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H5N1 High Path Headed
To UK - Already In Germany

From Patricia Doyle, PhD
Hello Jeff - The UK awaits the migration of birds heading to the UK and carrying Avian Influenza, specifically H5N1 high path.
From ProMed
Avian Influenza Update:
By Valerie Elliott
The Times Online
The UK Government has given warning that wild birds migrating to Britain over the next few weeks may be carrying the H5N1 strain of avian flu. Debby Reynolds, the Chief Veterinary Officer, is ready to order poultry to be kept indoors if farms are deemed to be at risk. A risk assessment published by the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs [DEFRA] states that the highest risk is from birds that have passed through the Czech Republic, Germany, and France. Last month [June 2007] there were 3 outbreaks of the flu strain in the Czech Republic, and 3 cases in southern Germany. There was also an outbreak in France this month [July 2007], and experts expect more cases.
The greatest threat is believed to be from the black-headed gull, which returns to Britain from the area around the Baltic Sea. About 50 000 to 100 000 pairs of these gulls breed in the Czech Republic before leaving for other parts of Western Europe, including Britain. These birds could appear this month [July 2007]. The other imminent threat is from the mallard, which will start returning to Britain next month [August 2007]. Mallards breed in large numbers throughout Europe, with 25 000 to 45 000 pairs in the Czech Republic and 200 000 to 400 000 pairs in Germany.
The experts do not yet know which bird species is spreading the virus, but they believe that several species will move to Britain from infected areas.
Customs officers are making secret checks on [presumably commercial - MHJ] flights from affected areas. Sniffer dogs are being used at Heathrow and Gatwick [airports] to identify illegal imports of poultry meat, cooked and raw, and eggs that may carry the H5N1 virus. Among the flights [from which] passengers and baggage being screened for possible smuggled food are those from China, Russia, Egypt, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
Germany - FLI surveillance report Source: Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) website (in German, trans. Mod.AS, extracted, edited)
Epidemiological situation of avian influenza (AI) in Germany Bulletin Nr.06/2007
Results Of Avian Influenze (AI) Surveillance In Wild Birds:
So far during 2007, 240 wild birds have been found Avian
Influenza positive. Of these, 72 were found H5N1 positive by the
Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health on the Island of Riems, while 168 wild birds were found H5-positive by veterinary laboratories elsewhere. Though, for technical reasons, their neuraminidase component was not analysed, there are epidemiological grounds to assume that these birds were also infected by the HPAI H5N1 virus.
Communicated by ProMED-mail
Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD
Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics
Univ of West Indies
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