- I'll first caution you that some of this article may
appear to be somewhat abstract in nature. We'll first lay a foundation
with known technology, and then show what may become our future of technology.
- Language - can it be defined? We tend to think of it
as only a means for communication between humans. By most definitions of
language, any given language must have a fixed alphabet or character set.
- For programming computers numerous languages exist. These
are not languages that hardware can directly use in most cases. Computer
languages function to build a bridge between the hardware realm and human
thought. (Most computer software engineers know little or nothing about
the microchips on which their software creations run.) These languages
are then compiled into machine code which the computer can understand.
In the early days, it was first done using giant patch-cord plug boards
that "programmed" a simply computer to do simple computations.
Later magnetic and paper tape was used, to be followed by disk drives.
But I digress a bit here - because computer languages are not our main
- Then there are thousands of spoken and written languages.
In almost all cases a fixed alphabet is used. In Chinese, Korean and Japanese
each language has more than 1,000 fixed symbols for every object and physical
action that existed in the ancient world. These symbols were rigidly defined
for each language.
- For example, back in the late 1980s I looked at a datasheet
for a first generation gate array microchip. The datasheet for the chip
they wanted to use was to me from Japan faxed (pre-internet days) and consisted
of both Japanese and English symbols. For example, nanoseconds did not
have a symbol in Japanese, and the standard abbreviation used in the west
for nanoseconds is "ns." This appeared on the datasheet.
- A typical circuit board found in all electronic
products today [1]
- The circuit board example shown above is the result of
hundreds of hours of electrical engineering work. This circuit board can
only be designed and fabricated after all the electronic circuit design
is completed. The silver dots (solder) you see which connect copper conductors
(shown as light green lines above) to other components and conductors on
the other side of the board, or to similar conductors INSIDE the board.
- It might not seem to make sense now, but keep this image
in mind as later we will be using this example which is why it is shown
- Now we will surpass known technology and plunge into
the unknown. None of this is currently being taught by any of our institutions
of higher learning.
- We will leave the comfort of a known 26 letter alphabet
world and enter a different one. Suppose that there wasn't any limit to
an alphabet for a given language? Imagine a language where you could create
an infinite number of characters at will!
- For now, let's assume we could design a circuit without
discrete components and without soldering. It would require totally new
materials technology and an entire new methodology of thinking about solving
design problems. Without doubt, this would require us to use ALL of our
brain - instead of just 10%.
- There are numerous accounts of "strange materials"
which UFOs appear to be constructed of. Are these nano-materials, living
materials or something else that can partially exist in our dimension and
another one? It may or may not be possible to replicate these materials
with raw materials found on Earth.
- UFOs often have writing on them. But is it writing or
something else? When we look at a printed letters on a paper, no thought
is given as to what the ink composition is. When we see what appears to
be "letters" on a UFO object, we AUTOMATICALLY think these are
letters, too. If we look at this from a scientific viewpoint, we cannot
assume anything to be fact until it's proven. Theories must come first,
and then be supported by experimental proof. With UFOs there is by design
a serious lack of evidence. Yet there is no lack of witnesses.
- Fig. 1 - One of two antigravity generators claimed to
be removed from an alien vehicle. Click
zoom [1]
- The above object shows unusual symbols on numerous facets.
(See reference [1] for full size image.) It is not known for certain if
this object is authentic. There are at least three possibilities for releasing
this image and the associated text for it:
- 1.. This is a real object, and the man using the name
Isaac is sincere in his reasons for releasing it. Why he is solely using
a talk radio show for this is odd.
- 2.. The image release is being used as a means to USE
the public to decode what the symbols mean. This would also mean that those
who have possession of the images and information will be carefully watched
and under surveillance. If true, this indicates that government experts
are stumped. This is similar to the plot of the film "Mercury Rising"
where a puzzle was placed in a puzzle book, to see if someone could crack
it. In other words, this image is another black op.
- 3.. This object is a simple CGI hoax that gives someone
a thrill to claim it's real.
- Text that appears with this object on a website claims
that through reverse engineering, it was discovered that these symbols
form a circuit pattern which "programs" this object to perform
the intended function. It is claimed that even supercomputers in the 1980's
had difficulty composing the symbols. The two separate, I-beam like curved
parts shown above are supposedly the "controls" for operating
the device.
- Fig. 2 - Kecksburg acorn-shaped UFO replica.
- On the Kecksburg Pennsylvania UFO, symbols were seen
around the base of the object by witnesses before it was spirited away
by military personnel. There has been a theory that the symbols were Russian,
by these are not the Cyrillic language by any stretch of the imagination.
- Are these symbols merely identifying marks of ownership
- or are they a circuit pattern for an unknown type providing the propulsion
function? If these symbols are part of the propulsion system's operation,
then damaging just one of these symbols by a small space rock might have
been the cause of the crash. A coating could be devised to protect the
symbols, but perhaps the material in the symbols MUST be exposed to space
for them to work. This cannot be ruled out until proven otherwise. A solar
panel could be protected in space from meteors simply by mounting a thick
steel plate over it. Of course, it would no longer function.
- Fig. 3 - Roswell I-beam. This doesn't look like
Christmas wrapping tape. [3]
- If the above symbols are required for this object to
function in the Roswell vehicle, it would explain why an alien race would
go to the trouble to put markings on such a small part (note the person's
fingers holding the object.) It's interesting to note that this basic I-beam
shape is similar to that in Fig. 1, though this is a straight I-beam shape
while the two objects in Fig. 1 are curved. Perhaps there is a specific
reason for the basic I-beam shape. One common characteristic of an I-beam
is symmetry.
- If you were to disassemble the door on your car or truck
you wouldn't find any detailed writing inside. An action performed by intelligent
life from bacterium to higher life-forms throughout the universe has a
purpose, even if we cannot recognize the purpose or function.
- Prior to the early 1900's, a rectangular pipe was virtually
unheard of and no useful purpose. However, radar changed all that and rectangular
"pipes" made to precise tolerances were used to route microwave
frequencies to and from radar dishes. In fact, there is a rectangular waveguide
inside the cabinet of microwave ovens, too.
- Fig. 4 - Rendlesham forest UFO symbols - this
was drawn by an airman who also touched it. He claimed it was warm, smooth
as glass and changed colors. [4]
- Are these symbols part of a functional circuit which
we cannot understand with our technology at this time, or simply a message
to us like the Voyager golden record? Or perhaps this a label identifying
who owns it? If it was a message from another race, then why didn't the
vehicle leave it behind before taking off? These abstract symbols tend
to remind one of the symbols placed on the Voyager spacecraft, which was
launched in 1976.
- Fig. 5 - Voyager spacecraft golden record [5]
- In Fig. 5, we know these symbols have no functional purpose
or play a part in spacecraft operation. Both Voyager spacecraft with this
record have left the solar system. These two spacecraft continue to function
well and still transmit images 31 years later.
- Nanotechnology has created some amazing materials which
perform on the microscopic scale. Materials technology has advanced considerably
since the 1980s, which is when the picture in Fig. 1 was supposedly taken.
Slowly our understanding of the strange quantum world is expanding from
pure theory to experimental results. The most advanced of these results
will never see the light of day for military reasons.
- A popular and highly conservative magazine "Nature"
is read by many scientists today. Some scientists consider it a crowning
achievement to be published in that magazine. In that magazine, it was
announced a few years ago that negative optical materials were being developed.
These materials work exactly the opposite of glass and plastic. For example,
a sheet of flat negative optical material acts like a lens to light while
curved negative optical material does nothing. A negative optical material
mirror will not reverse a reflection like a regular mirror does. If someone
were to talk about material like this 10 years ago, they would be laughed
at as a crank.
- Materials technology could conceivably advance such that
complex symbols printed on the surface will cause a specific function to
take place. To accomplish this will require the work of those who are not
afraid to think outside the box of today's science.
- Ted Twietmeyer
- www.bookonmars.info
- www.data4science.net
- [1] http://isaaccaret.fortunecity.com/pacl-q486-photo-1-fullsize.jpg
- [2] http://www.kecksburgvfd.com/images/im001895_y7s7.jpg
- [3] http://trowbridgeplanetearth.com/ALI/graphics/IBeam.gif
- [4] http://www.nickpope.net/photo.htm
- [5] http://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/spacecraft/goldenrec.html