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Labor Day Tribute - I Dreamed
I Saw Joe Hill Last Night

By Judith Moriarty

I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night
Alive as you or me
Says I, But Joe, you're ten years dead
I never died says he
I never died says he
Forgotten in our days of imported junk - concrete windowless box stores - echoing plants - shuttered towns - rusted mills - hilltop mining (EPA, shrug, no Al Gore - seeing the mountains of W.VA. being leveled) - outsourcing of American jobs (including Information Technology - state services) - and H-IB imported visas holders (hundreds of thousands voted by Congress) replacing skilled, professional workers (1/3 the cost - no benefits - no vacations - no job security) are the working men/women of this country - brutalized, shot, killed, and starved. You'll see nothing taught on this great part of a nation's history. Robber Barons made millions - lived in palatial estates - while citizens (really indentured slaves) worked in horrific conditions - no benefits - minuscule pay (or scrip) and in shanty mill/mining towns - in the shadows of belching stacks - clouds of coal dust. If a man was killed on the job, his widow/children were given a few days to pack up and get out of the shacks they were living in.
The people organized to fight for livable wages - job safety - and benefits. The history of the labor movement (not remembered or taught) the military - and private goon squads, hired by the robber barons - attacked and killed many a striker (family members) shows the once upon a time tenacity and courage of ordinary people. Our Labor Department is a joke (corporate appointee), Robert Reich under Clinton was no better. He recently 'joked' that a student asked him if Labor Day represented child birth? Not funny - sad how ignorant we've become.
Under President Reagan, unions heard their death knell, when he fired thousands of air traffic controllers. If there had been the fire and passion of a Joe Hill - or Mother Jones, gifted in organizing and plain talk that related to the workers - this whole damn country could have been shut down. If there had been an honest media (not corporately controlled) the people would have been educated as to the true state of affairs.
When we speak of heroes, a man, a working man, an immigrant from Sweden, Joe Hill, is never mentioned. The one thing you don't want the people to realize is the real power they hold (when united in a cause). Like Joe remarked, the people had the power to shut down the country! Just as they still have. The attack on protesters in Seattle (against trade agreements - exporting American jobs/industry) was so violent (Ninja troop gassing, beating) in my opinion, was because the people came together. There was almost zero coverage of what really happened (nor in Florida FTAA) and to this day, many citizens (and state - local politicians) do not have a grasp, of what these various (thousands of pages) of agreements (not debated - read - or discussed) voted on (only up or down vote) means to the constituents of their states - their zoning, employment, water rights, and various environmental protections! Meantime - our country's infrastructure with privatization taking over the water, school services, waste, utilities etc.
Seattle saw seniors, students, steel workers, textile workers, truck drivers, environmentalists, dock workers etc, untied in their concern (since they had informed themselves). They were beaten down, with agent provocateurs, masked, inciting violence, to give the police an excuse to attack (all planned). The major objective in these protests, (media - special interests), is to keep the greater audience ignorant of these agreements, and secondly to (media's job) present such actions, as a bunch of rag, tag, trouble makers - intent on destruction. It worked. People are 'programed' to believe what the TV tells them!
I lived in a mill town. My dad (neighbors) worked in the searing heat of a steel plant. Those who owned the plants lived far from the belching stacks - the pollution and heat. Some of them had a woodland retreat (with all the amenities) above Johnstown, Pennsylvania. They had workmen construct a lake for them for leisurely boating and swimming. They ignored the advice of those maintaining the earthen damn. One day it burst and took out Johnstown . 2,400 people died that day - the town and homes were left in shreds. NOT one person was held accountable and NO compensation was ever paid. Such is the malignant arrogance of great wealth (no different today - robbing pension funds - moving overseas etc).
Those protected from the work a day world, with 'inherited wealth' - connections in high places - or in 'seemingly' secure jobs; in various government - local consultants - teachers - police etc; protected by unions - full medical coverage - bonuses - raises (to keep up with inflation) cannot relate to today's working class man/woman. Wages have been stagnated for some years. Every week, its a different plant being shut down - (paper mills - mfg - specialty shops). In northern NH, when the paper mill closed (a major employer), the men thought they could pick up temporary work constructing (what else) a Wal-mart store. To their surprise the place was being built by immigrants. Contractors merely sub contract the work out to the cheapest labor. Many companies, fire people, and then hire them back, or replacements, as temp workers (no benefits - great cut in pay).
Many seniors and men/women who once had livable wage jobs are now working in (two - three jobs) in the service sector which produces nothing. A town - state - nor country, can not long survive in a market that produces merely the service of selling junk from overseas. Millions upon millions are unable to afford medical coverage/prescriptions etc.The hucksters from the insurance industry, HMOs, and pharmaceuticals, now dictate and write legislation, to benefit their lucrative profits. In our state, the Senators (far removed from medical crisis or need), voted against importing medicine from Canada -Japan (made by the same companies) which would have made medicine less costly. What do they care - we're paying 72% of their full medical/prescription costs! They don't have to care. There lucrative pensions (yearly cost of living increases!) aren't being robbed!
The chaos of the immigration crisis has victims (Mexicans) pitted against victims (Americans). If you can organize and fund the multitudes, to war against one another - they won't unite and see the real enemy, these various trade agreements, which will see everyone as mere indentured servants, to the international robber barons of today (who have allegiance only to mammon). It's a race to the bottom in global wages. The Mexicans, who no doubt, would much prefer to live in the land of their birth, with their beautiful culture, friends and relatives, have been forcibly dislocated with a failed NAFTA, seeing their jobs shipped to China. They have been forced from their lands, by of a deluge of imported foodstuffs. A corrupt government - that can't control the violence of drug cartels makes it a fearful place to live. In the end (not seen in the paid PR hysteria) is that this global plantation will soon see us all destitute.
These past decades has seen factories closed in the north, and moving south, where the people, uneducated in the protections a union would offer, (benefits - higher wages - vacations - medical insurance - job safety) - have their right to work for less jobs. These jobs pay an approximate $5,300 less than if they were unionized with most offering no real job security, or benefits. And now these factories are closing, with the corporate hucksters relocating to slave labor countries, that pay pennies for labor. This is not free trade -its the plantation of old. A look at the miners in Utah (non-union) is a story of indifference to the safety of workers. This retreat mining (honeycombing a mountain) is all about greed and profits. And now three men (rescuers ) are dead and six men entombed forever. This mine should NEVER have been permitted to operate with its dangers and no escape plan. But, yawn, that's old news, and soon forgotten, with appointed industry interests in Washington holding down the fort for industry's interests (not the miners). Some men it's true will sell their souls for a pittance.
They killed Joe Hill - it seems that anyone with the gift of leadership ends up dead? Without leadership (as we're all too well aware) a people will falter - turn on one another to fix blame - riot - or shut down, cocooning themselves from all political actions. Fearful - they are made suspicious of all. Joe was framed for murder, in Utah. The state appointed the judge in his case - with the cooper boss hogs seeing to his execution by firing squad. Joe was also a poet and songwriter. He wasn't too taken with the ineptness of the churches whose word to the worker, was that they would (finally) receive their reward in the sweet bye and bye (in heavenly places - not here) thus he wrote the Preacher and the Slave. As a tribute to Joe - (would that we had thousands of his ilk today) - I choose this song "Joe Hill Tribute" from youtube (rather than Joan Baez) because I think this man, a working man (truck driver - miner - steel worker?) exemplifies the heartfelt remembrance of Joe by one of his own.
- JM


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