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Wrecking America
For Amusement

By Ted Twietmeyer
Imagine this if you will. It's a nice sunny day where you live. You're driving along a scenic route on your way home. For no apparent reason you decide to drive off the road and into a building causing mayhem, just for the thrill of it. It's an insane idea to say the least. Would anyone destroy someone or something for no reason at all?
Or consider this ­ you live in a country where freedom hsa been cherished for centuries. Though perhaps taken for granted by the people that live in America and Canadaas though freedom could never disappear, there are those who are hell bent to destroy it. To them, freedom is a dirty word and directly implies a need for control.
Think back many years ago to when you were a child. You saw expensive toys in stores which you quietly wished deep in your heart you had the money to buy. When you became an adult and had your own money, suddenly there was nothing of interest in the store at that price level. Wanting something is not the same as being able to have it when you want it. As we grew older, all the fun of looking at items in stores seems to evaporate when you see something you can easily buy. There is no challenge anymore.
Yet today in the back of your mind, now it's those things that you can't afford in a much higher price bracket that you now wish you could afford. It seems to progress that way, and perhaps that's just human nature or the influence of modern culture. Most likely this isn't unique to America, but a common syndrome all over the civilized world. Credit cards make it all too easy for those who don't understand this principle to be buried under a life-long yoke of debt. Instant material gratification is never a good thing for anyone.
I know a couple where the wife worked at a major international bank as an executive in their offices. She held a lofty responsibility at the bank in corporate finance. One day her husband learned the shocking news ­ his wife had amassed more than $50,000.00 in credit card debt. He had been proud for more than 20 years that the home he lived in had no mortgage on it, nor ever did. Suddenly at 60 years old, the couple was forced to take on a new mortgage to pay off the debt.
The ruthless people who run our planet have so much money to spend that there isn't anything on Earth that any of them cannot afford to buy. So what's left for these people to do for fun? When material possessions are not longer relevant, the only thing left is to do some intangible act, which of course is difficult to put a price tag on. That represents a fairly limited repertoire such as owning intellectual property, dominating an entire country, or creating fear and control to name a few. All of this and more gives these people a big Adrenalin rush. It's the greedy adult version of an innocent child who climbs a tree just to say he did it.
Have you ever played an intense game of chess with someone? It's an amazing game that will get your heart racing when played seriously. Masters at the game in tournaments have literally lost up to 20 pounds from the intense mental power. I have a life-long friend who has consistently beat me at chess, no matter how hard I tried. He knew all the classic opening moves and counter-moves, and could easily think several moves ahead. In playing chess with him my strategy was limited to defensive thinking, not offensive as it should have been. If one plays an intense chess game, the surroundings and environment will blur as you become immersed in the battle.
Perhaps you're seeing the parallels here with politics today. The average person is playing a strictly defensive strategy while watching the fall of freedom slice by slice. It is demoralizing to say the least. Trying to guess what the next move will be can become a full-time job.
There are prominent people in the patriot movement who strive so hard to fight globalism that they actually find themselves coming full circle. It's like a chase around the block with your friend as a child ­ run fast enough ahead of him, and eventually you'll come all the way around to meet up with him from behind. When a patriot comes full circle, he or she may appear to be working for "the other side." Sometimes this is intentional, and sometimes not.
An old expression says that if you hate your enemy enough, you'll start to like him. It's another inexplicable oddity of the human spirit.
In an essay written four years ago titled "Circular Politics - How Left Became Right," I wrote about this issue. It was one of my earliest works on this matter, and to my surprise is more applicable today than ever before. [1]
But what of the ultra-rich who will destroy America? Why? What is to be gained by doing this madness? Albert Pike's writings which predicted WW1, WW2 and WW3 appear to prove that the demise of America was planned more than 130 years ago by the hidden hand of those in power. Are we still playing a defensive game of chess with those in control? Where is it written that we must obey every single word and rule which "they" dictate? What gives them the right to do so? A nine+ figure net worth? Not in my book.
One hundred plus years of psychological manipulation has helped cast the die we have today. But the harder metal is the more brittle it becomes and the more susceptible to being fractured. This mindset which is cast like a form of virtual concrete represents an invisible yoke which some 400 million people today in America and Canada must bear the weight thereof. But this is only because they BELIEVE they must bear it.
Everyone knows what mutual assured destruction is as a result of a nuclear weapon exchange. No one gains anything in the end. In chess, the destruction of America is like a game played to stalemate where the only two pieces left are two kings. It's a game that cannot be won by either side.
To what end would destroying the western world serve? Who benefits from such madness? Looking at this with the cold light of logic several things quickly become apparent.
First, destroying an economy using a recession (a controlled depression is a better word for it) has a chain reaction effect. Even the richest people on the planet will suffer economic loss from this in one form or another. For example, as consumer purchasing sharply drops so will the need for big cargo ships. If you're someone who owns such a transoceanic shipping company or ship manufacturing company your revenues will drop, too.
If you are one of the ultra-rich and own an oil company or own a large share in one, you too will suffer. The same goes for utilities, and it goes on and on. Would you take a stick and beat yourself with it for fun? Perhaps if you were among the world's ultra-rich, you just might. Having had a brush with people like these, I can testify to you that the way you and I think has no place in their lifestyle or anywhere in their mind. To understand them and deal with them, you must think as they do. Doctors are trained to use lay terminology to talk to patients using terms they will understand. In like manor, to deal with the ultra-rich you have to think as they do.
In most cases, the actions of the ultra-rich are all money-based. After all, that's how they made their fortunes, inherited them or married into them. It takes many generations to make these huge fortunes. Here we're talking about sums of money that makes Bill Gates and others like him appear almost poor. Trillion dollar transactions are not uncommon for the ultra-rich.
Who is an example of the ultra-rich? One such man is Robert Cooper who lives in England - one of the ultra-rich few people even know exists. Living a fairly quiet and low- profile life, he is the Cooper in Cooper-Weller tools, Cooper Price Waterhouse (which he exited some years ago,) Cooper Tires and many other companies including one that manufactures electrical components used to wire homes, right down to the AC outlet your computer is plugged into.
By now, you're probably wondering what all this has to do with wrecking America. Is it about creating a new world order as most believe? Or is it more of a form of amusement, in order to prove to themselves they can actually pull it off? The question is ­ will they REALLY like the end result? The last thing any business, whether it be a mom and pop plumbing business or a fortune 1000 corporation wants to do, is to hurt the customer. Business 101 - When you hurt your customers they don't come back.
On a country-wide level, the ultra-rich causing the oppression will completely lose the trust of the people. A revolution is sure to follow when people wake up and realize just who it was that hurt them. Look at what happened in Europe over millennia. But perhaps the ultra-rich get a thrill out of taunting the masses with oppression.
One can compare America today (and in some ways Canada as well) to a standard chess board, all set up and ready to be played. The average person is a simple pawn, and the upper class people in society are equivalent to knights, bishops, rooks, etc on the back row of the board. The hands that move the pieces on the board belong to those of the ultra-rich who run the world. Few people know that the chauffeurs for the Bilderberg meeting attendees are millionaires. To them, it's considered an honor to drive a billionaire to the meeting. Like a rock fan who gets the privilege to drive someone like Rod Steward to a concert. Again, the ultra-rich do not think like you and I do. Money does that to the human mind.
Will everyone, everywhere continue to be a pawn on the world chess board, or reach up and grab that hand from above that moves those pieces and say "enough is enough!"
For those who think they are powerless they should consider the following facts. The control freak game will only end when eugenics is implemented, reproduction is only by permission, chip implants are used to track and trace and termination of life at the will of the state, the length of a human life is controlled and every single aspect of who you are and even what you are allowed to do to yourself, including where you travel and who your friends are, is controlled.
Only then will the invisible hands on the chess board pieces take a rest for a short time, as they finally feel they have had their adrenaline fix for the time being. But it won't last.
Are ordinary people powerless? Not at all! That's the greatest illusion of all. Will American troops fire upon American citizens? Some will and some will not. Some may even fire upon those who cause the oppression, as the shocking realization of the end of society settles into their souls.
Do soldiers think about their wives, friends and families and what will happen to them? You bet all of them do. Are there those employees inside the government who will finally stop this mad game? Perhaps they will act on the behalf of the American people, if the "wimp factor" has not scared them into inaction from fear.
Are the ultra-rich outnumbered? You bet they are ­ there are many thousands of us to each one of them.
The final question is a simple one ­ are you going to reach up and grab that hand manipulating your life and scream back, "Enough is enough?"
Ted Twietmeyer
[1] - http://www.rense.com/general57/right.htm
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