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Netherlands - When Is A
Society 'Too Democratic'?
By Adriana Stuijt
THE HAGUE, The Netherlands -- Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders is lodging a charge of uttering a death threat against him by local Dutch Maroccan-born Dutch rapper Appa, who today told the Dutch news daily De Pers that he wouldn't mind if someone would 'fire a bullet through Wilders' head.'
Wilders' Freedom Party spokesman had this immediate response after Appa's uttering of the death threat - saying that "Mr Wilders feels personally threatened by the rapper's comments".
View the (untalented) Appa's video clip - warning: this contains very vile language, incredibly explicit hate speech and direct death threats:
Wilders is known for his outspoken views in a country which has always prided itself on its freedom of speech. The outspoken Dutch MP - who has been under constant guard ever since the assassination of Dutch cineast Theo van Gogh by a Dutch muslim, Mohammed Bouyeri -- has raised the ire of at least two 'muslim-countries' -- Egypt and Syria.
Wilders has called for the banning of the Qúran which he referred to as a 'fascist book which should be forbidden because it incites people to violence.'
Egypt and Syria have this week lodged formal complaints with the Dutch government about his public comment.
Wilders also said that there was "no such thing as a 'moderate islam', there's only islam and it is entirely based on the Q'uran, which is the Mein Kampf of a religion which wants to eliminate all others, a religion which refers to non-muslims as 'unbelievers, dogs, inferior creatures,' said Wilders.
His entire speech in Dutch:
http://www.gee! rtwilder s.nl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1109&Itemid=1
De Pers Friday August 10 2007 edition:
http://www.youtube.com; egypt; netherlands;


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