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Smoking Gun - Apollo 11
'Live' Broadcast Faked

By Ted Twietmeyer

We now have concrete evidence which proves that live pictures broadcast to the world by Apollo 11 which showed the astronaut jumping off the ladder down to the surface of the moon did NOT originate on the moon. Forget about rock shadows and shadow angles. Finally, the smoking gun. We will use NASA's images, unenhanced to prove this.
The proof for the fake broadcast has been hidden in plain site all along ­ it is the ladder on the Lunar Lander. In researching this, it appears other imags were also faked or staged.
First, let's look at several images of the Lunar Lander as it appears on the moon. These images were supposedly taken with a high quality Hasselblad color film camera by the astronauts:
Fig. 1 ­ Aldrin shown here unpacking experiments. Shock absorbers shown here (RED arrows) are not covered in foil but are wrapped in a black material. Photo by a NASA astronaut. Image source: 5927 NASA.jpg
Fig. 2 - Another photo from the moon, not showing the ladder side of the lander. This image looks like a toy model. Why would so much gold foil be missing? The pieces on the lunar surface clearly do not add up to the amount of gold foil missing from the Lander.
Compare the gold foil covering the legs of the lander (WHITE arrow) with the previous image in Figure 1. It does not match. RED arrow - Note shock absorber pairs on each Lander strut do not have foil but some other type of covering, probably for insulation. Source: http://history.nasa.gov/alsj/a15/AS15-87-11839.jpg
Fig. 2a ­ Closeup of strut on Lunar surface. Note shock absorber (RED arrow) is covered with foil in this photo, not the black wrapping material we see in previous images. This was also supposedly taken on the Moon's surface by an astronaut.
Image source: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/ap11ann/ kippsphotos/5920.jpg
Fig. 3 - This official image is also from a NASA website. Note the thin ladder shown here. (This ladder is not visible in Fig. 1.) Source: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/ap11ann/ kippsphotos/5863.jpg
Compare the robust heavy gold foil covering shown here on Lander with the thinner foil shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 4 ­ Astronaut steps off the ladder onto the moon in this photo. Note that this ladder does NOT reach down to the surface. NASA stated at the time that the astronaut had to jump off the bottom rung onto the lunar surface. NO explanation was ever given by NASA for this silly ladder design requiring astronauts to make a blind, backward jump down to the surface. If the strut contains a shock absorber which could shorten the strut momentarily upon landing, designers should have given the astronaut a simple hinged ladder extension which could be kicked down with his foot. RED arrow - Note the size of he ladder stringer. Ladder stringers shown here are very thin, but could work in the 1/6 gravity on the Moon. More about this later.
Image source: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/ap11ann/ kippsphotos/5869.jpg
Fig. 5 ­ Televised live first step on the moon. THIS IS THE SMOKING GUN. Compare the ladder stringer (RED arrows) shown here to the image in Fig. 4. THE STRINGER DOES NOT MATCH. This image was taken from a television set the day this supposedly took place.
Source: http://history.sandiego.edu/GEN/recording/ images5/1969apollo11tstep.jpg
For the 1G gravity environment on Earth, a THICKER ladder stringer would be required to support the weight of the astronaut, his costume and backpack. Hence, the heavier ladder shown in Fig. 5 (RED arrows.) In this image, we see the astronaut/actor about to step out onto the elevated stage in a NASA studio (BLUE arrow) as I've proven in my previous photo essay at http://www.rense.com/ general79/rehar.htm
Does this mean we never went to the moon? Not necessarily. What this clearly proves is that the Apollo 11 "live broadcast" in 1969 was a fake. And possibly some of the still pictures that were taken on the Moon, too.
Case Closed.
Ted Twietmeyer
Kurt Knowles
Based on the Apollo 11 smoking gun article. His 'smoking gun' is that the live broadcast of Apollo 11 shows a ladder that does not match the still pictures. Look again, as it only takes about 3 seconds to realize the ladders do match. The still picture labeled Figure 3 shows that there is a support mounted to the left side of the ladder that matches the beefed up frame visible in the live video broadcast. OH yeah, and it doesn't really help when the author includes pictures of Apollo 15 in an article about Apollo 11... there is no way of knowing what the engineers might have changed between Apollo 11 and Apollo 15,  so how can you use those pictures as evidence?
Jason Christie
This video is from a UK commercial. I'm looking for a site on this right now, but I think many UK tv viewers can confirm this.
Sam Lockhart
I just sent Ted a note telling him he is wrong on two points. He says fig 1 & 2 are of the same side,  not opposite sides of the lander, or the shadow would be his smoking gun. Can the moon rotate 180 in that time frame? How about in two weeks time?
The ladder beam is seen in three of his figs, it just ends about the same height as the bottom of the ladder itself. I'll attach a rough outline of it behind the spacesuits hose. I tried to outline it roughly with green.
Thanks, Sam

From Ted Twietmeyer
My response to Kurt, Jason and Sam:
As for the video being an advertisement? That remains to be seen. Standard advertisements are always in 30 second or 1 minute blocks. This video runs 34 seconds. To date no one has found it. And if it is found somewhere, is it not be possible that real footage was found and simply used for an advertisement? Out-takes have probably been used before. If it had actually run on television in the UK as an adverstisement, perhaps it was simply an ad for a television documentary.
I did NOT state that Fig. 1 and 2 were of the same side of the Lander - I stated the following: "Fig. 2 - Another photo from the moon, not showing the ladder side of the lander. " This was not meant to imply that both photos were of the same side, or even of the same lander.
My photo search on the NASA website was for Apollo 11. I did not realize they may have mixed-up photos, but I should have known. NASA does not change their designs in the middle of programs. If Kurt EVER sold any systems to NASA, he would also be well aware of that. Once a design is tested and accepted they stick with it, right or wrong. This is also why the two rovers on Mars were designed/built using an older 80186 processor. That Intel microprocessor design was already about 20 years old back in 2000 when the rovers were being built. But it worked well and was found to be rad-hardened, partly because of the larger micron-size geometry.
This photo is from my other essay posted on rense.com at http:// www.rense.com/general79/rehar.htm Image on the left - OFFICIAL NASA photo of first footstep on the Moon from their website. Image on the right - From rehearsal video.
WHITE ARROW - Video blanking bar from television monitor, which is random with respect to the camera shutter BLUE ARROW - Side door on lander which flips down and has video camera is mounted on it to capture first step ORANGE ARROW - Ladder stringer in question
If you had read the other essay Kurt you would have also seen this image. Yes, the ladder stringers appear different. The stringer in the rehearsal video is far more similar to the ladder seen in NASA photos. The rehearsal video shows the edge of the stage at exactly the SAME angle as the official NASA photo of a television monitor. We do not know if the ladder used on the reheasal stage was changed at some point. We only have one video clip of the rehearsal, and to the best of my knowledge, as of this today no one has come forward who worked on it. Why?
How is it that the edge of bright "soil area" is at exactly the SAME angle? Whether this ladder reaches all the way down to the surface or not isn't the biggest key point, and is just an observation.
If we were to throw out the video as an adverstisement (which is yet to be proven) the problem still remains that the ladder stringer in the official NASA photo does NOT match the ladder stringer shown in Fig.4 from the NASA still photo.
In other NASA photos of the lander, you'll find the official ladder has a THIN stringer, not one that looks similar to a house ladder. This is also true of the full size Lander shown in the Smithsonian.
End of story.
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