- Hello Jeff - Chronic Wasting on the move, now into Oklahoma.
- I have heard that some "poor" and homeless
people are being feed "hunter harvested" deer. Some private "Faith-based"
organizations have chruch members who hunt and donate deer meat. I would
suggest that a good possibility is that we will see nvCJD emerge in that
homeless community.
- Neither the Government nor Faith-based charities really
worry too much about the quality of food they provide.
- If nvCJD does emerge in the homeless community, it is
quite possible we won't learn of it for a long time. Irratic personal behavior
is not duly-noted, and is often accepted in the homeless levels of society.
- Elk Herd With Disease Similar
To Mad Cow Found In Oklahoma
- The Shawnee News-Star (edited) http://www.news-star.com/stories/020201/new_elk.shtml
- A fatal brain ailment similar to mad cow disease (BSE,
bovine spongiform encephalopathy) has been found in a captive Oklahoma
County elk herd, forcing officials to put 140 of the animals under quarantine.
State Department of Agriculture veterinarian Gene Eskew said "chronic
wasting disease" (CWD) has been found in 5 elk that died, and a few
others in the herd are suspected to have the disease. The agriculture department
is watching for additional deaths so the tissues can be sent for testing
to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa. The
tests must be performed on carcasses because there are no live tests for
the disease.
- The herd, which came from Montana, may have to be killed.
"The options are not very good," Eskew said. "There is no
money from the state available to purchase them and put the herd down."
The elk will not be used for human consumption and the state is convinced
[that] no infected elk have been killed for human consumption. In 1997
and 1999, 3 hunters were reported as suspected victims of CWD (one in Miami,
Oklahyoma), [but] those cases have never been confirmed. Colorado passed
a law 3 years ago designed to curb the disease. Whenever a deer or elk
dies in that state, the hunter or owner must take in the animal's head
for testing. In previous hunting seasons, up to 15 per cent of deer killed
in an area north of Fort Collins, Colorado tested positive for the disease.
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