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The Decade of Defiance
That Began It All

Jim Kirwan

August 6, 1945 marked more than the first public smashing of the atom: That was the moment when the power-hungry issued their ultimate challenge to the natural world that reverberates to this day through every facet of what remains of human society.
In that decade that this crime against nature ushered in, all the components of the modern world were re-formed to create an impossible-imbalance between nations and peoples around the world. On one side were the special-interests of the New World Order and on the other-was everything that was reaching for a better life, in a world that had grown sick of pointless wars.
WWII was only the second act by the Money-Changers in their race to corner so much of what societies had always assumed was a natural part of each nation's individual life-but with the dropping of the atom bombs upon Japan-everything radically changed.
On June 26, 1945 the United Nations Charter was signed by fifty countries in San Francisco. Ostensibly this would give the world's smaller nations a voice in world affairs that might one day mitigate against those previous global power-plays that had dragged the world into two world wars. Yet, given the rest of this Forgotten-Decade-of-Defiance: this was only the beginning of the real imbalance between two of the world's most unruly powers and the rest of the planet.
"The National Security Council was created by Public Law 80(253, approved July 26, 1947, as part of a general reorganization of the U.S. national security apparatus. Proponents of the reform realized that no institutional means for the coordination of foreign and defense policy existed, and that the informal management techniques employed by President Roosevelt during the war and President Truman after the war were not suitable for the long haul." White House Counsel Clark Clifford, "who was dismayed by the disorder among agencies taking major post-war policy-making decisions, was a key figure in establishing the National Security Council to give institutional stability to national security policy-making.
The National Security Act of 1947 created the National Security Council under the chairmanship of the President, with only the following seven officials as permanent members: the President, the Secretaries of State, Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Chairman of the National Security Resources Board."
This marked the end of the triumvirate 'rule-of-law,' that the Constitution specified. Effectively from that day the USA has been ruled by the National Security Council, and not by the congress, the courts and the executive.
On November 29, 1947, The UN General Assembly voted 33 to 13 with ten abstentions, in favor of a Partition Plan that created the State of Israel. The 'Holocaust' had a major impact on the situation in Palestine, and thus began the implementation of the background justifications: for Israel's status as a permanent underdog: and for "Special Consideration" in a world that had ignored the "plight of the Jews" throughout WWII. Virtually every aspect of Israel's claims for legitimacy have been challenged from the many separate battlefields on which they were fought, all the way to the scientific and archeological studies that were and are being conducted around widely varying contentions, on ALL sides of the Holocaust. What has been ignored throughout the 60 years since "Israel" was inserted into Palestine-has been the openly genocidal policies, practiced by Israel against the Palestinian people.
While much is currently being 'made' of the intentions of Iran and Palestine, to roll back Israeli military invasions into the Palestinian homelands-few ever mention the oft-stated demands of Israel to 'wipe-out the Palestinian people.' Israel claims to be a democracy ­ but it's Palestinian "citizens" are well below second-class people with few if any "rights" under their Zionist government (something that has nothing whatever to do with any kind of 'democracy anywhere else')
What this has led to, in the world: are these two rabid and barbaric nations-the USA & Israel-that are perpetually challenging the rest of the world on behalf of a mythical "Special Status," which they have decided puts them above and beyond all the laws, conventions and rules of any other society on the planet.
When we claimed the right to tamper with nature and split the atom for purposes of global military dominance: the US threw down that gauntlet which began the 'terror' from which the whole-world is still reeling.
With Zionist Israel as out surrogate, and occasional master-the New World Order began to take shape, and the Money-Changers were ecstatic! Never Before had so much money ever been possible to acquire: Never-Before had so few been able to steal so much from so many-with so little resistance from those most affected by this hideous transformation.
One example: When Bush began his unilateral and illegal Pre-emptive Strike against Iraq: the price of one barrel of Oil was $20. Today a barrel of oil is at $80 a barrel and climbing. If we or Israel attack Iran-look for the lid to come off the price of oil world- wide. It will begin at $100 a barrel on day one and then skyrocket: No wonder Cheney wants this war with every corrupted cell in his shapeless form. This was not about "stealing" oil ­ it was always about "controlling the price" of oil. With that 'control' which diminishes availability; the world begins to stare into that unknown future where nothing is affordable, and where life-itself cannot be sustained.
This rape of the global economy, and the deification of all things monetary, to the horror of so many peoples and countries around the world, depends on only two things. First: that the beleaguered peoples shall remain intimidated by the contrived threats which the NWO continues to manufacture hourly. Second: that because of that 'terror' (the War on "Terra" ­ is not just another gaff by Bush, because this is a War-Upon-the-World) -- people will fail to challenge these crimes against us all on any front.
The United States and Israel today, are rogue nation-states that are seeking dominance and total control over all the world's resources-by any and all means possible. Their backers who began in earnest in 1973 with the Tri-Lateral Commission, and later on with things like the Bilderberg Group, and a number of other secret societies have only one thing in mind: to destabilize and then seize control of all that has to date prevented them from world domination. (1)
Watching how the congress and prominent US candidates for President, line up in Pavlovian obedience to the dictates of the Israeli lobby (AIPAC ­ in the USA) has to be the single most outrageous treachery against actual US interests since the created theft of government by the National Security Council in 1947.
Globally, what the US has done to so many 'other' nations since we took on the mantle of Colonial Power, almost from our very beginnings ­ is a continuing crime. The resulting disputed sovereignty of so many smaller nations and their actual needs, decries the "White Hat" we pretend to own-and adds arrogance to insult, especially in those nations where we have practiced 'regime-change for so many decades.
In fact we, in tandem with Israel, became so good at this that there is now a name for what we do: It's called The Shock Doctrine or The Rise "Disaster Capitalism." (2)
Can this be turned around or stopped ­ absolutely! All that is required is that the global public, begin to demand an end to "let's just move-on." Change is a constant in everyday life but unexamined changes that upend key elements in the whole society cannot be allowed to go unexamined. The proof of this is everywhere the jackboots of Empire & Fascism have left their bloody footprints. In the US we need to reopen the 911 investigations.
In Israel - The people of Palestine have suffered concentration camps, privation, starvation, thirst and torture for half a century: but to listen to the self-appointed powers-that-be tell this story: one might think that somehow this is all their fault for daring to challenge the tanks, planes and missiles of the IDF ­ an 'army' that today can only succeed ­ against unarmed civilians. Israel is a nuclear powerhouse, the only one in the Middle East. Yet Israel is not composed of Middle-Eastern people: for like the USA today's Israel is composed mostly of immigrants.
The UN has failed to rein in the ambitions of either Israel or the United States-and this failure, along with public indifference, is what has led us all into the wings of the theater for the next World War. Either the world begins to demand an end to the "Special-Status" and the two-tiered farce of these rogue states, or we shall all face the next chapter in the world of Nuclear Weapons.
No people can any longer 'afford' the selfish view that has led the US and Israeli leadership to believe that a nuclear exchange is indeed 'survivable.' 'The Decade of Defiance' may have opened this window on the Crucible of Global-Warfare-but it is up to the little people of the world - to crush this power-grab by resisting every order that flows from the putrid mouth of "Self- Proclaimed POWER," no matter where that 'power' is found!
1) Bilderberg Conferences
2) The Shock Doctrine


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