auto-activation is that if the Ark Pod detects no radio signals from commercial broadcasting for some period of time, it could also be used as a key to activate it.
5.  The flea-power requirements of the Ark Pod could be powered by a zero point cell, solar, wind, ocean currents or a sea water battery. Each Ark Pod will not use any internal batteries whatsoever. A digital clock inside the Ark Pod would be of little use, as it would greatly drift over time. If anything ever happened to change the rotation of the Earth, clocks as we know them will quickly become worthless.
6. Inside each triple-sealed titanium Ark Pod is a carefully selected collection of the world's accomplishments and information deemed essential to the survival of humankind, including history. History will also show what mistakes were made hoping they won't be repeated.
Anyone finding an Ark Pod will discover each one contains:
a. Three different optical disk readers and displays. In the event one or even two of them fail to function properly, a third one could be used. All readers and displays will be powered by solar power or some other renewable power source not requiring batteries. Disk readers will be sealed in vacuum containers and will use dry PTFE lubricant for the entire mechanism. A pump to RE-SEAL the containers will also be provided to further extend the life of the pod's contents as long as possible after opening.
b. Three identical sets of optical disks in each Ark Pod will contain all human history, sciences and technology, art and music. Optical disks will contain instructions on how to build basic instruments and tools.
c. Highly important information that must not be lost under any circumstances on optical disks will NOT be stored in FLASH memory chips. These devices can lose data after 100 years. Instead, older but highly reliable fusible link or heavily shielded core memory will be used. (Core memory was used on the Lunar Landers and other spacecraft.) Key information can also be printed on thin, rugged plastic sheets made of materials such as Lexan, Polyester, Teflon etc could be used which will not degrade over time. Perhaps this is why the Sumerians used clay tablets.
d. Instructions on known methods to generate and use electricity will be included. History has already shown us the huge impact this had on the rapid development of society in little more than 100 years.
e. Basic technology and tools to jump-start civilization.
f. Locations of the other Ark Pods located around the Earth will also be included in each Ark Pod to aid in locating the others.
The Ark Pod system is intended to give a basic concept of an effective, holographic method to preserve the accomplishments of the human race. Details on how to build planet-destroying technologies like nuclear weapons will not be included, but warnings about using such technologies will be included along with videos of Hiroshima andNagasaki. If a nuclear holocaust wipes out life as we know it, would we want to be the generation that helps our descendants to repeat that mistake?
We can see that these Ark pods can be sized to store whatever data required. For something sent to the Moon, size and weight are everything. To physically give our future descendants something tangible like materials, construction materials, tools, etc we need to store it on Earth, not on the Moon.
Ted Twietmeyer
We are conducting an Earth pole-shift survey right now, to examine the correlation between the sun's recent strange activity and the magnetic poles of the Earth which are shifting. Please visit http://www.data4science.net/index.php?project=poleshift to participate and see your data plotted in real time.
Data4science.net is a non-profit website studying areas of science often neglected or not funded by mainstream science.
[1] http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article3511818.ece
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