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Obama Knows NOTHING
About Our Constitution

From Devvy Kidd
If you know a democrat, be sure to let him or her know about this.
Obama knows NOTHING about the U.S. Constitution and his oath of office. There is NO constitutional authority to raid the people's purse for any of this.
The treasury is overdrawn $9.2 TRILLION dollars. This whopping $845 BILLION would have to be borrowed from the central bank. More hot checks and more insanity.
Just like the rest of these big spenders in Congress, this outrage will further America's demise into absolute poverty.
Of course, he can't do it alone. Democrats need to find out if their counterfeit U.S. Senator voted for this abomination and make their voices heard. The Republicans aren't any better and I'm sure some of the brain dead in that party would vote for this insanity.
Obama Bill: $845 Billion
More For Global Poverty ?
Democrat Obama Sponsors Act OK'd By Senate Panel
That Would Cost 0.7% Of Our Gross National Product --WND
Read the details here...
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