- Something interesting is happening with our Sun. X-Rays
are a well known product of the fusion process which is what our Sun is.
It appears that on more than one occasion, X-ray emission levels have
dropped to incredibly low levels - if not virtually down to zero. Up
until now, I have not discussed very much about this observation in previous
solar reports. This has recently appeared sporadically in other X-ray
charts, even though I've not specifically mentioned it recently. Another
virtual "zero X-ray event" apparently has occurred again, according
to two NOAA instruments measuring two different X-Ray wavelengths on one
satellite (see red arrow below.)
- The red horizontal plotted line above indicates the X-ray
levels for longer wavelength X-rays in the 1.0 Angstrom to 8 Angstrom
spectrum, while the blue plot line shows the shorter wavelength X- rays
in the 1.0 Angstrom to 8 Angstrom spectrum. This is a rolling continuous
chart which slowly scrolls right to left, and is updated every 5 minutes.
The white arrow points to a small blip in X-ray emissions sensed by GOES
10 longer wavelength X-rays. This blip moves the plot above the zero level,
shortly after midnight Universal time on Feb. 18. It also provides us
a small indication that the instrument for that wavelength is still functioning.
To date, I have not heard anything about any instrument failures aboard
the GOES 10. Normally both instruments show almost the same plots. Note
that both instruments are located in the same GOES 10 satellite, so both
will be at essentially exactly the same point in space.
- Tick marks on the graph are at three hour intervals.
About six hours after both wavelengths dropped to virtual zero, we see
it happen yet again but for a much shorter period of time lasting only
for a matter of minutes. In my past studies on this and other observed
phenomena, this could be indicative of an Earth time jump taking place.
The affects of time jumps apparently occur in pairs, similar to what we
see here. Although time jumps often happen faster than humans can sense
them, they can affect the sun by altering its output. (See the website
below for people's personal observations on slower localized time jumps.)
- The affect of a time jump on the Sun is similar to throwing
a stone in a calm pond the stone quickly disappears from sight but
ripples continue for a long time afterward. Everything in our solar system
is connected in some way, and the Earth is held in orbit by an "invisible
tether" commonly described as a warp in space-time resulting from
the Sun's gravitational field. What would happen if that space-time warp
is suddenly disturbed by a momentary absence of the Earth? Of course,
no one has been able to observe this happen. But it just might be that
our Sun shows the effect of time jumps like ripples in a pond.
- Ted Twietmeyer
- tedtw@frontiernet.net
- The website www.data4science.net boldly goes where no
one else will go to explore curiosities in science that many dismiss as