- This question is the proverbial elephant in the room,
the dysfunction that members of the human family dare not mention.
- So when Richard Dawkins recently remarked that the Israel
Lobby controls American foreign policy, Daniel Finkelstein, a Jewish editor
of the London Times "Comments" section heard Nazi storm troopers
banging on his door.
- "So Dawkins, a liberal hero, believes, er, that
Jews control world power." Finkelstein sighed. "And, judging
from the Guardian, it is now a part of mainstream debate to say so. Perhaps
you think I am over-reacting, but I am a little bit frightened. All I can
manage is, Oh My God."
- Finkelstein's outburst is ironic. Here is a Jewish opinion
gatekeeper, employed by a Jewish press magnate (Rupert Murdoch), shocked
at the mention of Jewish power, persuading the public that the very suggestion
is in bad taste. He cannot be accused of objectivity.
- The Times is not just any newspaper. It has been the
voice of the British establishment for more than 100 years. Along with
Chatham House (the RIIA) and Tavistock, it is a principal instrument of
the cabal that governs England and most of the world. That cabal consists
of Jewish central bankers and British (European and American) aristocracy
united by money, marriage and a belief in the occult (Freemasonry.)
- I object to the term "the Jews" when obviously
we are talking about very rich and powerful Jews who have intermarried
with rich and powerful Gentiles. Sid the tailor does not control the world.
I do not control the world.
- We are talking about rich Jews who most other Jews wouldn't
even recognize: they are Freemasons. They worship Lucifer and think God
is evil.
- I represent that silent majority of average Jews, who
have assimilated, and support the national interest. Rich Jews will want
ordinary Jews to take the fall when opposition grows to their predatory
agenda and anti-Semitism increases.
- Anti-Semitism never made any headway in Europe in the
Nineteenth and early Twentieth Century until rich Jews decided to sponsor
it. There is no way Hitler would have come to power without the backing
of world finance. Hitler was Time Magazine "Man of the Year"
in 1938. Stalin, another Freemason created by the Money Power, took the
honor in 1939. Hey let's have a war between the two!
- The central bankers owned I.G. Farben, the backbone of
the Nazi war machine. Max Warburg was a Director until 1938. In March 1941
the Warburg family and employees were spirited out of Nazi Europe by the
SS. Hitler so hated the Jewish bankers that he had them escorted to safety
in a private train.
- Assimilated and religious Jews who did not serve the
bankers' interests were the main victims of Nazi persecution. Zionists,
on the other hand, were spared. These same Zionists put ordinary Jews on
trains to Auschwitz telling them they were being "resettled."
- If the past is a guide, in an economic or social breakdown,
the bankers will focus blame on their pawns, Zionists or neo nons, or preferably
Jews in general. This is why patriotic Jews must disassociate from the
bankers and their minions now.
- Anti-Semitism might be called anti-imperialism. At heart,
it is opposition to the plan of the central bankers, based in the City
of London, to "gradually absorb the wealth of the world" and
establish a masked "world government" dictatorship.
- This involves stupefying and degrading society through
faux education, porn and violence; and bankrupting and brutalizing us through
war, pandemics and domestic repression.
- It involves destroying "all collective forces except
our own" which means destroying all race, religion, (God), nation
and family. They use social engineering like diversity, feminism, multiculturalism
and homosexuality to accomplish these aims. (I like homosexuals & different
races; I just don't think they should be used as a weapon.)
- The bankers place cooperative Jews in positions of control.
The stigma attached to anti-Semitism is a form of mind control used to
immunize their agents and their agenda against criticism. The Holocaust
is callously used for this purpose.
- If we think of anti-Semitism in terms of opposition to
the bankers' political and cultural policy rather than to a race, it can
be justified. The key is to distinguish between Jews who advance the New
World Order and those who do not.
- Socialism and Communism are Jewish in origin, membership
and character. Throughout the past century, naïve Jews flocked to
the Red banner. The clarion call: "Capitalists have all the wealth.
Communism will result in equality."
- This clarion call was just bait. The richest people in
the world created & financed Communism; their agenda was to further
concentrate wealth. Socialism is the same thing on a smaller scale, a way
of electing world banker lackeys and increasing government power. (Socialism
may have some intrinsic merit but this is not why they back it.)
- The false conflict between "public" and "private";
Left and Right; government and free enterprise; keeps the public in a political
Jews like Noam Chomsky
and Naomi Klein uphold this false dichotomy. They blame everything on the
private sector, on corporations, on US imperialism. Left versus Right.
Government vs Free Enterprise.
- The truth is the corporations she vilifies own both her
publisher and the politicians Right and Left. Public vs Private is meaningless
today because Private controls Public (through debt.)
- In a recent profile Ms. Klein says: "I don't question
being a leftist any more than I would question being a Jew it's the
culture I got taught as a kid."
- The day when Naomi Klein advocates government take control
of its credit, or traces the Mossad role in 9-11, will be the day she disappears
from the mass media. She is an example of what many socialist Jewish dupes
do best; control the debate, enrich themselves and wax self-righteous as
benefactors. They are the company union.
- In 2004, I wrote: "Anti-Semitism is not an irrational
hatred or sickness in the Gentile soul, as Jews imagine. It is a healthy
defense mechanism of mainly Christian and Moslem nations, cultures, races
and religions that are threatened by a gradual and insidious process of
extinction (i.e. world government.)"
- If anti-Semitism is opposition to the world banker agenda,
rather than to all Jews heedless of their role, then I see anti-Semitism
as a healthy sign.
- We cannot allow them to use this disingenuous ploy to
outlaw Resistance to Tyranny. Jews...everyone... must not be manipulated
any longer. Its not Jews nor Gentiles but Satanists who control the world.
- ____
- Related: "Which
Hidden Power Created Hitler?" and "The
Zionist Protection
- Racket"
- ---
- Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax:
Feminism and the New
- World Order." www.cruelhoax.ca)
His articles can be found at his web
- site www.1henrymakow.com
He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he
- posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com
- Comment
- Dr. Makow, I'm half-Jew who has been awakening from the
mental programming for the past couple years ever since I started investigating
9/11. Your site has always provided great articles that helped expand my
quest from just "9/11 Truth" to so much more.
- I found the recent article on Jews 'owning the world'
quite well- articulated, and it occurred to me that you may be interested
in an anti-Zionist song my band just recorded called "Pavlov's Jews."
- It addresses the blind obedience the average Jew gives
to Zionism, Holocaust guilt, and the general burdens we're forced to endure
from infancy. Now, it is a crazy thrash metal song which may be too intense
for a middle-aged guy, so here are also the printed lyrics ;)
- Pavlov's Jews
- "Never again" and "Never forget"
- words that sanction any dark deed.
- They use the Holocaust
- to justify their crimes
- And you're too afraid
- to challenge their lies
- Zionist criminals
- cloak themselves in Judaism,
- banking on credulity
- they hand-feed you propaganda.
- Members of the Diaspora
- bonded by burden not by blood
- We are made insane by the
- mountains of martyrs
- dumped upon our poor blank slates.
- Don't research history
- just believe what they say
- Like a good little dog
- they know that you'll obey
- (bell jingles)
- Pavlov's Jews
- Pavlov's Jews
- Bark when they say bark
- Jump when they say jump
- Don't think for yourself
- Leave that up to someone else
- Pavlov's Jews
- Pavlov's Jews
- You don't see the danger
- lurking in the distance
- We'll die for their crimes
- they'll hide and survive
- They scream anti-Semite
- and then it's time to hate
- When they cry poor
- you rush to donate.
- The guilt oozes
- through your veins
- Praise your masters
- tugging the reigns.
- Crushed by the burden
- of historical guilt
- lifetime of good deeds
- impossible to surmount.
- We never made a commitment
- but always feel obligated
- haunted by infamous slaughters
- like Granada in 1066.
- Pogroms and massacres
- Details to be memorized
- "By deception thou
- shalt do war"
- Is Mossad at the door?
- Attack! Attack!
- We're always under attack
- But maybe there's a reason
- every hundred years
- some country kicks our ass!
- Refuse to play
- the part scripted for a Jew
- commit a worse sin
- than a Christian, Muslim, or Hindu.
- But maybe this generation
- will not be afraid
- maybe we'll see who
- we truly ought to hate.
- Be different from the different
- Choose to be unchosen.
- lyrics copyright 2007 I Dream of Apocalypse