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S.1959 - Homegrown 'Terror
Prevention' Bill Now In Senate


S. 1959: Violent Radicalization And Homegrown
Terrorism Prevention Act Of 2007
Text of Bill
A bill to establish the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism, and for other purposes. Senate in session this Friday.
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Floor Speeches
Other Info
Bill Status
Sen. Susan Collins [R-ME]show cosponsors (1) Cosponsors [as of 2007-10-21]
Sen. Norm Coleman [R-MN]
Cosponsorship information sometimes is out of date. Why?
Bill Text: Full Text Status: Introduced Aug 2, 2007 Voted on in House - Signed by President -
This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Introduced bills go first to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate. The majority of bills never make it out of committee. [Last Updated: Oct 20, 2007]
Last Action:
Aug 2, 2007: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Show All Related Votes Committee Assignments
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process where the bill is considered in committee and may undergo significant changes in markup sessions. The bill has been referred to the following committees: Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
Related Legislation Other Bills with the Same Title
The list below shows legislation in this and previous sessions of Congress that had the same title as this bill. Note that bills may have multiple titles. Often bills are incorporated into other omnibus bills, and you may be able to track the status of provisions of this bill by looking for an omnibus bill below.
110th Congress: H.R. 1955 (Status: Passed House (Bipartisan support.))
S.1959 began in the House, of course, as HR 1955 and passed overwhelmingly to move it on to the Senate.
Among the 404 House members who voted for HR 1955 Oct. 23 (SEE roll call 993) were the entire Oregon delegation!
Among the only 6 "nays," however, were Dems: Kucinich,
Abercrombie, and Costello (Repubs wee Duncan, Flake, Rohrabacher).
Among the 22 "no-votes" were:
Dems: Carson, Conyers, Cooper, Davis, E. B. Johnson, Moore (KS), Reyes, Sherman, Wilson (OH), and Woolsey.
Repugs: Barrett, Bilbray, Bishop (UT), Cubin, Tom Davis, Feeney, Hunter, Issa, Jindal, McKeon, and Peterson (PA).
History of this "Quicky" bill that had no mainstream media coverage:
4/19 Hoppered by Jane Harman with 14 co-sponsors (HJC Dem member Zoe Lofgren among them).
Referred to House Homeland Security committee #65533; and HJC.
5/7 HHSC kicks it down to subcommittee on Intelligence, Infomation Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment.
6/25 HJC kicks it to subcommitte on Courts, Internet, Intellectual Property (ahem!!!)
7/17 SIISTSA holds hearings; considers it, does mark-up session, votes it out of subcommittee to HHSC.
8/1 HHSC mulls it, does markup, votes it out of committee HJC also votes it out of committee
10/16 Calendared for House debate/vote
10/23 11:05 a.m. Bennie Thompson (one of 14 co-sponsors) moves to suspend rules/pass bill.
10/23 11:45 a.m., debate ends (!), chair announces postponement of vote (lunch).
10/23 5:06 p.m., vote is 404 - 6; motion to reconsider tabled (apparently by voice vote)
10/24 Sent to Senate and referred to its committtee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
BUT, in the meantime over in the Senate, Maine's Susan Collins (R) and Norm Coleman (R) were busy. On Aug. 2, she hoppered the bill we're concerned with (S 1959) as a joint effort with Harman in the House. (Coleman is listed as the only co-sponsor).
Members of the Senate HSGA committee should evoke a colletive groan.
If you know voting records of, say, freshman Tester, e.g., and reactionary Landrieu), you'll groan. We know how Lieberman will vote.
And among Republicans, the bill's dynamic duo of Collins/Coleman are in the group. It'll be whipped through this committee perhaps with even greater speed and whom can we count among the other Senate Dems to filibuster, table this jumped-up Alien & Sedition Act that despite its sop ("any measure...should not violate the constitutional rights, civil rights and civil liberties of U.S. citizerns and lawful permanent residents").
Now's the time to think about joining the ACLU ($10 per month) and/or lining up an ACLU lawyer. And raise a hue and cry against this bill.
* Joseph I. Lieberman (I Conn.), Ranking Member
* Carl Levin (Mich.) Chair
* Daniel Akaka (Hawaii)
* Thomas R. Carper (Del.)
* Mark Pryor (Ark.)
* Mary Landrieu (La.)
* Barack Obama (Ill.)
* Claire McCaskill (Mo.)
* Jon Tester (Mont.)
* Susan M. Collins (Maine), Ranking Member
* Ted Stevens (Alaska)
* George Voinovich (Ohio)
* Tom Coburn (Okla.)
* Norm Coleman (Minn.)
* Pete Domenici (N.M.)
* John Warner (Va.)
* John E. Sununu (N.H.)



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