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Ignoring Genocide
By Mary Sparrowdancer
©. 2007 All Rights Reserved

What is the real reason that after almost 100 years, the US government is still incapable of, or unwilling to acknowledge the Genocide of 1.5 million Christian Armenians? The reason is certainly not the lame answer officially offered to us: we might offend Turkey. The movement of the "Young Turks" a coalition of political conspirators that was responsible for overtaking the Ottoman Empire as well as for carrying out the Armenian and Assyrian Genocides, came to an end in 1918.
Is there another reason why we cannot address the barbarity of the Young Turks and call their murder of a minority, Genocide? Is the possible reason stemming from the fear that we might discover the identities of some of the more prominent, genocidal Young Turks, whose plans were carried out by a vicious military? Is there a fear that this discovery will draw new attention to another vicious military that is poised at this very moment, ready to carry out similar crimes against humanity? Some of the prominent founders of the Young Turks, as well as party members consisted of those known as the "Donmeh," (or "Donme"). The Jewish Encyclopedia of 1906 is quoted as saying that the Donmeh are "a sect of crypto-Jews," posing outwardly as Muslims. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the "Donme took active part in the Young Turk movement." (1) (2)
The reason most of us acknowledge atrocities of the past is so we may see what humanity has been capable of doing, and utter a vow summed up into two words: "Never again." It is also a way of at least honoring the memories of those who needlessly suffered and died at the hands of vicious militaristic governments that have been out of control and run primarily for the benefit of an elite few during the last 100 years.
The genocide of the Armenians and Assyrians at the direction of the Young Turks, and the genocide of millions of Soviets at the direction of the Bolsheviks took place in the early 1900s, as a result of a Marxist/atheist new world order movement that began infiltrating governments and establishing plans for central control of everything necessary for human life. The United States was not spared this Marxist infiltration and various Marxist ideas became established here in direct violation of our Constitution. Marxist ideas included establishing a "federal income tax" on people's wages, establishing a private central banking system, and taking over small local farms and awarding them to huge conglomerates that now control most of our nation's food. The conglomerates also control the "quality" of the foods we buy from them, they control government policies, and they are now forcing Frankenfoods on us that defy description. They have caused the United States to become a nation of sick people who are now completely dependent on the giant pharmaceutical industry to help relieve our growing list of symptoms stemming from malnutrition and outright poisoning.
The removal of small, local farms remains a very dangerous political move. When one takes a moment to review the genocides of the past instead of ignoring them, one can see clearly that the most effective, least expensive method of carrying out genocide, has been by denying simple basic necessities of life, such as food and water to those targeted for death. Administering death blows is costly. Past experience has shown that simply withholding the necessities for survival works quite effectively. The result is a slow death, and if the military government first isolates the victims and has the help of a pandering press, their acts of mass murder will also be silent. (3) (4)
As one looks at the 100-year-old Armenian Genocide, the methodology used to plan it sounds suddenly familiar. Chillingly familiar.
First the Young Turks used its propaganda machine to paint a distorted picture of the Armenians: the Armenians, the Young Turks claimed, were a terrorist threat to "national security." This was a lie, but the Armenian civilians had no voice, and were helpless and unable to defend themselves from the military government lording itself over them. Accusing people of being terrorists has historically worked well in justifying their murder. The Armenians were rounded up from their ancestral lands, their properties were confiscated, and they were forced to walk a death march into the desert and beyond without food or water.
Hundreds of thousands died of hunger and thirst, and others were barbarically and savagely murdered by the military, because a military out of control is always a savage murdering machine. Some Armenians were tied together and clubbed to death, others were tied together and shot thus saving bullets, and still others were tied together and thrown into pits and burned alive. The hundreds of thousands who died of hunger and thirst were later described as merely having "died of natural causes." Some still deny that this genocide happened, but the bones in the desert and subterranean caves speak loudly.
In order to successfully carry out a genocidal massacre and displacement of an entire population, there are three primary elements necessary, and all three are woven together by a fourth element. The fourth element consists of the dark threads of lies and false accusations that are then parroted to the masses by a lying media. The first element is that those who are to be "ethnically cleansed" from their desirable ancestral real estate must be primarily an unarmed civilian population. The second is that those doing the cleansing must have at their disposal a highly sophisticated, vicious military willing to slaughter the unarmed, including children and babies. The third and greatest element needed is silence. During the days, months or years that the genocide takes place, the rest of the world must be made to look in the opposite direction through deflection or entertainment, and thus silence can be maintained. The world must not notice, not see, and not hear the cries of the sick, the starving, and the dying. These elements have been working well for an elite few for 100 years.
While we reassure ourselves that "never again" could such atrocities happen, and while we might say the Armenian Genocide was a part of past history that no longer threatens the world, as I write this, the militaristic state of Israel has completely cut off from the rest of the world the 1.5 million Palestinian citizens it is holding prisoner in the Gaza Strip. In 1948, when Zionist atheists declared the coveted land of Palestine as their "birthright," the Zionists also declared that Palestinians were a terrorist threat to the "national security" of the new state of Israel. Palestinians were rounded up from their desirable ancestral real estate, properties were confiscated they have been refugees since.
Israel has been slowly starving this largely unarmed civilian population of Gaza by blocking all borders and refusing to allow delivery of common vital supplies such as food, medical provisions, and services necessary for human survival. Israel is now planning to further cut fuel, power and supplies to the unfortunate 1.5 million Palestinians attempting to survive in Gaza. Israel also controls and has restricted the Palestinians' access to their own water supplies. While Israel claims it is no longer occupying Gaza, this is a false claim. The exact opposite is true. In addition to closing off all of Gaza's borders, including the Egyptian border, in addition to blocking entry of simple foods and supplies to 1.5 million men, women, children and babies being held prisoner in the Gaza Strip, Israel has also used its influence to block the flow of money into Gaza, making it difficult for the poorest of the poor to even receive donations. There is also no postal service through which to send bread and food. (5)
While causing all of this, the Israeli military, with its soldiers safely tucked inside its sophisticated armored vehicles and its armored Caterpillar bulldozers, with its drones, its planes, helicopters, blimps, jets, and gunboats (all generously paid for by billions and billions of US tax dollars), the Zionist forces make daily incursions into the Gaza civilian area, firing at homes, killing unarmed civilians including children, and we have recently learned that, according to various confessions, armed Israeli soldiers have been brutally beating Palestinian children for no reason other than for sheer pleasure. One soldier tells of how he witnessed another attack a 4-year-old boy who was building a sandcastle in his own yard. The soldier broke the boy's wrist and leg, and then "started to stomp on his stomach." In other "campaigns," the Israeli forces have been filmed breaking children's arms by pounding them with large rocks and twisting them. (6) (7)
Countless refugee homes have been demolished. Israeli gunboats have targeted unarmed fishing boats, damaging those as well. On land, Israeli forces have destroyed countless acres of fruit trees, ancient olive orchards, and agricultural land, further deliberately exacerbating the food and poverty problems. Their tanks and weapons have murdered thousands of civilians, including children and babies. None of this has been enough to satisfy Israel, however, and Israeli leaders now speak of upcoming plans for a more massive military incursion into the refugees' "open-air prison" called Gaza.
The only thing making all of this much, much worse is that the current government of the United States is encouraging this "collective punishment" of an innocent, captive, civilian population. The propaganda justifying Israel's planned starvation of the children, babies, women and men in Gaza is being played yet again like a familiar, old, warped record: The Palestinians, Israel claims, are a terrorist threat to the "national security" of Israel, a land that was violently stolen from the Palestinians almost 60 years ago, without concern or compensation for the Palestinians who owned it.
How many more times will we allow this warped record to be played while we all look the other way? What will it take to get the U.N. to finally do something and open Gaza's borders? The broken record will continue being played unless we end our silence, acknowledge the past, and acknowledge the present. We need to stand up to Israel despite the ridiculous Zionist threat of being labeled "anti- Semitic." The gaunt, haunting face of starvation is staring at us once again. It is staring at us from the present.
One such face is that of a 20-year-old Palestinian man by the name of Mahmoud Abu Taha, who was diagnosed with intestinal cancer in August of this year. He underwent surgery in Gaza where according to news reports, medical services are now severely limited due to Israel's blockage of Gaza's supplies, services and electricity.
The surgery was not successful, and Mahmoud then needed additional medical care not available in Palestine. As his family desperately attempted to obtain permission from Israel to send him for treatment in an Israeli hospital, his condition deteriorated. Unable to eat, he was given liquid nourishment, but because of the Israeli border blockage, the quantities of this liquid nutrient were also severely limited. According to reports, due to the shortage of supplies, Mahmoud was eventually limited to only one "feeding" per day, resulting in the loss of approximately one-third of his body weight. (8)
"Mahmoud is melting away in front of our eyes like a candle," his brother, Hani, would say. (9)
Although permission to cross the border was initially denied because Israel said Mahmoud was a security risk, permission was finally granted a few weeks ago for him to obtain the lifesaving treatment he needed in Israel. Accompanied by his father, they traveled by ambulance but only made it as far as the border, where the Israeli checkpoint forces refused to allow the critically ill man into Israel. Mahmoud's father was arrested for unknown reasons at the checkpoint (Palestinians, including children, can be arrested for no reason at all). The ambulance carrying Mahmoud was ordered back to Gaza.
Earlier this week, permission was again obtained for Mahmoud to cross the border. Mahmoud was carried again into an ambulance and taken toward the border. Although emaciated now to the point where he could not stand or move his limbs, as he lay motionless in the back of the ambulance receiving oxygen and an IV, he was subjected to an 8-hour delay at the Zionist checkpoint as military personnel pondered yet again whether Mahmoud Abu Taha was a national security threat to the State of Israel, and whether he should be permitted to meet with the Israeli doctors standing by waiting for him. It was a long day and a long delay for the critically ill young man.
For Mahmoud, this journey of hope and desperation was about to end. It was not to end as hoped, however. Mahmoud died a few hours after finally being allowed to enter Israel. Following his death, the Zionist military then reportedly released his father from jail.
This is the face of one young person who was denied adequate nourishment, humanitarian care, medical care, basic services, the right to travel freely, basic human rights, basic freedoms, and compassion by a military force that is completely out of control, and has never been held accountable for its racist crimes against humanity. Mahmoud's only crime, and the only reason he was treated so terribly, was that he was a Palestinian. Mahmoud was not a terrorist. He was a human being living under the occupation of a brutal military force that wants the world to believe that all Palestinians are a terrorist threat to "national security," and therefore there is justification in torturing, detaining, and killing them all. Israel is now planning to deliver further torment to the 1.5 million prisoners in the largest concentration camp ever created on the face of the earth: Gaza Strip. Unable to escape the closed borders, the people of Gaza are pleading with the world for someone to please acknowledged them and help them.
Mahmoud was not a terrorist. Of this we can be certain. But it is no longer easy to identify who is or is not Jewish. There are Jews who are presenting themselves as Muslims. There are Jews who are atheists. There are Jews who are Zionists. There are Zionists who are Jews. There are Zionists who are not Jews. There are Jews who are not Zionists. There are Christians who are Zionists supporting Israel rather than following the teachings of Jesus. There are Jewish converts who have no ancestry with the tribes of Israel.
There are Jews who have been treated terribly by Zionists, and there are Zionists who do not want to be associated with Jews. There are Jews who are Semites; there are Jews who have not a trace of Semite ancestry in them. Most Semites are people such as Mahmoud. Most of those currently occupying seats in the US government are Zionists embracing Marxist concepts, and some have dual citizenship in both Israel and the US. These people represent the interests of Israel rather than the interests of the US.
In this confusing time, there are two clear identifications we must be brave enough to make: The first identification is that Mahmoud, who was unable to move his limbs or stand up, was not a terrorist threat to anyone. He was a dying young person whose short life was made even more miserable by a militaristic government that has been making the lives of all Palestinians as hellish as possible for about 60 years. The second identification we need to make is in Resolution 260 (III) A of the United Nations General Assembly adopted by the UN on 9 December, 1948. It reads as follows:
"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group." (10)
That is the international, legal definition of Genocide. This is what it looks like:
Good bye, Mahmoud. I pray that we will never forget you and the needless suffering you and your family were forced to endure.
(Photo of Mahmoud by Muhammad Sabah, B'Tselem.)
Mary is a writer, and the author of a bestselling book, The Love Song. She urges all who wish to put a stop to the Genocide of the Palestinians to send a copy of this article to everyone you know, as well as to the UN. Demand action. Demand that the UN open the borders of Gaza. Let the UN know we know the truth. End the support of Zionist Israel. With loudspeakers at the border, play calming songs of true spirituality and peace such as this http:// homepage.mac.com/larrynickel/Kyrie%20-%20Choir.html and this: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2673401390420936142&q=ave +maria+schubert&total=657&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0
1. Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906. Donmeh. 10/29/2007
2. Britannica. Donme. 10/29/07.
3. Armenian Starvation. 10/29/2007
http://www.diamandagalas.com/defixiones/images/ar-vict- bread.jpg
4.Armenian Starvation. 10/29/07
5. Palestinian water restrictions.
6.Breaking a 4-year-old's wrist and leg.
http:// observer.guardian.co.uk/world/story/0,,2195924,00.html
7.Bone-breaking campaigns. Horrifying, graphic video.
8. Israeli Human Rights report - shortage of medical supplies
http://www.btselem.org/english/Gaza_Strip/ 20071018_Gaza_Medical_Care_Cancer_patient_Mhmoud_Abu_Taha.asp
9. "Like a candle..."
10. Genocide.


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