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The Philosophy Of
The 'Useless Eaters'

By Mike Smith
10 -8 -7

CAPE TOWN -- It is for normal people sometimes difficult to understand the wrongs in society. We see politicians messing up. We see uncontrollable illegal immigration into our countries. We see wars happening. We see genocides in Africa, Yugoslavia and South East Asia while the world debates how many deaths constitute genocide and does nothing to stop it.
We question out of control AIDS and the policies to curb it in Sub Saharan Africa.
We see idiotic policies created such as the Montréal and Kyoto Protocols and we do not understand. We see Westernized, sovereign and Christian nations such as Rhodesia, Namibia and South Africa handed over to Communist terrorist through the scheming of Western Nations on the one hand and the backing by Communists on the other....and we do not understand. We ask ourselves, "Has the world gone mad?"
The answer is no. We just do not understand the philosophy of those controlling the world. Now I am no conspiracy theorist, just a keen observer and a student of history; sometimes a philosopher.
The Philosophy of world leaders
There is a philosophy amongst world string pullers that the average man will find just too horrible to comprehend, yet it exists and it shapes our modern world. There is no official version of this philosophy and I don't think it is taught anywhere at universities. Students seem to arrive at it through a natural path. Hegelianism it is not, neither is it pure Utilitarianism. The Nazi's called it "Life unworthy of life". Let me simply call it "The Philosophy of the Useless Eaters".
It is difficult to determine where this philosophy came from. Thomas Malthus wrote in 1798 that there will always be more people in the world than can be fed, hence the need for wars and diseases. We know that people like the British imperialist Cecil John Rhodes, birth control founder Margaret Sanger, Stalin and Adolf Hitler were practitioners of this philosophy, but the man who stands out as the biggest practitioner has to be "Red Terror" Felix Dzerzhinsky. Most Westerners have never heard of him, but he is a Communist god and they have erected a huge statue in his honour (torn down, but soon to be re-erected) in Moscow.
Felix D. was a Polish aristocrat, Bolshevik and creator of the "Cheka" or "Secret Police" during the Russian revolution. He killed thousands of "counter revolutionaries" and all he needed was a confession to do so. Trials were therefore short and executions summarily. One of his tactics was to pose as a counter revolutionary and even bomb police stations to lure opponents of the revolution to believe that a counter revolution has started and then kill them off.
Felix D. regarded mankind as being slightly above the level of cattle. He once told British agent Sydney Reilly, while the two were on a drinking binge that, "Man is of no importance. Look at what happens when you starve him. He begins to eat his dead companions to stay alive. Man is only interested in his own survival. That is all that counts. All the Spinoza stuff is a lot of rubbish."
This philosophy is a mixture of Freud, Plato, Aristotle, Darwin, Marx and many others. The way it was explained to me was basically like this:
Man has no natural enemies so he breeds uncontrollably. The artificially created, industrialized world has developed to the stage where it can support the meek of society; cripples, chronically sick, blind and deaf people, etc. Further these people are allowed to breed more cripples, chronically sick, blind and deaf "Useless Eaters" who would have died out in a natural environment and because of this situation, the human race is systematically weakened through enlarging numbers of useless eaters across the world. It has therefore become necessary to control the numbers of the so called "useless eaters" in order for the human race to remain strong and survive. It is important to note that one finds "Useless Eaters" amongst all nations. Race and nationality is of little importance here.
To these string pullers, nature must take its course. Human life has very little value. Soldiers who die in war died, because they were too stupid to stay alive. Genocide is a major bonus to them; culling of mass amounts of "useless eaters" who were too stupid to escape and therefore deserved to be killed. Old people on farms in South Africa being violently killed and tortured to death deserved it, because they should have taken steps to safeguard themselves. If they get killed it is because of their own stupidity. In this world there is only space for the strongest and cleverest genes. The useless eaters have to die. That is why they did nothing to stop the six million Jews being killed in WW2. That is why the world did nothing to stop Pol Pot in Cambodia or the genocide in Rwanda. They were all just "useless eaters".
Further, industrialization and Western Technology helps to keep "useless eaters" alive and therefore needs to be halted. That is the real reason behind the Ozone depletion and Warm earth theories.
Cecil John Rhodes was a great visionary for their cause. He was an arch racist who wanted to rid Africa of all the "useless eaters" and then claim its riches for Great Britain. This man has more than fifty biographies written about him, two countries were named after him as well as a university in South Africa. Beneficiaries of his Scholarship trust were amongst others, Bill Clinton, writer Alain Locke, singer/actor, Kris Kristofferson, diplomat Strobe Talbott (Yugoslavia peace negotiator 1999) and many others. This scholarship allows them to study for two years at Oxford University. A great monument was erected to Rhodes at the foot of Table Mountain in Cape Town. So why did he not succeed?
See Rhodes ran into some good Christian Whites called Afrikaners up north, who did not understand or agree with his vision. These Afrikaner farmers called "Boers" halted his visionary plans in the most expensive war Britain has ever fought and they would never be forgiven for it. Imagine if Rhodes befriended the Boers and shared his vision with them. Blacks would have only existed in History books today. Africa from Cape to Cairo would have been white.
Nevertheless, it was not to be. Eventually these Afrikaners rose to power and ruled South Africa. At first the Rhodes disciples thought that the Afrikaners would finish the job and exterminate the "useless eaters" in Africa as it happened in Australia, America, etc, but no. These Afrikaners were good Christian folk who built schools and universities for the useless eaters. They built houses, hospitals and employed the useless eaters. Under Afrikaners the useless eater population of South Africa increased four fold and the white countries of Rhodesia, South Africa and Namibia were feeding the rest of Africa. This was obviously a disaster for the "useless eater" proponents. Therefore the Afrikaners had to go.
In South Africa it is very important that we understand this philosophy in order for us to understand why the world sits with folded arms and watch Zimbabwe collapse and whites systematically slaughtered in South Africa.
Wonder no more why the world does nothing to stop Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Wonder no more why a statue of a terrorist such as Mandela is erected in London. Wonder no more why the world does not condemn Mbeki's AIDS policy or the crime in South Africa.
Whites need to leave, because the white doctors, engineers and farmers are keeping the "Useless Eaters" alive.
Communism in Africa is just a vehicle to depopulate the continent in such a way that the ignorant masses do not realize what is going on and will go along with it thinking they are "free".
Survival of whites on this continent depends on how well they understand their position and role in the global population control of the "useless eaters". If whites leave South Africa it would be ideal for the global cause, but if they stay they should not help the useless eaters. Whites should form their own little country and should not treat useless eaters in hospitals, feed them or clothe them. Whites should isolate themselves and let the useless eaters die off naturally. Whites should stop crying about crime and start fighting back. If they get killed because of crime, then they did not listen to sound advice and deserved to be killed. It strengthens the nation if idiots are killed off.
So who are these string pullers?
Think about an eagle. It is the symbol of many countries such as the USA , Germany and Hungary. An eagle has two wings, left and right, yet they are attached to the same body and controlled by the same brain. The same goes for the claws. There is nothing wrong with this and in fact, it is vital for survival of the eagle. For the eagle to fly, catch its prey and survive it is essential that it controls both the left wing and the right wing.
It is important to notice that these world scholars who believe in the "useless eater" philosophy are neither right nor left. They will use both Fascism and Communism, as long as they can control the population of the earth. Anyone who supports their goals is richly rewarded, but beware the one who stands in their way.
Contrary to what most conspiracy theorist think, it is not one group (Illuminati, Free masons, Club of Rome, etc), but rather the four hundred odd "Think Tanks" across the world with their learned academics, financiers, religious leaders and politicians who eventually draw up these policies who are responsible for it. These "Think Tanks" are the bodies to which both the left and right wings are attachedbut who or what is the brain?
One of these "Think tanks" is the Catholic military order known as the Jesuits. Their leader is Peter Hans Kolvenbach, a Dutchman, also known as "The most powerful man on earth" or "The 'Black' Pope". Chances are you have never heard of him. The Jesuit order played a big role in "Liberation Theology" in South America and Africa where communists took over and killed millions of 'useless eaters'.
Recently we have seen the movie 300 about the Spartans at the battle of Thermopylae (who saved the Western world), but what about the other 300 warriors few know of. I am talking about Gideon's men we read about in Judges 7 and 8 in the Bible. We also read in Chronicles about King Solomon who made 300 shields from the gold the queen of Sheba gave him.
What if 300 was just a symbolic number? What if, through the ages, a Committee of 300 of the world's most prominent scholars are really controlling world events and pulling strings behind the scene? You better believe it.
Once one understands this philosophy it is not so difficult to understand how George Bush can send thousands of soldiers to their deaths and not lose a single minute's sleep over it. One can also understand how their own leaders, who received a Nobel peace prize for it, could betray the Afrikaners.
Unless Afrikaners understand their position in the global game of population control and how the "Philosophy of the Useless Eaters" affects them, they are doomed. Fact is, four million whites in South Africa is nothing in the bigger scheme of things. World leaders are not going to rush to the aid of whites in South Africa when they face extermination and no one is going to send in the cavalry. It is time for Afrikaners to forget about Siener van Rensburg's prophecies and start working towards a strategy of survival. It might even be too late already.
The only way for the Afrikaners is to become increasingly assertive. It is time for the Afrikaners to become ruthless and either fight for their position on the dung heap or fade away into history where no-one will care in a few years time that they ever ruled South Africa. No-one has ever achieved anything great in history by sitting around with folded arms. History is made by the ones who are willing to be ruthless. The Afrikaners should understand that there can be no more playing nice. That attitude has brought them nothing. History shows us that the ones who achieved greatness, were the ones who were willing to TAKE, not BEG; the ones who were willing to fight, not negotiate. There is no place for sissies in this world and if the Afrikaners wants to behave as such, they deserve to die. These words might sound cruel, but it is the truth. It is reality; not some washed out prophecy.
Jer. 8:9: "Since they have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do they have?"
Col. 2:8-10: "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form. and you hove been given fullness in Christ, Who is the head over every power and authority."
Some sources for further reading.
The Tavistock institute, considered to be America's "Best kept secret".
One of the best books on the subject is that of Dr. John Coleman, an ex MI6 agent called, "The story of the Committee of 300".
To see the aims of this group, read here:

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