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TIME's Putin Man-Of-The-Year
Photo Mind Control

By Jeff Rense

TIME Magazine's jabs at Vladimir Putin are as subtle as a tractor-trailer. The image used on the magazine cover is so blatantly insulting it is laughable.
First, here is the Russian RIA Novosti news service image used to report the story of his being named Man-Of-The-Year. RIA Novosti were also obviously disgusted with the TIME insults and presented their own TIME 'cover' with a respectful and reasonable photo of Putin.
Compare that image with the digitally-manipulated 'Putin' conjured up by TIME staffers for the cover. What's in a picture? In this case, Zionist propaganda and mind-control.
Think of the hundreds of thousands of Putin photos available that weren't chosen for the story page itself. The psychology of using this cold, threatening gangster-esque image is pitifully clear...
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