- Two women tortured, brainwashed and prostituted by the
Illuminati paint a disturbing picture of how the world is really run. Both
say they were prostituted to world leaders as children.
- They are Brice Taylor, author of Thanks for the Memories
(1999) and Cathy O'Brien (with Mark Phillips) author of Trance-Formation
of America (1995).
- These books are consistent and confirm the revelations
of Illuminati programmer "Svali" ("Illuminati Defector Details
Pervasive Conspiracy.") If you want to understand the world, you must
read these three women.
- Essentially every country is run by a shadow government,
which owes its loyalty to the New World Order controlled by a 13-member
Illuminati Council.
- According to Svali, "each ruler represents an area
of Europe held under its sway; and each one represents an ancient dynastic
bloodline." American leaders are often direct descendents, whether
legitimate or illegitimate.
- According to Taylor, Henry Kissinger is the CEO for the
Illuminati who naturally prefer to remain in the shadows. Our political
leaders are chosen by their moral frailties, blackmail-ability, and willingness
to advance the Illuminati plan. Strings are pulled and they mysteriously
rise to prominence. It doesn't matter which party they belong to. They
secretly serve the "Cause."
- Many are products of a life that may include pedophilia,
drug trafficking and consumption, child pornography, bestiality, mind control,
rape, torture, satanic rituals and human sacrifices. They are given many
opportunities to indulge their perversities, which ensure continued obedience
and solidarity.
- Drug trafficking, white slavery, prostitution and pornography
finances secret New World Order programs. Elements in the CIA, FBI, Coast
Guard, Military, and police are all involved, as is the Mafia.
- This information may upset or enrage some people. I could
not bring myself to read these books for over two years. The torture and
depravity they describe is excruciating. My mental filters would not accept
it. Writing about it is difficult.
- The public has a child-like trust in its leaders, especially
Presidents. The charge that they really belong to a sadistic, criminal,
traitorous syndicate is a betrayal on the scale of incest.
- We respond with denial and anger. We don't want to admit
that we are dupes and our perception of reality is false. Dumbed down,
we are incapable of common sense and concerted action. We refuse to contemplate
what they may have in store. Better to ridicule the messenger and change
the channel.
- These women could have remained silent and found some
much deserved peace and happiness. Instead they are taking great risks
to warn humanity of the danger. Are we going to listen?
- Both Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor were victims of the
CIA's MK-Ultra mind control program, which is designed to create human
robots to serve functions ranging from prostitutes to couriers to killers.
- Their families belong to secret satanic sects that sexually
abuse their children generation after generation to produce the trauma
which causes multiple personality disorder. In this traumatized condition
the mind splinters into many compartments. Victims exhibit extraordinary
powers of recollection and endurance and can be easily programmed to do
- These cults operate within many organizations including
charities, churches, boys/girls clubs, Masonic lodges, day cares and private
- Society is being subjected to the same type of trauma-based
programming using constant war and atrocities that include Auschwitz, Hiroshima,
the Kennedy assassinations, Sept. 11 and Abu Ghraib. We are being collectively
desensitized on the one hand, and programmed to focus on sex, violence,
trivia and empty social rituals on the other.
- Both women were sexually abused as babies. Cathy O'Brien
was often given her father's penis instead of a baby bottle. Congressman
Gerald Ford, who was involved in drug trafficking and child pornography
with the Michigan mob, initiated her into the MK Ultra Program. (No wonder
Betty Ford drank.)
- O'Biren's father prostituted her as a child to friends,
business associates and politicians as a favor, or for money. She also
appeared in numerous child pornography and bestiality films. When you read
this book you will understand who Jon Benet Ramsay was and why there is
no resolution to her murder.
- O'Brien (born in 1957) says she serviced an array of
politicians including the cocaine snorting Clintons (A Three-Way), Ronald
Reagan, George H.W Bush, Dick Cheney, Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Governors
Lamar Alexander and Richard Thornburgh, Bill Bennett (author of The Book
of Virtues), Senators Patrick Leahy, Robert Byrd (her handler) and Arlen
Spector. Notable by their absence were Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon.
Taylor (born in 1951)slept with JFK and LBJ as a preteen and teenager.
- When O'Brien's daughter Kelly was born in 1980, they
often worked as a mother-daughter team. George H.W. Bush particularly liked
Kelly. Cheney is not a pederast because his large genitals horrify children.
- Referring to George Bush, Dick Cheney told her: "A
Vice President is just that, an undercover agent taking control of the
drug industry for the President." (158)
- George Bush Jr. was present on one occasion but is not
accused. (196) O'Brien was rescued by Mark Philips in 1988. It is likely
that Bush Jr. is involved in this mind control, drug and sex scene. Rumors
swirl around him and his behavior is erratic. Remember the pretzel incident?
Last summer Margie Schroedinger a woman who was suing the President for
rape "committed suicide."
- Sen. Robert Byrd, who controls the nation's
purse strings, justified to Cathy his involvement in drug distribution,
pornography and white slavery as a means of "gaining control of all
illegal activity world wide" to fund Black Budget covert activity
that would "bring about world peace through world dominance and total
- He said, "95% of the people want to be led by the
5%." Proof is that "the 95% do not want to know what really goes
on in government." Byrd believed that mankind must take a "giant
step in evolution through creating a superior race."
- Byrd believed in "the annihilation of underprivileged
nations and cultures" through genocide and genetic engineering to
breed "the more gifted, the blondes of the world." (118)
- O'Brien visited a series secret paramilitary compounds
throughout the US like one at Mount Shasta in California. "I learned
that this not-so-secret military buildup consisted of special forces trained
robotic soldiers, black unmarked helicopters, and top secret weaponry including
electromagnetic mind control equipment."
- At these compounds O'Brien and her daughter were often
hunted like wild animals, tortured and raped for the amusement of CIA,
military and politicians.
- O'Brien worked as a sex slave at Bohemian Grove, the
elite's perversion playground on the Russian River in California. She says
the place is wired for video in order to capture world leaders in compromising
- "Slaves of advancing age or with failing programming
were ritualistically murdered at random in the wooded grounds of Bohemian
Grove...There was a room of shackles and tortures, an opium den, ritualistic
sex altars, group orgy rooms...I was used as a "rag doll" in
the toy store and as a urinal in the "golden arches" room. (169-170)
- Strangely, mind controlled sex slaves are used as diplomats
and lobbyists as well. At a Governor's Conference, Secretary of Education
Bill Bennett advised O'Brien to "persuade these Governors at their
weakest moment, bring them to their knees while you are on yours, and convince
them that global education [the Education 2000 initiative] is the way to
the future if there is to be any future at all." (173)
- O'Brien's book is available directly from her. It is
also available from Amazon.com (search Mark Phillips).
- Why did the Illuminati let these women live? I don't
know. I don't know how many they have killed. Perhaps they want to truth
to be known gradually. Perhaps they have a shred of decency left. Perhaps
they are confident of their power, and think the women won't be believed.
- As the Kennedy assassination and 9-11 prove, the United
States (and most countries) have been totally subverted by a Luciferian
international criminal elite. The role of politicians, media and education
is to keep the sheep deluded and distracted while the elite stealthily
advances its goal of world tyranny. Western society today is a massive
- Muslim fundamentalists call America the "Great Satan."
In the above terms, they are correct. I'm not sure if they are pure themselves
but the Muhajadin appear to be the true defenders of freedom against the
New World Order.
- It is tragic that brave young American soldiers have
been brainwashed to believe they are advancing freedom when the opposite
is the case. A reader tells me that this is treason. Do we owe our loyalty
to our countries or to duplicitous traitors who have usurped control?
- The populations of the West are spoiled, self centered
and complacent. How can things be so bad when we have so much? We don't
realize that the goodies can be taken away in a second by tightening credit.
- We don't realize that we are being distracted while our
political and social institutions, our bulwarks against tyranny, are being
infiltrated and dismantled. Our children are being brainwashed.
- Don't ask, "What can we do?" That is conditioned
helplessness. Figure it out yourself. Take responsibility. Send me your
ideas. There is no quick fix to this mess. But we must stand up for truth.
They may have the weapons of mass deception, but, as Cathy O'Brien says,
"the truth doesn't go away."
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- "The CIA, Mind Control and Children" Testimony
to Congress Committee on radiation confirms O'Brien charges. Hundred of
children involved. Talk by Jon Rappoport.
- You can find this article permanently at http://www.henrymakow.com/000683.html
- Articles
- Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date.
He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto.
He welcomes your feedback and ideas at henry@henrymakow.com.