- Subject: some life-or-death sociology -- China and the
International Credit Monopoly are at war with independent middle-classes,
nationalism and certain values which they fear
- If one race or ethnic good is at war with your race or
ethnic group and is working its destruction by indirect means (called assymetrical
warfare, information warfare (as "knowledge sabotage"), Sun Tse
strategies (getting two enemies to destroy each other or the corrupt princes
of one enemy state to destroy that state from within) -- then
it is not "racism" or "ethnological prejudice" to recognize
the fact of that attack and take measures to defeat it.
- The ruling elites who control China and run it like
a great corporation selling slave labor and resources on international
markets as well as the usual taxation and graft -- and the ruling
elites who -- behind and above the governments -- control the west
are each at war with the same mortal enemies. Their mortal enemies
are not conscious enemies of these ruling elites, they are not aware that
their ruling elites are at war with them. (I say "at war," but most
often this "war" takes the form of an "occupation"
by the conqueror -- in the US these elites, the Money Power, took over
by subversion, by control of the money system and of the supreme court
and bought legislators and corrupt (or to use somewhat more "value-free"
term, class-serving") presidents and by corrupt men who surrounded
presidents who were basically good (serving the common interest, the national
- The ideologies of these powers -- China (Oriental despotism)
and the Money Power (Merchant bankers and central bankers -- big finance
and the corporations they float and control and make monopolies through
credit monopoly) are 1) the ideologies of Zionism (Jewish supremacism,
Talmudism, Kabala, secret Jewish-dominated Freemasonry) the belief that
most men do not have souls and are natural slaves of those chosen by God
to be masters of the earth; and 2) the ideology of "Communism"
which is the anti-thesis of freedom, of liberalism, ofindividualism, oflimited
government, the conventions of justice and rights for all citizens, the
rights of people of a region to govern themselves as a nation, as a locality,
as a community without state direction, and of common law and constitutions
-- communism is the rule of an elite totoal government of the people, in
the name of the people and always for the elite and at the expense of the
people --- where the right of the individual to speak his mind is replaced
by the right of the minority communist leadership to "speak
for the people," to know the true will of the people, to know the
true direction history should take, to intrude in every aspect of the individual's
life and in fact mass-produce individuals who work and think only as the
"dictatorship of the proletariate" or the "socialist state"
deem desirable from their "enlightened and progressive" standpoint
-- whereas this new class of communist rulers becomes the most terrible
of all conceivable exploiters, the ultimate monopoly -- but among themselves
they enjoy complete freedom in an anarch-capitalist state -- super wealth
can take any little man and do whatever he wants with him or her for his
own pleasure -- however unfair, unjust, despotic, sadistic etc. the act
may be from according to the values and conventions of the victim. Zionism
and communism are about to sow up control of the planet -- the armies of
the docile communist-broken Chinese being the soldiers of the super power
of the 21st century -- and the Zionists sharing control with their monopoly
of the reinfocement token-system that controls all behavior. Coercion and
a monopoly on the power to reinforce behavior through monopoly of credit
and money tokens.
- The enemy of this new power alliance Zionist and Chinese
Communist (the fruition of the work of Leon Trotsky and Zhou Enlai -- but
also planners in the City and Wall Street and Hong Kong and Frankfort etc
as well as Bernard Baruch, George C. Marshall, David Rockefeller, Kissinger
etc. up to Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and Dov Zakheim, and the higher
minions, Clinton, Bush etc.) -- as I was saying, the enemy of these masters
of the will to power -- are the exponents of the will to freedom and the
welfare of the uncommon individuals who in their diversity, number in the
millions -- I am not speeking of the typical men of this earth, but of
those who have known freedom and inidividuality and self-respect and what
it means to be self-supporting and to be able to do business where you
want (selling your professional skills, your artisian skills, your skilled
labor, your inventions, your knowledge) in a market where there are many
potential buyers -- or where you can organize as a laborer with other laborers
to bargain for working conditions and share of wage -- but this power must
be backed with social credit -- where the common man has his own capital
and jobs are competitive.
- These are the enemies of Zionism-Communism. And they
are the enemy of ZIonism-Communism for another reason -- their families
are different. The children are taught to be independent, they are taught
to fend for themselves and make a future, they are given the values and
principles of a man who stands on his own two feet -- who is an enterpriser
and innovater -- who can work, but also plan for something better and go
and realize it -- like the people who came to the New World to get some
land and make it on their own without the oppression of large landed estates
owned by lords -- who enclose the lands and enslave with monopoly rent
and hang you when you poach a rabbit and beat you when you fail to remove
your hat in their presence etc. The name for this kind of individualist
family was given by French sociologists Ferdinand Le Play and de Tourville (of
the LePlay school of sociology) they called them "particularist
families" -- you will not find Le Play on wikapedia or in your sociology
text books -- these families are what made the Anglo-Saxon's masters of
the world -- and LePlay sought to introduce particularist family practices
in France -- where the families were patriarchial, so conducive to the
paternalistic state.
- But de Tourville stated that there are three types of
families: the particularist, the patriarchical and the "unstable"
-- a word meaning dysfunctional -- without the loyalty and conformity
of the patricarchial family members and without the initiative and
individuality of the particularist. Nomads living on the steppes of central
Asia would be patriarchical, the Jews of the bible were Patriarchical,
the German's lived in patriarchical communities mixed with particularist
-- Bismark marking a definite ascendancy of the former. But some nomads
who live in the steppes in ancient times moved far west
to Europe and settled in the Fijords, where the land required that people
live spaced apart, doing their own fishing etc. (possible led by a leader
named Odin, btw) developed independence of family apart from the larger
group -- and the children were raised to go out on their own and make lives
for themselves -- rather than hang around the group and do the jobs
that the patriarch assigned them -- they became the first particularist
families (identified with the saxons, sho settled in England and other
parts of Europe -- a way of life opposed to the kings (patriarchial)
set up that came with the Romans and continued through the Merovingians
and Carlovengians. (My spelling is hell -- forgive me). The patriarchs
are the ones who conquer peasants and enslave them and create "States"
(see sociologists Gumplowiczs, Ratzenhoffer and Franz Oppenheimer on the
origins of the state).
- The state -- the ruling elites -- do not want the people
they control to be particularist. That is the last thing they want. They
prefer their own elite families to be patriarchical and they want everyone
else's family to be dysfunctional -- to be "unstable" --
no independent -- not-thinking for themselves or self-respecting --
they want them docile workers with no commitment to anything but to serve
in the factory, or fight the war, etc. In the United States the great truiumph
of the state in creating the "unstable" family among the dominated
majority is outcomes based education replacing liberal education, replacing
development to the individual's potential, replacing the well-rounded versitle
independent individual capable of self-government. Instead they want people
who can't read books -- who get their news from the media monopoly, from
politically correct education, from the dumbed down and distorted news,
from churches where the denomination is bought owned by agents, if not
of the government, then of the NGO's that the money power creates to control
the masses -- the World COuncil of Churches -- the Evangelicals for Israel
and what have you -- and the theologicans and book writers Tim LaHaye,
Pat Robertson, Hegge, etc. Nothing to do with God -- everything to do with
using fear and awe of eternal punishments and rewards to get
people to give money and commit murder for the ruling (atheistic or perhaps
self- or class- or ethnic-tribe- worshiping) elites.
- All this is preface to this. The Zionist Jews who have
gained such power through control of the banking system (money and credit,
monetary and fiscal policy, economic regulation etc.) are at war with the
particularist Anglo-Saxons -- the Germans, the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants
of the stock of Jefferson, Madison, Thomas Paine, Washington -- examplars
of particularist society (especially the so-called Jeffersonian idea of
everyone an agrarian farmer in a republic of limited goverment, decentralized
money creation (free, non-centralized banking), maximum enterprise etc.
-- almost the very essence of particularist living. When people live like
this they do not need merchant bankers to lend them money, they do not
need international trade, because they make what they want with great abundance,
and they do not need wars (the greatest profit maker of the merchant bankers)
and they do not need great estates (the reward of kings for those who apply
coercion on his behalf) etc.
- The particularist sets up communities of justice and
freedom and law (common law) -- and they do not let people get away with
mass-murder crimes or with deliberately engineering great depressions or
inflations for private gain. The Zionists Merchant bankers are guilty of
mass-murder -- they were behind the world wars, the communist dictatorships
in Russia and China, the Cold War, the Viet Nam war and the wars started
by their false-flag attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
They are the ones behind the drug trade -- these families got rich on the
opium trade -- and fought the terrible carnage of the opium war against
innocent China in the early 1800's -- and they profit from the opium grown
in Afganistan today (which the Taliban had been erradicating).
- We -- the remaining particularists -- the Americans who
love freedom -- and today particularsits are of all races -- particularism
became the American way of life for most who came here -- except the latest
immigrants who arrive and find a totalitarian state and not particularist
(Jeffersonian) democracy and freedom -- I am not a racist -- particularism
was created not by race but, according to de Tourville, by the geopgraphy
of the Fijords of Norway -- that allowed the development of individual
independence apart from patriarch dictation or state dictation. Particularism,
as Le Play concluded, can be learned and cultivated by every nation for
its people -- it is not the form of govenment that matters, or the race,
but the form of up-bringing, the way the culture raises the children. (And
right now we are finished -- only a few understand what the ruling elites
are doing -- and we just post to people who 99 percent of the time don't
read this far in our posts etc.)
- Now here is the real bottom line: You know too much about
them. Your individuality and independence of thinking is too dangerous
for them to let you live -- you must be "marginalized" until
they can find the means of exterminating you. (I said this is the bottom
line -- but there is something that should be said for Islam -- Islam,
regardless of what is said in the monopoly media, is a form of freedom
-- because the individual's relationship to Allah is an individual matter
-- the demand of Islam are very light -- pray five times a day, fast for
a month, give alms to the poor,visit Mecca in your lifetime and admit that
there is only one God -- monotheism and that Mohammad is one whose principles
(these five things) are consistent with the will of that one God. For mankind
bent under the shackles of state religions == priesthoods urging subservience
and slavery to the state etc. -- Islam is liberation. I have always said
it is the populism of Asia -- but I should add that it is an approximation
of particularism for Asians (and North Africans) as well -- and that is
its appeal around the world as people convert to it even as its belivers
are exterminated by the Zionist-Communist alliance.
- I ramble and don't write well -- but the concepts needed
are in there if you dig for them. (I don't edit, because if I did I would
never be satisfied and I would say nothing. G;K. Chersterton wrote: "If
a thing is worth doing it is worth doing badly." Wise words. I live
by them. (It applies to taking back your government, too.) Feel free to
polish my prose and clarify -- just remember to mention yourself as editor.
- Dick Eastman
- Yakima, Washington
- olfriend@nwinfo.net
- Every man is responsible to every other man. (If I was
a patriarchal I would say "to every other man of my tribe only ",
if I was an "unstable" type I would say "responsible
to no other man anywhere")