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UFO Reports From
HBCC UFO Research

Brian Vike - Director
HBCC UFO Research

Release Date: August 22, 2007

Between Clinton and 70 Mile House, British Columbia A Blue Rectangular Light

Date: Winter of 2005/2006

Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.

One night in the winter of 05/06 at around 11 pm I noticed a large blue rectangular light moving very fast in the southern sky from east to west from the corner of my eye. Once I turned around and focused on it, it disappeared behind the trees. Keep up the good work.

Additional Information:

Can't tell you much more about the blue light however. We had made a trip to the Coast that day which as you know is about 13 hours of driving after a 

very early start but I decided to go check up on the chickens around 11:00 pm and when I walked back to the house, the blue rectangular light caught my 

eye to the left coming from the Green Lake direction and as I turned my head to get a better look saw it disappear behind the trees to the south which is the direction of The Chasm. It did not appear to be an object in my opinion just the beautiful blue and size surprised me and am sorry that I can't give you an idea of the distance and accurate size.


By all means go ahead and post it on your website and see if anybody else saw the blue light. We really enjoy your radio show and all the other internet talk shows since that is our educational entertainment up here in the boonies.

Thank you so much to the witness for their report.


Gatineau River, Low Quebec A Large Orange Globe Above The Lake

Date: July 23, 2007

Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: At cottage, Gatineau River, Low Quebec.

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Round.

Full Description of event/sighting: A friend and I went out on the deck of my sister's cottage to look across the bay to see if we could see my daughter and son-in-law at a friend's bonfire across the bay. It was pitch dark as there are very few cottages around as access to the river is limited. The river along there is not straight, as it was flooded over 100 years previously to facilitate logging. There are lagoons, bays, islands and many curves. In a couple of miles of river between the dam at Low and Lac Ste Marie, there are only a few cottages, mostly in 2 small bays, and near Low along one side of the river only. The other side being fairly inaccessible. It was a beautiful night, with the water appearing as a midnight blue in contrast to the almost black of the large tree covered hills across the way; the sky was another shade of dark with what appeared to be thousands of stars up in the sky. There was a bonfire across the bay, but other than a small light on in our cottage, it was dark everywhere.

I was enjoying the view of the hills at night, so I glanced away from across the bay, to view the river to my right. Then I saw it. It was not as high up as the stars, but looked to be at about the height of the hills or maybe higher. It was the most beautiful orange globe of light, almost like a ball of fire, but it was close enough that I got a good look at it. It seemed almost like those pictures taken inside volcanoes, light moving around inside the globe like different shades of orange, yellow and a hint of blue, almost twisting inside like intestines and the strangest thing was that as bright as it was. It cast no glow outside its' sphere or onto the water. It was almost like looking at a snow-globe of fire just sitting there above the water, it was also quite large, about the size of a hot-air balloon. I was just awe-struck and thought to myself, take a good look at this, this is just incredible, you'll want to remember this. It stood still for about 2 or 3 seconds and I was too numb to speak.

I was shocked when it suddenly moved, or more like darted at super speed to form what was like the first stroke of a W, to just about 10 feet above the water, pausing for only a split second, darted way up again, forming the second stroke of a perfect W, darting back down again as per the third stroke of a W , but this time when 3/4 way down, did a split-second pause and darted left at a downward angle, then right at a downward angle, then darted as per the last stroke of a W, but at a little more of a wide angle, and darted out of view. It happened so fast that by the time I yelled at my friend to look, she only saw it for a moment as it paused for a split second during one of its movements, but instead of continuing to look at it she turned back to me and shouted something like What on earth was that, a UFO? which surprised me as she is such a down to earth lady, brought up on a farm, and even she knew this was not something normal. It took me a while to really talk about it as people just wouldn't understand what I was talking about, but I saw it and it was definitely not of this world.

Thank you to the witness for the excellent report of what was witnessed.


Maple Ridge, British Columbia A Huge Bright Light Moving In Circles

Date: From August 1 to the 15th, 2007

Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.

I'm really wondering if there is anyone else in the Maple Ridge, B.C. area has seen a huge bright light in the sky around 10:30 pm in the last couple weeks, (August 1 -15th, 2007). I live around the Maple Ridge Park area and around 10:00pm before bed we almost always sit in our hot tub. Last week sometime I had looked up and saw this huge bright light. As I told my partner to look up to see what it was it got smaller and disappeared. Last night between 10:30 - 11:00pm again looking up as we were in the hot tub. We saw again, a bright light moving back and forth and in big circles, it would appear quite bright at times and as it would move about, it would dim and disappear, and then we would see it in another direction. It was not a plane as we have many come over our place for the Vancouver Airport, and it was closer to us than a star. I've read the other sightings and seen the pictures, but are there others that have noticed this light in the sky the last few nights?

Thank you to the witness for their report.


Prescott, Ontario A Solid White Light

Date: August 6, 2007

Time: Approx: 9:00 p.m.

Similar Sightings, last Monday night a week ago I went out before 9:00 pm when out of the blue I had a solid white light similar at the same in height as last night, however the object came from the west to the east it passed over the house and I watched it go right over the City "burg" until it disappeared please note it was light enough out to see that there was no wings behind this light.

Thank you to the witness for their report.


Prescott, Ontario A Solid Object On A Curved Trajectory

Date: August 11, 2007

Time: Approx: 9:45 p.m.

Saturday night the night of the meteor shower the family decided to stay out in the tent, what a night approx 9:35 I was sitting there as the family was getting the bed made in the tent when I saw any object over Prescott, Ontario slowly fall vertically from the sky until it went behind a house out of view. Right after that the family went to bed and was laying down for just a few minutes when coming from the St. Lawrence at low level again was the similar type solid object on a curved trajectory but towards the house, when out of no where comes 4 airplanes from different directions converging on the area where this object was and the funny thing where the object should have come into view it never did, and when I looked at one of the planes? in binoculars it had the weirdest lights underneath it there was 4 pairs of double white lights situated under it.



Represented above with the letter O's .Which needless to say the family observed with me and were a bit in aw over it. My wife said the next day on Sunday that she didn't sleep well in the tent because what was seen earlier that night.

The night before my wife and I set out on the porch and watched a lot of strange and many airplane type lights that a few of them was questionable by both my wife and I.

Thank you to the witness for their report.


Fort Loudon, Pennsylvania (Stars)

Date: August 11, 2007

Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.

HBCC UFO Research Note: I would have to agree with Peter, I believe the witness is viewing stars.

I have been looking all over the internet for: (1) A similar incident like mine.

(2) Explanation, otherwise - pictures of twinkling stars to resemble what I saw.

I noticed them Saturday night trying to see some of the meteor shower. Now I realize they're out every night. They flash colors and they're up so high like stars. You can see them changing color w/the naked eye and they move if you watch them (zig zag and up and such). It doesn't look like anything I can explain as far as plane, satellite, whatever. I called the National UFO Reporting Center about it and was told it was 'twinkling stars'. I'm not 100 percent convinced of that. Any suggestions, or know someone who would know?

The story below is similar (HBCC UFO Note: witness referring to a sighting in Missouri City, Texas) The best way to describe what my husband and I saw was like the police were in the sky, we saw 15 of them or so - bright, bright stars. They all had the same light flashing pattern from white to red to blue to green to yellow to red to blue to green to white to red to. (which we saw w/binoculars) All similar flashing patterns and all up high like stars. I thought twinkling stars basically stayed a certain color depending on the gas it emitted. I just want some kind of confirmation or something, someone else had to see what I saw

again, Thanks.

Additional Information:

Hey Brian, Thanks so much for responding.

The first one was Saturday night 08/11/07 around 11:00 pm when we first noticed it. We are in Fort Loudon, PA (South Central, PA) We first noticed them in the northeast sky because we were looking for the meteor shower, but we discovered that they were literally scattered throughout the sky in every direction.

I have seen them every night since, they are in similar spots, sometimes not at all at other times.

They're visible as soon as it gets dark enough to see stars (9:30ish)

I just find it hard to believe they're twinkling stars (of course I could be wrong and they may very well be but) We watch the Science Channel and Discovery Channel all the time. We're in our mid 30's. I never ever heard of such a thing trust me. If this was common knowledge that stars did this. I think we'd been looking at a lot more stars when I was in college!

Thanks so much for even taking my email, I haven't been able to get this out of my mind.

Thank you to the witness for their report.


Twickenham, London UK 3 Bright Objects (Different Colors)

Date: August 12, 2007

Time: 10:05 - 10:15 p.m. ish.

Location of Sighting: London.

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of objects: 3

Shape of objects: ?.

Full Description of event/sighting: As I was looking for shooting stars in the Perseid meteor shower (12/08/07) I saw 3 bright objects cruising through the sky.


-1st one was bright glowing orange colour.


-2nd one (1-2 minutes later) was a smaller yellowish glowing object that I'm quite sure was the space station. (was due over at that time according to 'Heavens Above' website, which is a really good site that tells you what satellites are visible in what areas and at what times), have seen the ISS and many satellites before.


-And the 3rd one (again 1-2 minutes later) was another very bright glowing orange ball which was considerably brighter and slightly larger than the 1st one, (looked quite low as well).


They were all on the same course/or in the same orbit going at the same speed from West to East slightly arcing southwards, they were all visible for about 4-5 minutes each before they were to far to see.


It was as if 'something' was tracking or observing the ISS on each side of it, that's all I can think it could have been unless it was something to do with the shuttle??


Thank you to the witness for their report.


St. Lawrence, Ontario An White - Orange Solid Colored Light

Date: August 13, 2007

Time: Approx: 9:10 p.m.

Last night my two son's and I went out for a late night bike ride about 9:10 and we stopped on one of the bridges to take a break when I noticed coming over a small river that feeds into the St. Lawrence River. An white/orange solid color light it came from the south and was heading north when it completely disappeared right over the bridge, this object was low in the sky 8000 to 12,000 ft like a small plane. Later that evening I went out to let the dog out for a last relief that is when I spotted over the St. Lawrence river on the other side of town a low altitude light that was bright and multicolored flashing and moving erratically it was over towards Ontario, Ca.

Thank you to the witness for their report.


Las Cruces New Mexico A Round Or Oval Object


Date: August 13, 2007

Time: 12:05 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Las Cruces NM.

Number of witnesses: 3

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Round or oval.

Full Description of event/sighting: Me and my two children (ages 14 and 10) went outside to watch the meteor showers after dark around 9:00pm. We were laying on the trampoline watching the northeast portion off the sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of Mars. We had seen several meteors cross the sky. It was nearing midnight and with Aug 13 being my daughters birthday, we decided to stay out till midnight so we could sing happy birthday to her. We were getting in the sit up position (12:01am) with me still facing the northeast when the whole backside of a small mountain approx. a mile or mile and a half away and more to the east lit up with a strong bright white light. I made the remark, What in the World! at that time both of the kids turned and said, What! At that time an object with a yellowish white rose horizontally above the mountain top. Just seconds later, it turned straight up and became a orange-red glow and traveled fairly slowly vertically a ways and completely disappeared. Just like that,in a snap of a finger, it disappeared. I could not make out details.

Thank you to the witness for the report.


Between Clinton and 70 Mile House, British Columbia - ISS Sighting

Date: August 14, 2007

Time: 10:20 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Between Clinton and 70 Mile House, BC

Number of witnesses: 0

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Bright Light.


Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, This is in response to the sightings in Maple Ridge of a bright light. I went out with the dogs last night at approx 22.20 in rural area between Clinton and 70 Mile House BC and while looking at the sky noticed a bright light moving in the western sky to the south. My first thought was that it must be a plane but after watching it realized it was just one very bright light moving along at a great distance. It then arched to the east, the light dimmed and disappeared. It was not a meteor or plane for sure.

HBCC UFO Research Note: I email the witness back and asked if what they may have witnessed was the ISS flying by, I also added the information from the ISS website. The witness agreed that this is what was seen. Which was the ISS.

ISS Sighting For The 100 Mile House And Area.

The following ISS sightings are possible from Monday August 13 to Saturday August 25, 2007. Satellite local duration, Max elevation, approach, departure.

Date/Time (Minutes) (Degrees) Deg - Dir) (Deg - Dir)

I "bolded" the line below which would be for the sighting given above.


ISS Mon Aug 13/10:02 PM 4 55 13 above W 28 above SE

ISS Tue Aug 14/10:24 PM 3 29 10 above W 29 above SSW

ISS Wed Aug 15/09:13 PM 4 56 24 above W 12 above ESE

ISS Wed Aug 15/10:47 PM 1 14 10 above WSW 14 above SW

ISS Thu Aug 16/09:35 PM 4 30 15 above W 16 above SSE

ISS Fri Aug 17/09:57 PM 3 15 10 above WSW 14 above SSW

ISS Sun Aug 19/09:07 PM 4 16 10 above WSW 10 above S

Thank you to the witness for their report, every report is important.


Schererville, Munster and Hammond, Indiana A Triangle With Multi Colored Lights

Date: August 16, 2007

Time: 8:20 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Schererville, Munster and Hammond, Indiana.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Triangular.

Full Description of event/sighting: Driving home from class tonight, I noticed an unusually bright and large object floating over Schererville near the intersection of US 30 and US 41. Initially, I assumed the lights to be the front bank of landing lights, the kind you see on commercial aircraft. However, as the object neared me, I could see that it was no commercial or private aircraft. The front bank of lights was immense, and several rows deep. It appeared to be maneuvering at less than 10,000 feet, moving to the northwest. It slowed and began to turn north. As it banked northward, I could see the underside of the object. It was triangular with many multi-colored lights on its underside. I turned my car around to follow the object and it simply vanished! I decided to head home and drove north on Calumet Avenue heading into south Munster. As I drove, I caught sight of the object a second time. It had turned onto its side and was maneuvering vertically, still following a north heading. It disappeared again. Ten minutes later, I saw it a third time, still vertical and slowly moving over Hammond, heading toward the south end of Lake Michigan.

Thank you to the witness for their report.


Kelowna, British Columbia A Fuzzy Looking Bright Object

Date: August 17, 2007

Time: Approx: 11:45 p.m.

Message: This one is sort of weird Brian. I had just gotten out of a movie, actually probably close to 15 minutes ago when I noticed on the horizon, just barely above the mountains (approximate location of the "battle") I see a very, very, very bright light. For some reason, my eyes are having a hard time focusing on the light, but at the same time, the street lights across the lake are clear as day. But as I said, the object was fuzzy as fuzzy could be and I could not adjust (if adjusting was needed) Anyways, five minutes of driving and I look to the same place, nothing. So I figure, ok I'll let Brian know. But then I turned to look at the road, and the same looking object is at the top of another mountain, this time alot closer and still blurry. I cleaned my glasses to fix the problem (if there was one) and I looked up and it's gone. Very weird.

Thank you to the witness for the report.


NE Kentucky, Near The West Virginia Border a very bright light

Date: August 17, 2007

Time: Between 10:00 pm-10:30 p.m.

Hi Brian, On August 17th, I was visiting a relative who lives in NE Kentucky near the West Virginia border. We were sitting outside on her deck just observing the stars and watching for satellites. I'm not certain of the exact time of this sighting, but would guess it was sometime between 10pm-10:30pm EDT. As I recall, the weather was fair, with a little ground fog, no wind. The area is lighted by some street lights, but there is still a good view of the night sky.

We had observed satellites on a north to south trajectory, and one on a south to north trajectory. Also, multiple airplanes flying at various heights and directions. There is an airport about 30 miles away, but air traffic into that airport isn't heavy. It consists mainly of commuter traffic.

Between 10pm and 10:30pm that night, my relative spotted a very bright light which appeared to be traveling slowly from a N-ESE direction. She drew my attention to it as I was looking another way. When I turned around, I immediately spotted the light in question as it was so bright.

The light appeared to be landing lights on a plane--it was that kind of illumination. But, then noticed there were no nav lights on it anywhere. My guess is the light appeared to be no more than a quarter mile away and perhaps at a 45 degree angle. ( It is hard for me to judge distances etc at night ). Also noticed that I couldn't hear any engine noise of any kind.

When I trained my binoculars on the light, I couldn't see any shape nor any nav lights. I did notice a sliver of green light ( a little darker than the green used in traffic lights) along the lower edge of this. This green color wasn't visible to the eye. I could only see it with the binoculars ,and it appeared in a half moon shape.

The peculiar thing was that it blinked out right when I was watching it through the binoculars. It was as if someone had turned a light switch off on it. I searched the sky for awhile, but neither saw or heard anything else. My estimate is that this was visible for about a minute and a half.

I checked the Heavens-Above site, but could find no satellites in the area at that time. (Thought perhaps I had witnessed an iridium flare.) The was the passage of the STS-118, but it was at an earlier time and according to that source the altitude and direction did not fit this sighting.

Am hoping someone from this area reads this and perhaps saw the same thing. There was nothing in the papers or news about any sighting.

Thanks for your time! I enjoy your website and listening to your shows.

Thank you very much to the witness for their report.


Watford, U.K. A Oblong Shaped Craft And Other Objects Around It

Date: August 17, 2007

Time: Approx: 9:15 p.m.

Hi there, I would like to email you regarding something that myself and someone else with me saw on the evening of Friday, August 17, 2007 at around 9:15 p.m. I had finished up rehearsing some music at the basement studios in Watfors and was walking toward my car. The sky was still quite light with some clouds around. I looked up at the sky and what I saw was very odd. There was a light which was oblong shaped in the sky, it was stationary, standing up on the narrow end (so that the long edges were horizontal). At first I thought it was a reflection on my glasses, but when I moved my head, the object did not move with the movement of my head. Whatever this thing was, it wasn't really that high up as it was sitting just below the cloud cover. There were also black streaks in the sky near this object. They were straight black lines, very well defined. I don't think they were vapor trails as they did not break up or diffuse in any way.

The oblong shaped light then rotated by around 90 degrees and then orientated into a horizontal position. The color of this shape turned into black and separated into two pieces. I also noticed some black objects, two of them I think, sort of hovered around the shape. They were slightly elongated circles, but one edge looked sharp. One other thing I noted was a white (a vapor trail this time) of what looked like a missile heading for this shape. (this happened before the shape changed color or orientation and before I saw the other small objects).

I wasn't the only person who saw this. I called the manager of the studio outside and he also witnessed this. I really don't know what to make of all this. I was trying whilst standing outside with (name removed) to try and reason what were seeing. Neither of us could understand what this was. I would be grateful for your views on this as I have never seen or heard of anything like this.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.


Munster Ontario One Yellowy/White Light On Each Object

Date: August 19, 2007

Time: 9:10 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Munster Ontario, 40 minutes SE of Ottawa.

Number of witnesses: 3

Number of objects: 3

Shape of objects: One yellowy/white light on each object. Couldn't see a shape because it was dark.


Full Description of event/sighting: Traveling north to south were 2 bright yellow lights, one behind the other, flying separately. After 2/3 of the sky complete, a third object, less bright came from the NE and got in line and followed the other 2.

Reasons as to why we don't believe it is a human craft:


- It took approximately 3 minutes for them to cover the whole sky line.


- They weren't very high.


- There was absolutely no noise (we live in the country, so there was no traffic noise to interfere).


- If a craft from this earth traveled across the sky within a 3 minute period, we should have been able to hear its engine, since a 3-minute crossing would mean the craft was fairly low.  


- Having followed the path of many passenger planes above our house, their running lights change depending on the angle at which we are viewing the plane. The lights on these crafts never changed, even as they approached and departed. The crafts appeared to have uniform light on all sides.


I hope my explanation was clear and concise. 


Thank you.

Thank you to the witness for their report.


Ogdensburg, NY Facing Prescott, Ontario Strange Lights And Military Jets

Date: August 19, 2007

Time: 9:20 p.m.

Hello Brian, Munster Ontario One Yellowy/White Light On Each Object

Ok Brian, I believe I can give this story some corroboration number of witnesses to similar object 4 the time approx 9:20 pm. I was standing outside facing Ontario-Prescott, also the big dipper when I noticed at a distance a white light coming up the street. This time it was different, there was a second light that was fainter intensity of light moving at the same speed as the first one. The light continued to make the approach towards my house, as it did the lights got much brighter, at this time I hollered at my two boys that were playing Halo. They both came out and saw the lights to and were freaking out. So I asked one of them to grab the phone and I called my mother who is about 8 blocks from our house. I then ran out front of the house where I could get a closer look and when I did they were right over me following my street and when I looked at the lights the area in between was blurry like they were attached and if that's the case the distance between the lights were at least 150 feet between them.

My youngest son and I went in the car down to the local school and didn't see again. However, we did see 4 aircraft military jets fly over, my guess they were looking for the object. I then went over to my mothers house and she also saw the objects but they disappeared completely. She is now a believer in me about what I have seen. I looked at mapquest and Munster Ontario is in a straight line path to Ogdensburg, NY down the Canadian 416 to the border. The object moved over the city in 3-5 minutes not real fast, real smooth flight

Thank you to the witness for their report.


Sydney, Nova Scotia Bright Light

Date: August 19, 2007

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Sydney NS.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Bright light.

Full Description of event/sighting: From my home in Westmount I could see from my living room window a bright light just above the tree line to the east moving quickly left then right, much too low and too quick for a plane. Then it moved up and away and by the time I asked my wife to look, there was no sign of it. The space in which it moved left to right I'd say 300 yards in each direction was too far for it to be anything man made in that area above a seniors home just off of Kenwood Drive in Sydney.

Thank you to the witness for the report.


Boulder, Colorado Two Bright Lights

Date: August 20, 2007

Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of objects: 2

Shape of objects: Round.

Full Description of event/sighting: I was with my friend outside of his house in South Boulder, Colorado and I was looking up at the sky. The moon was half full and it was a fairly bright night out. All of the sudden I see this bright round white light. I commented on how low it was the lowest flying satellite (sp?) I had ever seen when the second light appeared behind it. There were 2 bright white round non, blinking lights traveling from west to east towards Denver in the southern sky. They were both traveling at the same speed and never changed distance from each other. It seemed to me like the one in front was wiggling a little and the one in back following perfectly behind There was no noise and we watched for a good one to three minutes at least. My friend said he had seen both lights approach from the western horizon. As they flew across to the east, the first one dimmed out and disappeared and about 5 seconds later the second one dimmed out and disappeared as well.

Thank you to the witness for their report.


Houston British Columbia Lighting And Thunder Storm (Video Clips)

HBCC UFO Research Note: At around 3:00 p.m. this afternoon, August 16, 2007 I noticed heavy black clouds rolling in from a southern direction. A little later after dinner around 5:00 p.m. my wife yelled to me to step outside and look to the south, which I did and the sky was lighting up from flashes of lighting. The wind changed direction and headed straight for us and the result was a really good light show from above.<br><br>

I grabbed my video camera and set it up and caught a little of the storm. Click on the "<b>Read More</b>" to view a number of video clips.<br><br>

Also since I am a weather nut besides a UFO nut, if anyone visiting the website has any weather related photos or footage and wouldn't mind sending them into HBCC UFO Research I would certainly love to post them for everyone to view.

The Houston British Columbia Lighting And Thunder Storm video clips can be found at:



Take care, Brian Vike Director of HBCC UFO Research.


KennyZen Crop Circle, UFO & Alien Art Gifts

KennyZen Crop Circle, UFO & Alien Art Gifts have a wonderful selection of great gift ideas for everyone. From Alien/UFO to Ancient Egypt, Cultural T-Shirts and so much more. Also clocks, mugs, posters, etc. 


I would suggest dropping by KennyZen Crop Circle, UFO & Alien Art Gifts to do your online shopping for these wonderful gifts.



Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters

Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research and host of the radio show called The Vike Report is now open to having advertising placed on the HBCC UFO Research website, also aired on The Vike Report radio show and placed in the HBCC UFO Research newsletters as a package deal.

Your product banner will be placed on the HBCC UFO Research website front page, and your product will be promoted on the Vike Report radio show and also added to the HBCC UFO Research - UFO Reports From HBCC UFO Research newsletters.

HBCC UFO Research receives alot of exposure which may help out your product you have for sale.

The purpose of going a head with adding advertising to the site, radio show and newsletter is to put any advertising funds towards a Toll Free UFO Reporting Hotline. This of course is a totally separate line from my private home phone number. HBCC UFO Research did run a Toll Free UFO reporting hotline for approximately a year which was very successful, but the costs became just to great to handle on my own.

You are welcome to write to HBCC UFO Research for details on reasonable rates per month, or if you would like to extend your ad for a longer period of time, the pricing would certainly save you a little money. You can use the Feedback, Report a UFO form off the website (http://www.hbccufo.org) or just drop Brian Vike an email at: <>hbccufo@telus.net

Or visit the following link for details: <>http://www.hbccufo.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2649

Please Note: There will be no pornographic material placed to the website, or just text links to numerous sites where I consider this to be complete Spam.

Thank you, Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research.


The Vike Report Radio Show On InnerStreams Network Every Sunday

Show Description:


I now host my own show on UFOs with the InnerStreams Radio Network entitled "The Vike Report" in which I bring forward folks who have had nothing short of an amazing UFO experience. These eyewitnesses speak openly about what they saw in taped interviews and as we all listen you can hear a wide range of emotions come out as the witnesses relate their stories to me. In 2007 I will be bringing more new audio reports, plus playing many of some of the most fascinating cases I have received to date. So please tune in.


LIVE: Every Sunday 11:00pm Central (1hrs) (12am Eastern, 10pm Mountain, 9pm Pacific or Monday 05:00 am GMT)

Follow the below link to listen into The Vike Report.




Eyewitness UFO Audio Accounts On 4 CDs (You can purchase one CD at a time, or collection 1 and 2, or collection 3 and 4. Or you can buy all four CDs. For details click on the link below.

(224 Eyewitness UFO Audio reports on 4 CDs)

For details please check out the eyewitness UFO audio accounts at:



Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.


Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.


HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO.



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