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Zundel Atty Sylvia Stolz's Last
Words In Court - Pt I

From Ingrid Rimland
Here is the latest from the Zionist-steered Bundesrepublik of Germany. What happened is a travesty because, essentially, Sylvia has been sentenced brutally for defending Ernst Zundel by asking that submissions in his defense be allowed! Apparently this utterly undemocratic sentence caused a major uproar in certain circles. Ernst called me shortly thereafter, and I asked what this development meant. I asked specifically: "Is this in-your-face malice, or is it desperation on the part of our enemies?" Ernst thought it was desperation - the Holocaust Believers have run out of options and are being pushed to the wall!
You make of it what you will!
Day 14 of the "Holocaust" Trial of Attorney Sylvia Stolz
In Mannheim Kangaroo Court, 10 January 2008
Reported by Günter Deckert Translated by J M Damon
In case the Court is unwilling to suspend proceedings, Attorney Bock moves that he be released from his professional duty to defend Sylvia, saying that he does not want to serve as a fig leaf for such a disgraceful and dishonorable show trial.
Today there is just one police car, a new Benz Vito, in front of the courthouse.
There are 10 uniformed police agents on duty, including two females, one of whom is a Turk with a BRDDR passport. We are back in the large courtroom, where we have to go through X-ray in addition to the other inspections. Is this supposed to create the impression of danger of violent attack by someone? No matter -- it was all quite brisk and routine except for one little problem: I forgot to remove my penknife from my pocket and put it in the storage locker. The Intrepid X-ray Machine discovered my "weapon," but fortunately the police did not get overly excited. All I had to do was leave it at the inspection site, and I got it back after today's session.
In Courtroom Nr. 2, the smallest courtroom, there are two "Staschu" agents, both familiar faces. After noon they are reinforced with a novice Staschu as well as 5 and sometimes 7 armed police agents, at least one of whom is always female. Their job is presumably to identify onlookers who laugh or clap so that they can be fittingly chastised. There are two representatives of the media, one of whom I previously thought to be a reporter for Mannheimer Morgen and replacement for Mack. His name is Ulrich Willenberg and he writes for several newspapers, including the Wormser Zeitung. It turns out that Ms Punja Schollbuch, whom I until now knew only as "the blonde from dpa" was answerable for the two most recent MM articles. Soon another reporter arrives, whom I have never seen, but the "dpa/MM blonde" seems well acquainted with him. Before today's session begins, there is lively and relaxed chitchat between District Attorney Grossmann and the "poodle media."
There are at least 60 visitors today, including Horst Mahler and the faithful Berliner member of the Zündel Brigade. The elder lady member of the Jewish Community is also here again. We get into a conversation and she tells me she is a member of SPD and attended my second Mannheim trial (the "Scandal Trial") in the court that consisted of Dr. Müller (SPD), Dr. Orlet (former CDU) and Frau Folkerts in 1993!
{NOTE: This was the second verdict of Mannheim District Court in conjunction /with the Weinheim lecture given by the American researcher Fred Leuchter in November 1991. My "crime" was serving as interpreter for Fred, and this was NOT an NPD event. I was again sentenced to one year probation and 10,000 DM fine. In addition, the original volume was supposed to be burned, but it was never found. Thanks to the judge's good opinion of me, there was a world wide reaction, which however led to BRDDR's toughening of Section 130 of Penal Code and increasing the maximum penalty to 5 years.}
I had begun speaking to the lady in the assumption that she is Patricia Bauer, who in the most recent edition of "bnr" (Blick nach Rechts, The View on the Right), which is an informational publication of the SPD published by the Socialist Regional Chairman of Bad Württemberg. Ute Vogt, Member of SPD steering committee, had published a very one-sided report with erroneous content.
Scheduled for 9:00, today's session finally gets underway at 9:22, with no explanation for the delay. Then comes the "Grand March of the Gladiators" of the 6. Großen Strafkammer (6th Superior Criminal Court,), which really should be accompanied by music from Aida. The Court is present in its usual composition: Presiding Judge Glenz, District Attorney Grossmann (without his bodyguard today) and Sylvia Stolz with her two attorneys. After the Court's entrance, Sylvia and Attorney Bock announce that they wish to submit three more motions -- in other words, reopen the taking of evidence. The motions are 1) An article on Judaism); 2) Sylvia's relationship to National Socialism; 3) An article on the Zündel trial that appeared in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung entitled "Der lange, kurze Weg..." by V. Zastrow.
{As those know who have my reports on the Zündel trial, l include the Zastrow article; it is available for 15 euros, including domestic postage.}
Sylvia resumes her discussion of the District Attorney's omissions and misrepresentations in his closing argument. For the sake of the visitors, she is trying to introduce honesty and openness into these proceedings and to describe for them the evidentiary motions that Glenz will not allow her to read into the record. This kicks off the familiar game between her and Glenz, known as "submit that in writing!" -- "give it to me!" Sylvia remains calm and does not allow herself to be distracted, even when Glenz turns off her microphone. She continues talking until Glenz again threatens to officially forbid her to speak. She suddenly hands the motion to Glenz while continuing to speak. Judge Glenz then orders that photocopies be made and distributed to the Court.
At 9:30 Attorney Bock begins his closing statement. He begins by recalling the Andersen fairy tale about the Emperor's New Clothes and explains that this is a story that in former times, when German families were still intact, parents used to read to their children... Bock says this Court is playing the role of the Emperor while those who profess to believe in "Holocaust" are playing the role of the imperial retinue, conducting themselves in a "politically correct" manner. Sylvia is of course the child who calls out loud and clear: "The Emperor has no clothes!"
Bock points out that according to Grossmann, Sylvia in guilty on all counts.
He addresses the counts as follows.
COUNT 1: Concerning Horst Mahler as Sylvia's assistant. According to Section 145c, this is not a crime. Bock says that he himself often confers with Horst concerning legal problems and that on occasion, he utilizes Mahler's suggestions in his practice. It is not a punishable act and consequently not a valid indictment count.
COUNT 2: Concerning Sylvia's use of the phrase "Heil Hitler" Bock points out that the Court has introduced no evidence to support the allegation that Sylvia posted this expression on the Internet. He says that a great many people could have posted that phrase, including himself. He says that Sylvia did not publicize the message and did not send it to the Meinerzhagen court. The criminal element of having acted publicly is simply not there. Everyone is free to say "Heil Hitler!" in the privacy of his home and some people hang Hitler's picture on the wall. Consequently this is not a valid indictment count.
COUNT 3: Bock points out that this Court needs to take a close look at Section 130 of the Penal Code! He says that Section 130 exudes repression and despoitism and that it is a constant reminder of Germany's political and moral destitution. We are all familiar with the ancient saying, "Wes Brot ich eß, des Lied ich sing" (I sing the song of him whose bread I eat), and District Attorney Grossmann sings a very loud song indeed!
COUNT 4: The Lüneburger Proceedings.
This was the trial of Dr. R. Hennig for disparaging the government. He received a sentence of 9 months and was paroled after 6 months. Bock says he made inquiries in December of 2007 and the presiding judge of the district court informed him that 18 months later, an indictment against Sylvia had still not been submitted. It appears that they are in no hurry! If what the judge said is true, this cannot be used as a count in Sylvia's indictment.
COUNT 5: The District Attorney charges that Sylvia has been subjected to "brainwashing" by Horst Mahler. If this is true, it obviously serves not only to lessen Sylvia's culpability, but to absolve her altogether.
COUNT 6: The District Attorney is charging Sylvia with "representing aggressive anti Semitism." Bock points out that this may or may not be true and even if true, is not a punishable offense.
Consequently it is not a valid indictment count.
COUNT 7: Attorney Bock observes that, according to the District Attorney, Sylvia's culpability is increased by the fact that her opinions and remarks have reached foreign countries. He says that the District Attorney is demonstrating inadequate familiarity with the law when he includes such a count in an indictment. It is precisely the task of an attorney to avoid having a flawed verdict imposed to the disadvantage of his client. How does an attorney avoid such a verdict? By introducing evidentiary motions in order to offset the alleged underlying Offenkundigkeit (Manifest Obviousness.) The attorney does this is by presenting new research and new findings such as the article by Fritjof Meyer. Under present BRDDR law, however, the attorney is punished for introducing evidentiary motions and empirical evidence. He says this Court's basis for rejecting the article by Fritjof Meyer in conjunction with an evidentiary motion is typical of the Court's procedure. Although the mainstream historian Meyer arrives at a figure of less than a half million victims, both Jewish and non Jewish, the Court still insists on a figure of several million Jews. He calls such a basis for rejecting motions "sloppy and unacceptable." Such stubborn and unreasoning insistence on numbers contained in an outmoded "Manifest Obviousness" deprives the accused of any and all defense!
Under the provisions of Section 260 Paragraph 3 of the Penal Code, Attorney Bock then moves the suspension of proceedings, since exoneration is not possible and the proceedings cannot be called a fair trial. In case the Court is unwilling to suspend proceedings, he requests and moves that he be released from his professional duty to defend Sylvia, saying that he does not want to serve as a fig leaf for such a disgraceful and dishonorable show trial. He points out that his release would not endanger the trial, since the Court has appointed another defense attorney in anticipation of just such a situation. He demands an immediate ruling by the Court and ends his pleading at 9:55, to well deserved applause for his presentation.
Judge Glenz stares menacingly at the public and warns them to desist from expressing approval. He orders no repressive measures, however, which leaves all those police agents with nothing to do. Then he orders a recess until 10:30. During the recess, Sylvia's court appointed lawyer joins her friends the "System Lawyers" in their spirited group conversation.
At 10:49 proceedings resume and Judge Glenz asks all members of the Court if they have "taken cognizance" of Silvia's and Attorney Bock's motions and explanations, and they all say yes. Then comes Glenz's inevitable, expected, malicious and long drawn out "NEINNNNNN!!" As always, everything is rejected. Glenz tells Attorney Bock that the Court is not willing to relieve him of his duties because there is no real reason to do so. He says the High Court makes distinctions between Section 130 trials and the actions of defending attorneys.
At 10:51 it is the turn of the court appointed defending attorney to speak. Planted in the Defense over Sylvia's objections, she begins by saying that she is several years older than Sylvia. She says that has served merely as an observer during the trial because Sylvia could not or would not confide in her. She says that she nevertheless made an effort to defend Sylvia "since it is her duty to defend everyone?!? She is careful to make it very clear that she "belongs to the community of those who believe in "Holocaust.'" She is in fact a "High Holocauster" since she subscribes specifically the "classical, official" and politically correct version of that faith.
She accuses Sylvia of having a deep and basic misunderstanding of the nature of the legal profession. She says that Sylvia conceives of legal defense as though it were "struggle on behalf of her client to the bitter end." She recites a series of legalistic platitudes and quotations before returning to the subject of "the Stolz Case." She says that in the Zündel trial, Sylvia behaved like an "Irre" (insane person). Then she corrects this to say Irrende (mistaken person), referring to Sylvia's argument concerning Nothilfe/Notwehr (emergency assistance / emergency defense. She announces that Sylvia is caught in a Verbotsirrtum (mistake about what is not allowed), which was easily avoidable since Sylvia is very knowledgeable concerning the law. She calls Sylvia an Überzeugungstäterin (evildoer acting from conviction) who is influenced and manipulated by Horst Mahler. She says that during the whole trial the conduct of the Defense was guided from the visitors' section, where Mahler was sitting: guidance actually came from the rear of the courtroom to the table where Sylvia was sitting. At 11:07 this court appointed lawyer ends her presentation by saying that she regards Sylvia as a tragic figure and hopes she has given the Court grounds for "lightening her sentence." With court appointed defenders like this, who needs prosecutors? Judge Glenz now asks if all members of the Court have copies of the motions that Sylvia and Attorney Bock submitted this morning. When they all affirm this, he announces midday recess until 1:00.
The afternoon session begins at 1:10 and there are as many visitors as there were in the morning, maybe even more. Even the Staschu brigade has been reinforced. There are now 7 uniformed police in the courtroom, two of which are female, including the Turk with the BRDDR passport. Glenz begins by asking if all members of the Court have "taken cognizance" of Sylvia's documents and they all say yes. Then he again announces that the submitting of motions has ended. At 1:12 he allows Sylvia to address the Court.
Sylvia begins by discussing remarks made by her court appointed attorney, who was "planted" in the Defense over her (Sylvia's) objections. She calls this a "swindle in court etiquette" and compares it to "party treachery" in which members of one political party pose as members of a rival party in order to infiltrate and sabotage its deliberations. Sylvia describes collaboration between the prosecutorial Bench, the District Attorney and her so-called defending attorney. She says that her appointed attorney acted as a "second prosecutor," playing the role assigned to her. She demands an investigation and moves that court proceedings be suspended until Monday. Glenz calls recess until 1:30. At 1:33 he rejects her motion as always, saying her "conspiracy theory" is "eccentric and groundless." Sylvia demands a photocopy of this ruling and Glenz agrees to provide one "later."
Then Sylvia explains that she has not seen herself as a defendant in this trial, but rather an accuser -- a kind of prosecutor on behalf of the legitimate government of Germany.
{Numerous experts on state and international law, including Prof. Carlo Schmid, have agreed that the "Federal Republic" is not a legitimate government with a legitimate constitution, but rather an "OMF" or "Organization Form of a Mode of Foreign Domination." Under international law the government of the Reich did not simply disappear with the unconditional surrender of the German armed forces.}
Acting as "prosecutor on behalf of the Reich" she accuses the Fourth Superior Criminal Court of Seelenmord am deutschen Volk (Cultural Genocide Against the German Nation.) She says the Court is perverting and repressing the truth with the cudgel of "Holocaust," making a mockery of justice. Her trial has made clear the criminal absurdity of prosecuting "Holocaust Denial." How can one deny something that never existed? She says these entire proceedings began as a show trial in a kangaroo court and never progressed beyond that point. The main proceedings were projected with smoke and mirrors and the official fairy tale of "Holocaust" was enforced by undisguised force. She observes that the political intent of the Court is the ultimate eradication of the German Nation and its replacement by a mongrelized and deculturated population of mindless consumers.
Sylvia says she is confident that she has succeeded in exposing this Court to the whole world as an agent that is hostile to the German Nation. By openly and flagrantly violating the law, this Court flees before the truth. Incessantly, like turning a prayer wheel, it has rejected her every evidentiary motion with the cynical pretext of "abuse of court procedure." It is undeniable that the Court allowed the Defense to introduce no evidence whatsoever! She demonstrates how Subjektiver Tatbestand (subjective allegations) were cynically accepted as though they were Objektive Indizien (objective indicators). Just as she pointed at the beginning, her indictment already contained the entire trial. She has hope and faith that the German Nation will some day bring this treacherous Court to justice.
Sylvia describes how the Defense was forced to accept the contents of the indictment, and this caused the Court's desired verdict to be the inevitable consequence. In the absence of material evidence, the Court relied on its infantile rulings that "Abuse of Procedure = Criminal Act." Thanks to this judicial sleight of hand, there was no assumption of innocence and the Court did not have to prove guilt. Throughout the trial the Court pretended that there was no time for discovery. She says that for Judge Glenz, "Discovery" consists of nothing more than gathering personal data, compiling a curriculum vitae and determining whether allegations were actually said or written. That is all there was! The Court made no attempt to even keep up appearances. She points out that all of this is an obvious violation of legal procedure and total disregard of the law. In addition to this the Defense was forced to comply and obey immediately. The Court used the doctrine of "Manifest Obviousness" constantly and ruthlessly, and the Defense was never allowed to point out that there STILL has been no Grundsatzentschedung (decision on basic principle) by the Bundesverfassungsgericht (High Court) concerning the constitutionality of Section 130!
Sylvia asks: to what is Grossmann referring when he mentions "domestic and foreign" court verdicts? Could he be referring to the Nuremberg show trials? The Allied Military Tribunal was nothing but a postwar Talmudic Inquisition conducted by Germany's enemies. It featured witnesses with "built-in credibility" and Jewish testimony that could never be questioned or authenticated. Sylvia points out that the constantly mentioned "historical consensus" can be achieved only by persecuting nonconformists and excluding dissenting points of view, both in Germany and abroad. She observes that Grossmann claims National Socialism is "dead as a mouse" because the stigma of "Holocaust" attaches to it. But this stigma is no wonder since National Socialism continues to be depicted only negatively, as something satanic and criminal, while Germans are stigmatized as a nation of evildoers. She asks: what would people like Grossmann do without the official obligatory fairy tale of "Holocaust?" Her trial has again demonstrated that world political powers are players in the "Holocaust" game (or "Holocaust Industry" as Prof. Norman Finkelstein calls it ­ he should know, since both of his parents were interned at Auschwitz during the War.) This explains why objective historical research is still suppressed, sixty-three years after the end of the War. As an example of ongoing intellectual repression in Germany Sylvia refers to the "Hermann Case" in which a popular commentator was fired for referring to such positive aspects of National Socialism as its family policy and the construction of Autobahns.
Sylvia demonstrates that the Court's procedural system is very, very simple. It consists of disallowing all evidentiary motions as "abuse of Court procedure," which is a criminal act. She says that the District Attorney's closing tirade was beneath all legal criticism, nothing but purest slander and abuse. {At 2:45, Reporter Willenberg leaves the courtroom.} Then Sylvia shows how powerful interests profit greatly by inculcating a negative self-image into German society, with their incessant propaganda and brainwashing. If Germans were as evil as Grossmann depicts them, they would long ago have skinned him alive. Here Glenz interrupts and dictates her words to the Court Reporter for inclusion in the court record for future prosecutions, warning Sylvia against further criminal remarks.
{NOTE: Glenz is attempting to convert a theoretical assumption into a criminal act here. He needs to review the grammar of conditional lingistic constructions. Sylvia was obviously creating an unreal condition as shown by her use of the subjunctive mode. Of course, Grossmann would like nothing better than for Sylvia to say "Murdering Jews is a good thing!" However, approval must also be imputed, in order for an expression be punishable.}
She points out that under the present Talmudic Inquisition, anyone who calls attention to the destructive nature of Judaism can be punished. Glenz tells the Court Reporter to write that remark down as well. Sylvia observes that today, no one is allowed to say anything the least bit derogatory about Jews, and yet the necessary first step toward changing and improving conditions in Germany is recognizing the cause of our malaise. She says that Horst Mahler's writings provide the proof for this, and she will stand by this assertion. Glenz orders the Reporter: "Put that in too!" Not to be deterred, Sylvia continues and remarks that Germany now stands under the yoke of world Judaism. Glenz threatens: "We are going to cut off your final address if..." But Sylvia ignores him and says that following World War II, the real criminals took over the world. Glenz growls "I'm warning you!" but Sylvia again urges the public to consider the causes of Germany's plight and continue gathering and considering the material evidence. She tells the Court that National Socialism is not dead, regardless of how much Grossmann and his ilk wish it were dead. She says that National Socialism represents what is good and enduring in the German spirit. Idealism and patriotism are rigidly suppressed at this time but they cannot be suppressed forever.
Turning toward Grossmann and the Court, she asks: "Is he German?" Or is he perhaps related to that Moshe Grossmann who for four years following the end of World War II continued torturing and murdering German slaves in the East, as the Jewish author John Sack reports in his book An Eye for an Eye? Then she turns to the Bench and asks: "What about you -- are you Germans?" "German" stands for honor and steadfastness! Think of Deutsche Treue! Nobody can call what is going on in this court as "honorable." In this court, the only "justice" is inspired by the Talmud! Addressing the lay judges, Sylvia calls on them to exercise their rights and even now, at this late hour, dare to demand that evidence be heard. She says there is still time to introduce some element of truth into this show trial conducted by this kangaroo court! They should dare to intervene for the sake of the Truth, the German nation and a better world, because what the Court is doing is a crime against Western civilization. Sylvia expresses her faith that history will take its inevitable course and "the truth will win out." She says that since the trial began she has been prepared for her preordained conviction -- she told them at the beginning that she knew her verdict was handed down, even before her indictment. To the Bench she says "And you, my high-and-mighty judges, will never again experience inner peace... Your depiction of National Socialism as a criminal system will see to that. You are willing accomplices to the brainwashing and degradation of the German people... Adolf Hitler accurately recognized the Jewish problem, the malevolent power of the Jews in certain respects... Yes, I share the values of National Socialism!"
Glenz blurts out, "I remind you of Section 130! The Court will remember all this!"
Again he threatens to take away her right to speak. Sylvia replies, "If my actions bring a little more light into this dark hour for Germany, then I will gladly go to prison!... It does not bother me that I am officially ridiculed and insulted by this despicable court and atrocious government... My high and mighty judges, you are convicting yourselves, not me."
At 2:45 Sylvia suddenly hands three additional documents to the Court and announces that Attorney Bock will speak the last word. Glenz looks inquiringly in his direction. However, Bock lets it be known that he does not wish to speak any more today. Glenz announces the end of today's session with resumption on Monday, 14 January at 9:30. Bock informs the Court that he cannot be present before 1:00 pm, and Judge Glenz announces the final session will take place Monday at 1:00 pm. [Excerpted]
Postscript: Sylvia Stolz was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison and arrested in the courtroom, on grounds that she might flee!
As soon as I have the English translation, I will also post it and send it to my list.
Ingrid Zundel

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