- This isn't something I planned to write about but it
needs to be said. The record drought pattern country wide with no end in
sight has far more serious implications than the average person is probably
aware of. We'll leave it to the experts to answer your questions whether
currency will still have a value, how much gold you should buy or whether
dollars will become as worthless as Nazi Deutch Marks. One big question
still remains unanswered - if currency is deemed worthless and a system
of credits or other monetary exchange is used, who will buy gold? Will
anyone want it? Will you get fair value equivalent for it in the "new"
currency, or simply be invisibly robbed almost overnight like many Europeans
were when the Euro took over Europe? Or will simply owning gold become
illegal and you'll never be able to sell it?
- On October 23, 2007 the temperature should have been
in the 50's in western NY. Instead, it was 75F. The question remains
what caused that and the increased heat across America? Global warming?
HAARP? Our Sun? Or perhaps weather modification?
- HAARP The High Frequency Active Aurora Research
Project [2] has been blamed for everything from bees to boils to bird flu
to weather problems. Yes, it can also raise havoc in the upper layers of
the atmosphere and be used for experimental communications. But it can
do so in a limited area, mainly over the array. Do jet streams run over
that area of Alaska? Not really. If you have watched the weather map, you
know there are principally TWO jet streams. One of the streams often passes
over Washington State, and wanders in the flow direction either eastward
or southeast. (Do NOT write me about HAARP.)
- SUN Since other planets are warming up, it seems
clear solar output is increasing. First of all, it's now known that not
only Earth is heating up, but so are other planets like Mars in our solar
system. Are there REALLY any cars and trucks on Mars?
- What's amazing about our Sun right now is the current
LACK of activity at least according to NASA. With the 11 year solar
cycle expected to peak in 2012 (again, according to NASA statements a few
years ago) various satellites monitoring energies and particle emissions
from our star are nearly silent. Solar activity for X-Rays, Magnetic flux,
protons, electrons, etc... currently is virtually a straight line. This
is ALL WRONG if the Sun's energy output is INCREASING, not DECREASING.
Yet no scientists (or other internet writers) that I know of have pointed
this out. Why?
- Solar Proton (top) and Electron Flux (just below Proton
chart) have been strangely quiet for more than a week. Three days are shown
- Solar X-rays monitored by FOUR satellites on 10/23/07
all are relatively quiet for more than a week. Each color is a different
satellite. Normally plotted lines at this point in the solar cycle would
be running along the MIDDLE of the chart, not at the bottom.
- Can we believe what we are seeing here? I think not.
So who is the sole source for all this data? NASA - another arm of Uncle.
- GLOBAL WARMING See previous paragraph.
- WEATHER MODIFICATION - Idiotic weather "experiments"
with as-yet un-announced agendas are a good possibility. And yes, this
includes the endless chemtrail spraying as well. Yet hardly anyone in the
population notices this or wants to. Stuffing one's head in the sand
(so the butt can be kicked repeatedly) to prevent seeing what Uncle is
doing to America is the great American national past- time. And there will
be a price to pay for it, too.
- A recent rense.com article about possible food riots
[1] clearly pointed out in detail that grain storage in the food industry
is essentially non-existent. This has serious implications which everyone
must plan for.
- It's unrealistic to think everyone has the ability or
financial resources to just pack up and move out of the city and into the
sticks. This clever idea is strongly supported by people who are probably
less than 30 years old, unmarried or don't own a home or have a family.
If someone is in this category, they think everyone can do this. If you
are sick, disabled, elderly, need shelter, refrigeration for health or
medical reasons then "roughing it" in the sticks is not realistic.
What is needed is a realistic way to work with what you have, and to obtain
a measure of security and peace of mind.
- There are several ways that you can prevent experiencing
the real terror of running out of something to eat with no possibility
of obtaining more. Planning for this serious problem is NOT an option for
any of us. There are piles of books on this subject written by experts.
Every emergency supply company on the web has their own ideas of what they
think is best. And they sell them for a price, too. Expect to pay about
$2,000.00 per person for a year's worth of food you can store. Though not
an expert on this subject, I've included here some of the essential concepts
of this subject I've learned over the years. (Those topics marked with
a + what I consider to by my own unique ideas.)
- + First, you be able to sacrifice your luxuries to create
real food storage. Cut back on cable or dish TV services. Cancel your cell
phone service (it won't work anyway if society starts to fall apart.) Need
cell phone for an emergency? Go buy a pre-paid phone. Consider that mankind
lived for thousands of years without cell phones, and will live without
them when they are gone. Don't go out to eat, and sacrifice EVERY luxury
you take for granted. You are planning to save the lives of you and your
- + If you want privacy while storing a cell phone, you
will need to find a 100% metal container or can to put the phone in. All
cell phones can be silently activated by Uncle for eavesdropping. Taking
the battery out doesn't completely eliminate this problem. The metal can
completely shields the phone from satellite and network RF signals that
can be used to turn it on. It will never ring while inside the can either.
- + Do you and your family REALLY want be knocking at the
gate of a FEMA POW camp in your state begging to get in for a meal when
it's 10 above zero? Think they will let you leave later after you get in
and gorge up on an MRE meal? If you think that can't ever happen to you,
think again. Anyone is better off dead than to suffer a life sentence in
a FEMA LABOR camp.
- * Starving to death is a terrible, painful way to leave
this Earth. Think of Terry Shiavo and what happened to her.
- * When stockpiling your own food storage, plan on defending
it with deadly force if needs be to prevent theft. Take a gun course for
safety. This is the life of you and your family you'll be defending. Learn
how to do it right, and how to identify your target BEFORE you pull the
- + If the economy collapses, local police will NOT report
for work. They will be staying home and trying to take care of their families.
Would you work at a job which tells you
- "come on in to work, risk your life, but you're
not going to get paid?" YOU will become the police department for
your home. And perhaps judge, jury and executioner. All you'll ever see
on the street under martial law are military police, and they could care
less about who has had their food stolen. In fact, if you complain to them
they will probably take you at gunpoint to a FEMA camp. Military police
will be more concerned with rounding up people on a list (like me) and
preventing looting. Your problems are meaningless to them. Think about
the people who lived through Katrina and what they are still going
through. Any questions?
- + Setup TWO food storage areas. One area which has some
expired food and food you will be living on, is intended for thieves to
find. This are is most likely your kitchen. Put a small mark on cans and
other items which you do NOT want to eat. Think of these as props on a
stage or movie set. Don't make the mark too obvious however. Just place
a small black dot with a magic marker on the lid or label. You will create
another secret hidden storage area that ONLY you and your spouse know about.
(More on that later.)
- + Why can't you tell your children, friends or relatives
about your secret storage area? Children love to brag in school and to
friends, and they will never consider the serious problems this can bring
when life really turns the thumbscrews. Children, friends and relatives
love to share secrets with friends they *think* will keep it secret. But
they have no clue who will really keep the secret. Once the location of
your hidden storage area is blabbed around town, your food's security will
come to an abrupt end. In fact, it could lead to a home invasion or even
a confiscation of everything, including you and your family. A little paranoia
here is good the lives you save WILL be your own and that of your
- + Build a false wall to hide your real storage area.
It can be on the kitchen level or in the basement if you have one. To build
one of these, here are the basic steps:
- 1. 1. Pick a wall location perhaps 10ft. long which isn't
too long and isn't obvious, so that making the wall appear "thicker"
with the false wall will not be obvious. In American homes built since
the 1950's, walls are typically 8ft. high. Use a stud finder to locate
the nails where the ceiling joists are. Measure out from the wall about
2 to 3ft. and mark a line on the floor parallel with the wall with chalk.
This marks the bottom edge of your new wall.
- 2. The National Electrical code has mandated that at
least one AC outlet must be on every wall. This will work to your advantage.
In some states there must be an outlet every 10ft. This means that you
can pick a location for your secret room with an outlet. Since the outlet
will be behind the new false wall, you can plug a lamp or overhead fixture
into it for temporary lighting. There are also surface wiring components
available at home improvement centers, which will allow you to remove the
outlet cover-plate, and screw a junction box onto the surface. Then you
can use surface conduit to do a proper wiring job. This is highly recommended
over using a lamp.
- 3. Build the shelves for it first, and screw them into
place. Make them as shallow as possible, so you can still get in for access.
- 4. Build your wall with 2x4 studs using either drywall
or paneling (whichever matches the current room's wall best) so that it
can have a small door at one end. The door should be well hidden behind
a sofa or chair so it completely covers it.
- 5. If you're mechanically inclined, you can pivot the
false wall with hidden hinges at one end and put a wheel under the other
end. There are several options here. Closets and short walls are good for
doing this, since you won't have to build a massive living- room sized
wall. If you use a wheel which moves across carpeting, rub the carpet to
remove wheel prints after you close the wall. For Anne Frank, it was the
marks on the hardwood floor from moving the bookcase that gave away the
location of the hidden stairway which was spotted by the Germans.
- You will have to build the wall in place. If you plan
to build it with it lying on the floor and then erect it, you'll be forced
to build it to less than the standard 8ft. height and you'll have a tell-tale
gap along the top or bottom. Your completed wall can weigh several hundred
pounds, depending on the length of it and whether you use drywall or paneling.
You can't stand up an 8ft. high wall against an 8ft. high wall it
will hit the ceiling before it's fully vertical. If you don't build this
right, you will have wall you can't use otherwise known as a disaster!
But if done right, you'll have better security for your food, fuel and
water than any other security system can provide. After all if an
alarm system goes off and there are no police for it to call, just what
good is it?
- * Here's an important part about food storage almost
no one never considers: You must LIVE off your food storage all the time.
That is, always eat the oldest food first. Add new food to it in rotation.
In supermarkets, old stock is always brought to the front and newer stock
is placed at the rear. If this isn't done, in about a year all the old
cans would start to swell up from the gas created by deadly botulism toxin
and other bacteria growing inside the cans and jars.
- * Cans which don't swell up can still contain life-threatening
bacteria and toxins- think about all the food recalls over the past years.
In the early stages of spoilage, you cannot tell just by looking food or
smelling it whether it's harmful or not. This doesn't mean you need to
duck into your secret food storage area every day. Rather, do it once or
week or perhaps twice a month. It's a habit you have to form, and later
it will become second nature.
- * MARK every can and jar with the current date you put
it on the shelf. Manufacturer's date codes are essentially meaningless
and are meant to be intentionally cryptic. Buy your food from stores where
you know stock is fresh. Canned and jarred food is designed to last about
a year or more on a supermarket shelf. This is about how long it will also
last in your home, too.
- + Don't place all your faith in quick and easy to buy
MRE food storage. This is intended only as temporary food and not long
term. Processing food during the manufacture of MREs can destroy its nutritional
value as real food and break down most vitamins into a useless form. Canned
foods may not be much better nutritionally, but you do not need to add
water to them. Just open them and heat them up. This cuts down on water
consumption. And don't forget to store more than one can opener, too!
- + Remember to store WATER LOTS of it. Not all of
it needs to be drinkable. Toilets still work quite well even in a power
failure, but only if you have a couple gallons of water to dump in the
tank to force-flush it. You may have one of the newer power flush toilets
(if you open the lid, inside the tank you'll find a sealed, pre-pressurized
canister instead of water.) If so, you cannot simply pour water into the
tank to flush it.
- You will have to pour water into the bowl instead, which
will not rinse the sides of the toilet bowl. A toilet brush can supplement
the flush cycle. In the 90's I kept my family comfortable at home for a
week without AC power during an ice storm, yet we still had television
and radio, heat and light to keep it comfortable. All it takes is a little
creativity to survive without power.
- * You can do some simple calculating to determine how
much of your water supply needs to be drinkable, and how much does not.
A Big- Berky water purifier could be useful. With a system like this, you
can safely drink water from lakes and streams with this gravity powered
filtration device.
- * In a bind (during any season but winter) you can extract
water from the atmosphere overnight with a small pit in the ground, a sheet
of plastic stretched over it with a rock in the center and a cup under
the lowest point of the plastic sheet in the pit. Water will condense on
the underside of the plastic, and run to the lowest point and drip into
the cup.
- + Don't forget to stock plenty of toilet paper and personal
items for the women in your family! It's quite easy to forget basic items
like that.
- * When storing potable water, it will be drinkable for
about 6 months. This too, needs to be cycled through periodically. Add
a very small amount of chlorine bleach (about a 1/2 teaspoon) per gallon
to prevent bacteria and algae growth. If you have a water purifier you
can use it to turn undrinkable water into drinkable water, although you
should still boil it first before use to kill viruses.
- + Remember that although sunlight will destroy bacteria
and viruses, it also neutralizes the effects of chlorine in less than a
day. Sunlight will encourage algae growth once the chlorine is neutralized.
- * Stockpile games and snacks. Living off food storage
will not have the variety we take for granted in everyday life, but it
can help make survival bearable.
- + Fuel if you can, store propane. It's safer, spill
proof and more efficient than Kerosene. However, propane is heavier than
air. You can hide propane and a camp stove to cook on, and a heater in
your secret storage area along with your fuel. If you have natural gas
service or oil deliveries, don't count on your service staying on for long
in the event of society collapsing and you can't pay them. Gas companies
will still want to be paid, no matter what your family's hardship is. Uncle
will give them special permission to go out and turn gas off at residences.
This would be to make life miserable so people will go begging at the doors
of FEMA camps. All utility and oil companies are ruthless, and they will
survive in some form when the crap hits the fan. They will be needed when
society is reconstructed into the twisted vision of a handful who believes
they know what's best for the world.
- * Build and plan your storage with at least a YEAR in
mind. Don't know how much you will need? Look at your weekly consumption
and multiply it by at least 52. Some of the food you consume you can do
without or cut back on, but not all of it. Old habits and cravings die
- * There are hydroponic systems which make it possible
to grow food indoors near windows, or by the use of small screw-in florescent
light bulbs. These may also be applicable depending on where you live.
You'll need to hide such systems from theft..
- * Once you've built a secret storage area and have a
year's worth of food, water and fuel, you can rest a bit. But don't forget
to LIVE off your storage EVERY DAY!
- + When you go to the store and return home this, is what
you'll do when no one is around:
- 1. Go to your secret food storage, and pull out the oldest
stock (based on dates you wrote on the containers) and move that food to
your NON-secret storage area. Most likely this will be your kitchen cupboards.
- 2. Take what you just bought, mark it with today's date
and put that in your SECRET storage area in the newest location. Shelves
that can be stocked from the front and back are great for this put
the newest food in the back, and use it to push the older food toward the
front. That's all you have to do! You've just rotated your stock like a
grocery store to prevent spoilage. And the food you'll be eating each day
won't be that old since it's always being rotated.
- There is a possibility of water rationing happening sooner
than later if the current weather patterns persist. Lake Meade (which supplies
Hoover Dam) is down more than 100ft and is never expected to recover to
full capacity. This is because the snow pack in the mountains that supplies
Lake Meade is vanishing. Each year less snow falls which makes things worse.
North Georgia and other states are threatened with running out of water.
Eventually, we could see Hoover Dam decommissioned as a power plant. This
is a scary thought indeed, considering how much power it generates for
the western United States.
- Those loving people at the Pentagon have already announced
they are expecting "Water Wars" in the future. Maybe this was
announced because they plan to start at least one of these. The first water
war test may be Uncle against us.
- All weapons that were ever made were tested on AMERICAN
SOIL FIRST. Including testing of the ATOMIC BOMB numerous times. Why would
weather control be any different?
- Water tables around the country are dropping lower and
lower, and this has been going on for many years. Here's a perfect first-hand
example of this. In 1980 we rented a home in a town called Springwater.
The town, which is dead-center in western NY State, had been known for
abundant, pure water found everywhere. This was true in the higher altitudes
around the town which didn't have much rain, but have regular fog because
of clouds.
- The home we rented was located about 2 miles outside
of the tiny town, and built in 1820. On the side of the house is a hand-dug
well which was also dug in 1820. The well was bone dry in 1980 when we
lived there. What supplies water to the home today? A drilled well which
is 604ft. deep with a multi-stage submersible pump at the bottom. Why?
Not because the local population was lowering the water table. And there
are only about 5 homes per square mile in that area even today, 27 years
later. The reason why the water table has dropped so far? A lack of rain,
long before gasoline engines existed to be blamed for it.
- It's important to keep in mind that almost EVERYTHING
government (i.e., Uncle) does has a twisted military purpose. Uncle's Scientists
while starting up HAARP back in the 1990s were bragging about how they
will be able to "Create mirrors for radio signals in the upper atmosphere,
and storms behind our troops to protect them." Both are truly idiotic
ideas when you really think about them. Our troops need supply lines from
behind just like all armies have throughout Earth's history. Instead, I
think these were just cover stories. (Please do NOT email me about HAARP
again. I've already read all the available information on it and HAARP
is not the focus of this article and any such emails will be deleted and
not read.)
- It seems that no one really sees the writing on the wall.
For decades Uncle has created and maintained on-going plans to go to war
with most of the world. Isn't it amazing what an influence the defense
industry has on politics?
- Less snow and less rain are falling across America, and
temperatures are also far warmer than in the past. This is a double- edge
sword which threatens everyday life as we know it. It is not known if weather
trends in Europe over the past few years are better or worse. There was
of course that horrific summer in Paris, where thousands died from the
heat. Yet it remains to be seen if this is part of a pattern. Since the
USA water problem may be an on- going problem, it appears things will only
get worse. It's up to everyone to prepare for this possibility now, or
suffer as a result of their indifference later. Consider this what
do you have to lose?
- Make a sacrifice to build up your food, water and fuel
resources now. Do without luxuries NOW, or you WILL be doing without food
and water LATER if everything collapses. It's better than dying of thirst,
freezing or starving to death. And if the end of civilized life as we know
it doesn't come to an end after all? Then you still have all the food bought
which you can eat, and nothing was lost! This is a win-win proposition!
- Ever have a friend who you knew for years, but when you
were in a time of crisis he/she didn't even know your name? Uncle will
abruptly stop the illusion of being your friend and protector, and quickly
show he's really your enemy if and when that day of reckoning comes. Anyone
that doesn't think this is true should go visit the FEMA camp in Louisiana,
which still has thousands of "detainees" - years after Katrina
- Will you be ready when food, fuel and water are no longer
- Ted Twietmeyer
- www.data4science.net
- tedtw@frontiernet.net
- [1] - http://www.rense.com/general78/riots.htm
- [2] Official HAARP FAQ website: http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/