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UFO Reports From
HBCC UFO Research

Brian Vike - Director
Release Date: August 8, 2007
Between Prince George And Vancouver B.C. Black Rectangle Viewed From West Jet Flight
Date: December 2000 ?
Time: Early afternoon.
Location of Sighting: Somewhere between Prince George & Vancouver B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Rectangle.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, "Flying Briefcase" is the best description I can give of what I saw high above the mountains of British Columbia.
The recent reports that have been sent in by others, about black rectangles, has brought back this episode to mind.
I'm not sure, but think it was likely in December around 1999 or 2000. I could be quite incorrect on the date. I just know it was a while ago.
I was flying south from Prince George to Victoria as a passenger on a regular West Jet flight. We left Prince George in relatively clear sky but as we neared the Coast Mountains the cloud cover below increased. We were flying in sunshine well above the clouds, probably at an altitude of around 30,000 feet. 
My seat was near the back of the plane on the right side and I had my face pressed against the window for most of the flight. I was watching for any gaps in the clouds below, so I was looking directly down. We were traveling in a south west direction so the sun was not shining on my side of the plane. 
That is when I saw the "briefcase" fly past, right below the wing. If it had been much more underneath the plane it would have been out of my line of sight.  
I saw it for only a second but the rectangular shape and black color was very definite against the backdrop of white clouds below. Instinctively I turned my head towards the back of the plane where it had disappeared, but of course saw nothing.
My thought progression went something like this. "Oh, someone lost a briefcase. A cargo door must be open" followed by "Don't be silly, it must have been a very big bird. Lucky we didn't hit it!" and "I wish we could turn around and take another look".
I sat bemused for a while, acknowledging to myself that I don't think any birds really fly that high and even if they did, I don't know of any that are shaped like a rectangle! I knew it wasn't lost luggage. I've already been on a plane flying out of Prince George that had an open door in the cargo area. Believe me, we noticed!
I don't know if anyone else saw the shape. The pilots might have since we flew right over it, but they certainly weren't going to get on the intercom and say something like" Wow! Did any of you see that black thing we almost hit? I wonder what it was?"
Since that time I've periodically thought about finding someone who has skills in physics. I certainly don't. I would like to be able to calculate the size of the object. I know it was actually much larger than a briefcase. At the speed we were going I imagine a briefcase would have been no more than a quick black flash, if that. I feel the shape was quite close to the plane because of the speed it passed by. I've been in jets when I've looked out to see other large jets going the opposite direction not far below us. They are visible and easily identifiable for a relatively long time. 
As far as I know we were about 30,000 feet and traveling around 400 mph. I don't know how high the clouds were but we were well above them. The object was between us and the clouds.
So my physics question is. Assuming the object was stationary and within a thousand feet of the plane, at the speed we were going, how big would it need to be to appear to be the size of a briefcase.
Any help on that?
Thanks Brian.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Northern New York and Southern Ontario Object Lands
Date: June 15, 2007 (edited)
I just wanted to give you a general update on Northern New York and Southern Ontario. I have been witness also to the solid white and blue objects that are being reported around the globe. Almost every night, I see at least two of these objects. They run east to west or west to east in direction, which is opposite to the direction of most aircraft. Last week, I saw more than 6 of these objects in one night.
I was getting ready to go inside when I noticed - a few hundred feet above the trees in my backyard - a solid white light that brightened 6x the magnitude it was, almost like it was acknowledging it saw I was looking.
That same night, my son and I went out for a quick dusk bike ride and spotted two objects, solid black in color, running together. However, it was dark enough that their lights should have been visible at that time of the day but weren't. That sighting lasted approximately 5 minutes. There was no jet sound and no contrail visible. There was also a lot of commercial airplane traffic that night, but a lot of the planes exhibited no sound whatever...and the 'planes' had a ton of lights on them. Could someone publish a list of standard lights associated with commercial airplanes? Also, one other thing: this same night I witnessed a lot of activity near the Big Dipper. Centered off the top corner of the 'spoon' part were at least a dozen solid color objects moving back and forth. I'm getting to the point of feeling that something big is about to happen, the boldness and frequency of sightings is out of control.
Along with all this, on Friday June 15th, 2007, I believe I witnessed a vehicle landing on the ground. We were at a drive-in theatre about a half-hour from here located in Alex Bay, NY. We were getting out of the vehicle to get ready to go when I spotted a solid white and blue object at a low altitude heading in the easterly direction. When I left the drive-in,
I chose to go in the same direction the object traveled, on state route 26. After about 5 minutes of driving, I noticed something strange along the road.  I saw an object on the right side which had about 10 perfectly rectangular lights in a row with some soft orange round lights situated right above the rectangular lights (which were a soft white/blue color that seemed translucent). There was a white 'fog' or 'steam' near the object. The whole situation made me nervous and I didn't say anything to the rest of the family. So the next day I went on Google earth to look and see if there was a building in the location I saw the object...and there wasn't anything there. So, on Father's Day, we went up there to investigate and found no building of any kind. I plan on going back again to see if there was any damage to the surrounding terrain and whether anyone else experienced anything strange that night.
Thank you to the witness for keeping me updated on what is happening in their area.
Fort McMurray, Alberta V Shaped UFOs
Date: June 2007 (?)
Time: N/A (edited)
Hi Brian, two months approx ago, I saw a V- shaped UFO, approximately 60-70 feet above the ground at night round about 12:15 am. My friend saw it, too. We saw three other Vs, exactly the shape of V with all the lights at the bottom, going at high speed...never saw any thing moving that fast in sky. I never believed in UFOs but now I do. I am in Fort McMurray, Alberta.
Never send an e-mail to anyone because nobody believes you. I used to laugh at people.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Kelowna, British Columbia Military AWAC Flew Over Lake Corridor
HBCC UFO Research Note: Possible connection to the July 2, 2007 UFO Battle over Kelowna, British Columbia.
Normally, I would never report on any thing like this. However, I would like to help you research one specific case you are working on. My family and I were in Kelowna visiting relatives. We were having lunch at a park by Knox mountain when a Military AWAC flew very low along the lake corridor. I am an avid aviation enthusiast and this immediately sparked my interest. I grew up in Kelowna and military activity had never been observed by me before, so it sparked my interest. I found this occurrence very puzzling. I did not get a very good look since I saw it through the trees, however being into aviation, there is no mistaking the AWAC with its distinctive DISC on the top of the fuselage. This brings me to my long-winded point. I waited a few weeks and googled "Kelowna" "AWAC" which eventually led me to your site. I saw that you are doing research on this event, and I thought it might be advantageous for you to have another eyewitness account of this aircraft flying in the area. I did not see any UFO activity. I have in the past seen UFO activity on four separate occasions, so I am sympathetic to your cause. Mine may be just a simple eyewitness account which my have little bearing on your research, but I do hope it helps.
I would like to thank the witness for the report on the aircraft.
Northeastern Sky In London Ontario Fireball
Date: July 15, 2007
Time: 3:30 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Northeastern sky in London Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Fireball.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was sitting out on my balcony having a cigarette when out of nowhere a fireball appeared, heading north. It was only visible for maybe 5 seconds, and then it disappeared. I then looked in the direction it was traveling, and saw it again, only much smaller, just like a normal star, except it was the same orange color. I saw it again for another 5 seconds roughly, and then it just faded away.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Bolton, Ontario A Boomerang Shaped Object
Date: July 31, 2007
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Bolton, Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Boomerang.
Full Description of event/sighting: It was around 9:00 pm and my wife and I were out on the back porch. I was doing some brief star gazing, observing the constellations Cygnus, Aquila and Lyra (the summer triangle).
I was studying the stars for only a mere matter of minutes before I noticed something shooting straight through Cygnus and heading towards Lyra (actually close to Vega which is inside Lyra). It was white and grey in appearance and it had a boomerang shape to it. Almost like a banana shape and it was moving with the arc of object facing forward in its movement. It was quite fast, much faster than any satellite and it did NOT show the sameness of a meteor flare-up. I don't know what a comet might look like if traveling through the atmosphere.
It only took about 10 seconds or more for the object to pass through the two mentioned constellations and then it simply vanished as it headed in a south/south/west (or so) direction.
It was amazing to say the least. Never saw this sort of thing before. Whether it is a UFO, I don't know, as it didn't seem to display any 'tricky' flight control. But is was fast, and did have that distinctive shape to it. Thanks.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Killeen Ft. Hood, Central Texas A Steady White Glow (Unknown Object)
Date: August 2, 2007
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Killeen/Ft. Hood
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: ?
Full Description of event/sighting: My husband was standing in our front yard talking to a friend of his. He came in to get me and told me to check it out. I looked up and there was something flying extremely fast. About a minute later another one followed. My husband told me that I missed the first one. We live next to Fort Hood army base so we are used to seeing military aircraft. The sky was clear except for a few random clouds. We have watched the space station go our us numerous times and these things moved a lot faster than that. There were no flashing lights just a steady white like glow.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
North Devon, U.K. A Blue - Silver Sphere
Date: August 2, 2007
Time: Approx: 4.30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Back garden at home.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Spheres.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, Although I emailed you about my sighting earlier today, just after it happened. At about 4.30pm today, I was in my back garden playing around with a new digital camera my husband bought me a couple days ago. I was looking around for things to photograph and thought I'd take some photos of the birds etc, I had a thought that it would be great if I could see a UFO and take a photo of it (I swear this is true). Just after I thought it, I was looking up into the sky and to my absolute amazement I noticed a blue/silver sphere in the sky in an easterly direction. I was amazed. I just stood there looking up at it when it seemed to either get bigger or nearer. I then saw a second identical smaller sphere appear to the left of the larger sphere. The smaller object hung there for about a minute and then disappeared. The larger one stayed there. I was trying to take photos of it. I still haven't got the hang of using the zoom yet and so just kept aiming it and hoping for the best that I'd get a photo of it.
The larger sphere - after hanging there for a few minutes - then started moving on towards the east at a higher altitude and then disappeared from sight. The whole sighting lasted approx 4 - 5 minutes. I then went back indoors as quickly as I could to email you. Next, I down-loaded the photos from my camera. On first viewing, it seemed that I had not managed to get a picture of what I'd seen. However, on closer inspection I could see that, in fact, I did get a picture of one of the spheres. Later in the evening, I was able to actually enlarge the photo and could very clearly see the sphere.
Brian, it's me again. Look very closely at photo number 2 (almost top centre) and THERE IT IS. I just spotted it - I'm so excited, and NO it wasn't dust on my monitor screen, study them closely, please.
Thank you to the witness for the report and photos. The photos are copyright 2007 to the owner.
Seattle, Washington Meteor Debris Streaks Though The Sky
Date: August 2, 2007
Time: Approx: 8:46 p.m.
I was driving east on I90 E on the Seattle floating bridge, approximately 2046 hrs. PST. about my visual 1 - 2 o'clock, southeasterly, about 40 degrees above eastern Cascade Mountain horizon. A highly luminescent streak lasting approx 2 seconds, then contrail or smaller streaks/dashes, then a dot and gone.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia An Extremely Bright White Light
Date: August 2, 2007
Time: 10:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Patio deck, back yard.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Very bright ball of white light.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was debating on reporting this or not but when I read about the Pleasant Bay sighting, I changed my mind. I think it could have been the same thing. I was scanning the sky as I do every chance I get. I noticed an extremely bright white light just as bright or possibly a little brighter than Venus, but the weird thing is the fact that their was nothing in that part of the sky when I first looked. Then I turned my head for maybe 3 seconds to the left and when I looked back to the right, an object was there. It was moving very slowly, east to west, at approximately 30-40 thousand feet. As I watched it move, the light almost 'imploded' down to that of a regular-sized star, and then it just slowly flew away until it was out of sight. I thought you might be interested in all this, considering the other sighting. There definitely seems to be a fair amount of activity in our area, and I'm sure if more people started to keep their eyes open, they would notice this, too.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Edson, Alberta Object Moves Around The Sky And Then Descends
Date: August 3, 2007
Time: 12:05 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Edson
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Bright bluish and circular in shape.
Full Description of event/sighting: Never thought I would be posting but here we are. (maybe hoped is a better word). I had gone to bed about 10:30pm tonight. Woke up about 11:55pm to get a drink of water and go to the bathroom. Before heading to bed, I looked out my balcony window ( as I usually do before heading back to bed in the middle of the night, always was a habit). My place faces the south.
When glancing out the window, I noticed a bright star like object in the south east sky, kind of bluish in color, and noticed a very constant flash about it. I stood there waiting and watching it, figuring it might just as well be a star. Then it started to move very rapidly and going in all directions. I went back inside to get a cigarette, and it was still there when I came back out to the balcony. It was moving towards the west and still kept it's brightness. It was way too low to be a star, moved too fast to be a satellite, and was too high to be a plane. It made no sound at all. As I continued to watch it, it stopped directly over the street I live on (but still way up there). It stayed there hovering for about a half hour, still blinking and flashing. My boyfriend was asleep, so I woke him up to make sure I wasn't seeing things. He came out to the balcony and looked up at the object. All he said was "what the heck is that"?. He stood there with me for a few minutes and then headed back to bed.
By this time it was about 45 minutes since I had first saw it. I sat on a chair on my balcony, I noticed it starting to go away but was too fascinated to go inside. It headed out north west and was almost impossible to see anymore, so I figured I would go back to bed. That's when it started to come back my way. It was about 1:15am at this time. I sat there still keeping my eye on it and noticed it starting to descend. It was close enough to make out a circle shape every time the flashing occurred and still no sound from the object. My place faces a CN railroad to the south, and some forest back there, it descended what looked like into the forest and disappeared. I was so freaked out, never seen a UFO before but I am 100% certain that's what I saw early this morning.
Thank you to the witness for this report.
Meteor Sighting Avon, Ohio
Date: August 3, 2007
Time: 10:05 p.m.
HBCC UFO Research Note: If anyone else witnessed this meteor sighting on August 03, 2007 at approx: 10:05 p.m. would you please file a report to HBCC UFO Research as the information is so very important. Thank you, Brian Vike.
While walking dogs a 10:05 p.m. on August 03, 2007 experienced a meteor sighting Northeast to Southwest. A massive white fireball lasting about 2 seconds then disappearing but leaving a short contrail which lasted for about 2 more seconds. Absolutely awesome! Perfectly clear very starry night, high humidity, temp around 80 Fahrenheit. Did anyone else report this? What a blessing to experience!
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Orangeville, Ontario Unknown Bright Object
Date: August 3, 2007
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Orangeville.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Oval.
Full Description of event/sighting: Out on the deck in the backyard this evening and looking to the south a bright object appeared flying at an altitude of about 5 to 7 thousand feet. It looked at first to be flying in a northerly direction then seemed to arc in a more easterly then southeasterly direction. Moved at about the same rate of speed a satellite would, but visibly wasn't moving in a straight line as a satellite does. The light off the object seemed to flare out to the sides slightly. It gave the impression of a wobble. There was a small aircraft heading to the southeast as well flying at a lower altitude which seemed to bank and drop its altitude to have a look at what this was also. There is a small airport 20 km south of here, and Pearson is about 40km from here.We've seen plenty of planes and satellites in the sky, this light was neither in our opinion.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Ohio Fireball
Date: August 3, 2007
Time: Approx. 10:00 - 10:10 p.m.
I also saw the fireball in Ohio Friday night approx. 10- 10:10 I was aprox 65 miles east of Cleveland, and witnessed the meteor? travelling northeast to southwest. Very bright, and very clear.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
West Bolton, Quebec (Brome Lake Area) A Perfectly Round White Light
Date: August 3, 2007
Time: 9:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: West Bolton, Qc (Brome Lake area).
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: Many.
Shape of objects: One round, some undetermined.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, a friend and I were spending some time with my brother at his country home. Sometime around 9:00 pm we stepped outside to take a look at the sky, there were thunderstorm warnings and we were curious about how they were shaping up.
We found that we were surrounded by gigantic storm clouds that took a horseshoe shape around us, we were sitting in a very still air mass with the storm clouds many miles away in all directions.
It was a storm like none of us have ever seen, the lightning was contained within the clouds, mostly running horizontally over incredible distances. There was even a bright red ball that followed the top of the cloud formation from left to right, then returned to the left and disappeared. I know that these atmospheric phenomena are easily explainable, it was what we saw next that really caught our attention.
We noticed that there were quite a few aircraft that seemed to be flying close to the top of the cloud formation to the north, the sky was very dark but we could see their red and white lights flashing. They would fly over the storm towards the east then return to where they started, I think there might have been three of them at one time. Remember, we're watching this from at least 20 miles away.
The next thing we saw was the strangest. The sky above us was perfectly clear, when we looked directly above our heads we saw a bright white light traveling towards the east. It was perfectly round, it almost looked like a cool white light bulb taking a straight path through the sky. Then we noticed the airplane that was following it on exactly the same path, probably about 3 seconds behind it. We discussed it to try to determine their altitude, the plane seemed to be around 1/2 inch from wingtip to wingtip at arm's length. This led us to believe that they were only a couple of thousand feet above us. The round light was at least as big as the plane following it.
By the time the white light entered the cloud bank and disappeared, the plane had fallen way behind, it disappeared about 10 seconds later.
I tried to get footage with my video camera, I was able to catch a lot of the lightning inside the cloud bank but the sky was too dark to capture the smaller objects, I couldn't see anything in my viewfinder while trying to film the white ball and its escort.
By the way, American military aircraft regularly fly over this area when they're traveling from the Plattsburgh air force base to the Maine base.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Pickering - Bay Ridges Area Ontario A Ball Shape Or Orb
Date: August 3, 2007
Time: 9:24 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Pickering - Bay Ridges area.
Number of witnesses: 0
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Unclear- Speculate ball or Orb.
Full Description of event/sighting: Standing outside Liverpool Arms Pub, enjoying a cigarette and looking at the sky. I noticed a bright light enter my field of vision, I was facing East and the object was almost right overhead, the light was very bright, white in colour. No navigation lights, or beacons were visible. Estimate Altitude at between 7,000 - 10,000 feet, speed around 300 Mph. Direction of Travel was from East to West and was in my field of view for about 4 minutes. An aircraft was in the vicinity, slightly to the North of the Object, possibly at an lower altitude.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Fundy Park Alma, New Brunswick Reddish Colored Light Moving In Fast Random Directions
Date: August 3, 2007
Time: Approx: 10:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Fundy Park, Alma, NB.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round - Star like.
Full Description of event/sighting: My niece, husband and I were camping. We star gazed the big dipper and it was very bright and beautiful. I starred at it for a minute or more when I noticed an orangey-red star just above the middle of the "scoop" of the dipper. It was not as bright as the star above it, but similar in size the color made me look at it. I pointed it out to my niece because of the reddish color, no other reason. But then as I looked at it some more, it began to move. It moved very quickly in short random movements not really leaving the same area. It would not be noticeable unless looking directly at it. I had my niece look at it to and she agreed it was moving in fast random directions. Even my husband who did not want to look at first, saw it move strangely too. I watched it for 10 minutes or more but the fog rolled in and we could not check it again. My husband dismissed it as a satellite. I have seen satellites and I know they orbit, not stay in one area. I tried to find a scientific answer to this, looking on astrology websites, Government of Canada websites, anything that could help me figure out what I saw. Perhaps this is a known star because of the way it is made shines through our atmosphere and distorts itself? As a desperate measure I began searching the UFO possibilities. And UFO descriptions are the only ones that come close to what I saw. I want someone to explain to me what I saw, but I do not want my personal info given.(Stigma) Any response on this site would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Kelowna, British Columbia More Unusual UFO Sightings In Kelowna
Date: August 3/4, 2007
Time: 11ish Friday night and into early Saturday morning.
Location of Sighting: Kelowna B.C.
Number of witnesses: 2/3
Number of objects: Number of different.
Shape of objects: Fire balls/star looking craft/meteor type.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was sitting in the back yard star gazing with friends and family. I noticed a slow moving fireball, which was low and below the cloud line. It was traveling and burning-up. Then it like exploded into pieces and disappeared. About ten minutes later there was another one coming in at the same direction, again below the light cloud line. It flew right overhead, "no sound". It kept flying and eventually burnt out, but it was going too slow to me to be anything I know. It was like you could still see it going after it burnt out...not sure, might be the eyes playing tricks, but there were three of who witnessed it.  
I'm not sure whether it was earlier or later than this event, but I also saw something like a shooting star with a vapor trail behind it, traveling north to south. It was an interesting night.
After the family went to bed, we, two of us noticed three dots flying in formation of a triangle. The two bottom ones were out front as the top one caught up. It looked like the stars were playing. They were way too high to be a jet and traveling too slow to be satellites. Not sure what to say, but I thought it might be something of importance to let you know about. 
Anyway, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I must run and buy a telescope for tonight's activities!  
Puzzled in Kelowna!
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Reno, Nevada Desert Objects The Size Of Venus Keep Witness Entertained
Date: August 5, 2007
Time: 12.30 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Reno desert.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 4
Shape of objects: Lights about twice the size of Venus.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was driving to SLC (salt lake city). After passing Reno, and crossing into the desert, I immediately saw a bright orange-yellow light peeking through a small hole in the clouds. I shouted to my co-worker, that there was a UFO there. He said, no it's just a star.
So, I asked him if the clouds were moving or still. He said they were 'obviously moving' so I asked him how then could that 'star' continue to be centered in the middle of the hole in the clouds? He said it was because the car was moving so it just seemed as though the star was moving. I think he is not ready to acknowledge the existence of UFOs.  
Anyway, he went to sleep and I continued to be entertained by what was now 4 lights 'crawling' on the clouds, jumping from place to place, and gliding through the bigger spaces between the clouds. 
They were about twice the size of Venus. Generally, they were white, although at times they appeared to be either amber or light orange.
It seems I was able to communicate with them as well. Just to make certain that I wasn't seeing just stars with clouds moving fast and giving the impression the stars were moving, I asked them to 'go on top of the clouds'. Immediately they responded and did just that.  
Even when they disappeared into the clouds, I asked where they were and they immediately peeked through the clouds.
They kept me entertained for over 4 hours, leaving only when it started to get light.
I have seen so many UFOs this past week it must mean something, although I do not know what.
Thanks for you site, Brian, and keep up the good work.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Croydon, Surrey A Round White Object (UFO)
Date: August 5, 2007
Time: Approx: midday.
Location of Sighting: Shirley Road, Croydon.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Oval.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was at a Garden Centre in Shirley Road Croydon with my girlfriend on Sunday at around midday. I was standing with our trolley whilst my girlfriend was looking at plants in the outdoor part of the garden centre. I was looking west and noticed a round white object travelling north. At first, I thought it was a plane or helicopter, however, the more I looked at it, the more I realized that there were no wings or any features. It was just a plain white oval object. The speed at which it was travelling told me that it wasn't a balloon, either. I estimate from the distance I was from it, that it was larger and travelling faster than a passenger plane. I pointed it out to my girlfriend who was more interested in the plants so I didn't get much of a response. I lost sight of it when it went behind some flats immediately next to the garden centre.
This is the second object I have seen recently. A couple of months ago, a red orb passed at speed during the day directly over my garden in Addiscombe Croydon. At first from I distance I thought it was a balloon, but the speed that it was travelling at and its straight line trajectory made me think twice. It came over quite low and I could tell it definitely wasn't a balloon.
I have studied the UFO phenomena since I saw a fantastic UFO as a child, and I'm always looking to the skies. These are the first 2 objects i have seen in years that I cannot explain.
Thank you to the witness for this report.
Hanover, Ontario A Bright Orange Light (Light Moves Then Stops)
Date: August 6, 2007
Time: 10:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Hanover/Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 6
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Bright orange light.
Full Description of event/sighting: We saw a bright orange light moving across the sky like a satellite would. But much lower and it would move at a good speed then stop. Then move and repeat this until it was out of sight. It moved NE and if we moved east to follow it, it would disappear. But if we moved back west it was there. Which we assumed would be a vertical disk or something if we stayed behind it. We could see the light of it if we moved ahead of it, we couldn't stay moving NE, then it went strait North. Basically in Hanover, Ontario. We saw it to the north moving East, heading towards Durham. It then shot North heading towards Owen Sound.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters
Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research and host of the radio show called The Vike Report is now open to having advertising placed on the HBCC UFO Research website, also aired on The Vike Report radio show and placed in the HBCC UFO Research newsletters as a package deal.
Your product banner will be placed on the HBCC UFO Research website front page, and your product will be promoted on the Vike Report radio show and also added to the HBCC UFO Research - UFO Reports From HBCC UFO Research newsletters.
HBCC UFO Research receives alot of exposure which may help out your product you have for sale.
The purpose of going a head with adding advertising to the site, radio show and newsletter is to put any advertising funds towards a Toll Free UFO Reporting Hotline. This of course is a totally separate line from my private home phone number. HBCC UFO Research did run a Toll Free UFO reporting hotline for approximately a year which was very successful, but the costs became just to great to handle on my own.
You are welcome to write to HBCC UFO Research for details on reasonable rates per month, or if you would like to extend your ad for a longer period of time, the pricing would certainly save you a little money. You can use the Feedback, Report a UFO form off the website (http://www.hbccufo.org) or just drop Brian Vike an email at: <mailto:hbccufo@telus.net>hbccufo@telus.net
Or visit the following link for details: 
Please Note: There will be no pornographic material placed to the website, or just text links to numerous sites where I consider this to be complete Spam.
Thank you, Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research.
The Vike Report Radio Show On InnerStreams Network Every Sunday
Show Description:
I now host my own show on UFOs with the InnerStreams Radio Network entitled "The Vike Report" in which I bring forward folks who have had nothing short of an amazing UFO experience. These eyewitnesses speak openly about what they saw in taped interviews and as we all listen you can hear a wide range of emotions come out as the witnesses relate their stories to me. In 2007 I will be bringing more new audio reports, plus playing many of some of the most fascinating cases I have received to date. So please tune in.
LIVE: Every Sunday 11:00pm Central (1hrs) (12am Eastern, 10pm Mountain, 9pm Pacific or Monday 05:00 am GMT)
Follow the below link to listen into The Vike Report.
Eyewitness UFO Audio Accounts On 4 CDs (You can purchase one CD at a time, or collection 1 and 2, or collection 3 and 4. Or you can buy all four CDs. For details click on the link below.
(221 Eyewitness UFO Audio reports on 4 CDs)
For details please check out the eyewitness UFO audio accounts at:
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO.


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