- It is entirely possible that there are some folks in
these here United States who are not aware of and have not been exposed
to the rapidly mounting evidence concerning the efforts of the secret cabal
of globalist international bankers, corporatists, and media tycoons, all
part of a global elite, who are in the extended planning and execution
stages of creating a one global government "New World Order."
It would be astonishing if there were Americans who are still not aware
of this plan to abolish our national heritage, negate all cultures and
customs both here and abroad, and suppress religions and any and
all other means of public expression in order to homogenize all under the
control of one world global police state.
- Any and all education the public is able to acquire will
come only from the alternate media on the Internet, the latter rapidly
transforming itself into the only viable and available journalistic source
of truth and honest reporting. The mass media, or the mainstream establishment
corporate media [MSM], serve now only as propaganda tools to support global
government and the current criminal American regime dedicated to this global
end. The criminal Bush regime's efforts in its participation to this treasonous
end has been exposed by their dissolving our border with Mexico, the attempt
to legalize illegal aliens from that foreign state, their secretive efforts
in the unconstitutional design and implementation of a "North American
Union," and the unlawful imprisonment of US Border Patrol personnel
for doing their jobs and protecting our borders.
- MSM propaganda is, therefore, unnecessary to sway or
convince even the highest elements of "American" government to
embrace the NWO; "our government" is already heavily committed
to this end and on board. But the American people have spoken out against
the criminal Bush regime in the November 2006 midterm elections; they have
spoken out against Bush, "Madman" McCain and Ted Kennedy's Senate
Amnesty Bill. And then there's the 9/11 truth movements, and the impeachment
organizations, and the anti-war groups. Imagine if these could all be brought
together under one opposition party. And if you cannot imagine it, then
be assured that the globalists can. And their attempt to get the American
people on board via MSM propaganda is also hitting a rock. Their latest
propaganda initiative is, of course, the "Global Warming" hoax.
- Panic and terror are the means to implement the New World
Order. Terror can be induced in a society by the governmental hogwash and
nonsense of uncovered and government-prevented terrorist plots. Thank God
for our wondrous government that continues to save lives and rescues US
from dangerous terrorists. But as the criminal Bush regime's successful
inside job of 9/11 demonstrates, the only real terrorist acts are committed
by the elements of one's own government. The government orchestrated terrorist
hoaxes of the "JFK Airport Plot" and the "Fort Dix Plots"
are just examples of the situation comedies perpetrated by our government
to scare US into submission, trash our Constitution, and cling to Big Brother/Big
Mother government. Plots such as these are commonplace, and usually perpetrated
by incompetents that can more accurately be described as zany clowns and
anti-social loose cannons. And such plots occurred just as frequently before
9/11 as they did after that government-orchestrated event.
- "Global Warming" is yet another outrageous
hoax being perpetrated by the globalists to create panic and terror among
the populations of nations in order to justify unjust laws and consequences
legitimized by the legislative and executive actions of uninformed, ignorant
and bribe-taking politicians. And even if global warming was a truly scientific
phenomenon, it would never succumb or be rectified by human action. Simply
comparing the human condition to its effect on the entire planet is to
launch an anti-God irreverence and human arrogance that can only be described
as hideously astonishing.
- Three quarters of our planet is ocean. We, the human
species, inhabit only a quarter of the globe on land. Considering uninhabitable
portions of the land mass, such as jungles and the massive deserts, we
are basically an invisible film on the land surfaces of the planet. Comparing
astronomical sizes, Earth is roughly the size of a copper BB next to the
comparable size of a basketball that is our Sun. What effect can invisible
scum occupying much less than one quarter the size of a BB have upon our
solar system? Even if madman Cheney launches World War III by attacking
Iran with nuclear weapons, that will produce virtually the same no-effect
on either Earth or our solar system. Humanity might be wiped out, but it
will have little effect upon our universe.
- The problem with the global warming theory is that it
sees Man's involvement not only as a factor, but as a major factor. That's
pure nonsense! Even without any modicum of scientific critique, this loony
theory should be dismissed as a hoax just on the basis of ordinary common
sense. It is a "theory" engineered and manufactured to denigrate
American industrial might in order to set US back to a Third World Status.
It should be classified within that same genre of misguided political ventures
of Third World anti-Americanism as GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and the North American
- On the other hand, the theory of "climate change"
is indeed viable, not only because it is easily provable, but because it
is also relatively easy to understand. Its key identifier is indeed the
operative word "change." In places where it was once very hot,
it is now becoming very cold. Where once there was an abundance of water
and rain, there now exists unusual aridity and little or no rain. My own
observations here in New Jersey are easily arrived at: for the last several
days, the temperature in both the early mornings and evenings were at about
50 degrees. This morning, the temperature at 6:00 a.m. EST was a chilling
42 degrees Fahrenheit! This is insane! The normal temperature here around
the Fourth of July would put temperatures in a range from of at least 70
to 80 degrees at dawn and dusk, and at least from 90 to 100 degrees at
high noon. It has been really very cool; but last week, we had two hot
days nearing the 90s. At dusk on both days, we had super violent thunderstorms
that quickly returned us to cool temperatures. These storms were also rare
occurrences, coming as they did back-to-back.
- I am not foolish enough to use these observations or
my brief existence on Earth as prima facie evidence that climate change
is happening. One human lifetime during the entire meteorological and geophysical
history of our planet and solar system are totally and completely irrelevant.
How arrogant it is for any human being to step up and proclaim either a
global warming or freezing trend. And the same global windbags who are
now proclaiming global warming are the same morons who proclaimed global
freezing a few years back.
- So in spite of scientific pronouncements and evidentiary
proclamations from trained and non-politicized scientists and experts,
Al Gore's The Assault on Reason is rising in the charts. You would think
that people committed to reading books would have more sense than to invest
in a non-scientific book on science written not only by a non-scientist,
but by an ax-grinding clueless politico. And as it doesn't say much for
Gore as an expert, it says even less for our learned book-consuming public!
- In an article published in Madison, Wisconsin's The Capital
Times and posted on their website June 18, 2007, Samara Kalk Derby writes:
"Reid Bryson, known as the father of scientific climatology, considers
global warming a bunch of hooey. The UW-Madison professor emeritus, who
stands against the scientific consensus on this issue, is referred to as
a global warming skeptic. But he is not skeptical that global warming exists,
he is just doubtful that humans are the cause of it." And clearly,
therefore, if we are not the cause, we cannot effect a solution!
- The article entitled, "Local scientist calls global
warming theory 'hooey,'" goes on: "There is no question the earth
has been warming. It is coming out of the 'Little Ice Age,' he said in
an interview this week. 'However, there is no credible evidence that it
is due to mankind and carbon dioxide. We've been coming out of a Little
Ice Age for 300 years. We have not been making very much carbon dioxide
for 300 years. It's been warming up for a long time,' Bryson said."
- Derby continues: "'The Little Ice Age was driven
by volcanic activity. That settled down so it is getting warmer,' he said.
'Humans are polluting the air and adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere,
but the effect is tiny,' Bryson said. 'It's like there is an elephant charging
in and you worry about the fact that there is a fly sitting on its head.
It's just a total misplacement of emphasis,' he said. 'It really isn't
science because there's no really good scientific evidence.'" This
aligns with the argument I offered even before reading Bryson's statement;
specifically, our impact is miniscule.
- Bryson goes on to refer to the current global warming
theory as more religion than science, and acknowledges as well that opinions
can and do differ within the scientific community. But Bryson sticks to
his guns offering that there are many scientists who both believe and oppose
the current ginned up panic being spread primarily by non-scientist Al
Gore. When asked if he had seen Al Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient
Truth," Derby documents his reaction: "'Don't make me throw up.
It is not science. It is not true.'" Derby quotes others in the scientific
community at Bryson's Madison institution that disagree with him.
- Coinciding with my previously offered localized observations
of strange weather patterns in my own state of New Jersey, John Antczak,
writing for the Associated Press, also notes climate contrasts in his "Weather
Extremes Wither LA, Drown Texas," dated June 30th and also carried
on Prisonplanet.com. Antczak writes: "Barring a surprise arrival of
the kind of gully washers Texas is getting these days, Los Angeles' driest
year in 130 years of record-keeping will go into the books this weekend.
The nation's second largest city is missing nearly a foot of rain for the
year counted from July 1 to June 30. Just 3.21 inches have fallen downtown
in those 12 months, closer to Death Valley's numbers than the normal average
of 15.14 inches." These observations of "regionalized" climate
changes are valid. "The weather that's withering Los Angeles and drowning
Texas are connected, said Bill Patzert, a Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientist
who researches the ocean's role in climate variations and has watched a
Western drought grow for seven years," relates Antczak.
- The article quotes Patzert again, who offers: "'The
weather extremes have a common thread: the jet stream. Stationary high
pressure has pushed the moisture-bringing jet stream to the north, which
has also allowed moist air to linger over Texas.'"
- Commenting on Gore's new book, The Assault on Reason,
James Taylor, writing for the Chicago Sun Times writes: "Al Gore pleads,
'We must stop tolerating the rejection and distortion of science. We must
insist on an end to the cynical use of pseudo-studies known to be false
for the purpose of intentionally clouding the public's ability to discern
the truth.' Gore repeatedly asks that science and reason displace cynical
political posturing as the central focus of public discourse. If Gore really
means what he writes, he has an opportunity to make a difference by leading
by example on the issue of global warming." But it begs the question:
Who is the scientist and who is the politician? We are to believe that
the politician speaks truthfully and the scientists who oppose Gore's global
warming voodoo are cynically using pseudo-studies and political posturing?
- Taylor in his commentary critiquing Gore's book entitled,
"Alarmist global warming claims melt under scientific scrutiny,"
refutes Gore's outrageous claims item by item. Taylor asserts: "If
Gore really means what he writes, he has an opportunity to make a difference
by leading by example on the issue of global warming. A cooperative and
productive discussion of global warming must be open and honest regarding
the science. Global warming threats ought to be studied and mitigated,
and they should not be deliberately exaggerated as a means of building
support for a desired political position. Many of the assertions Gore makes
in his movie, 'An Inconvenient Truth,' have been refuted by science, both
before and after he made them. Gore can show sincerity in his plea for
scientific honesty by publicly acknowledging where science has rebutted
his claims."
- Taylor then points out Gore's itemized hokum: "For
example, Gore claims that Himalayan glaciers are shrinking and global warming
is to blame. Yet the September 2006 issue of the American Meteorological
Society's Journal of Climate reported, 'Glaciers are growing in the Himalayan
Mountains, confounding global warming alarmists who recently claimed the
glaciers were shrinking and that global warming was to blame.' Gore claims
the snowcap atop Africa's Mt. Kilimanjaro is shrinking and that global
warming is to blame. Yet according to the November 23, 2003, issue of Nature
magazine, 'Although it's tempting to blame the ice loss on global warming,
researchers think that deforestation of the mountain's foothills is the
more likely culprit. Without the forests' humidity, previously moisture-laden
winds blew dry. No longer replenished with water, the ice is evaporating
in the strong equatorial sunshine.'
- Gore claims global warming is causing more tornadoes.
Yet the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated
in February that there has been no scientific link established between
global warming and tornadoes. Gore claims global warming is causing more
frequent and severe hurricanes. However, hurricane expert Chris Landsea
published a study on May 1 documenting that hurricane activity is no higher
now than in decades past. Hurricane expert William Gray reported just a
few days earlier, on April 27, that the number of major hurricanes making
landfall on the U.S. Atlantic coast has declined in the past 40 years.
Hurricane scientists reported in the April 18 Geophysical Research Letters
that global warming enhances wind shear, which will prevent a significant
increase in future hurricane activity. Gore claims global warming is causing
an expansion of African deserts. However, the Sept. 16, 2002, issue of
New Scientist reports, 'Africa's deserts are in 'spectacular' retreat .
. . making farming viable again in what were some of the most arid parts
of Africa.'"
- Isn't it becoming crystal clear that Al Gore's global
warming is a political hoax, as is the case with all politically orchestrated
fear mongering in America? Isn't it also becoming clear that the
mass MSM is spreading the panic much in the same way they are hyping global
terrorism and political correctness? And of course, that towering intellectual
enterprise of "American" journalism, The New York Times, our
glorious "newspaper of record," went on the record to offer that
simply exhaling CO2, a nasty habit of every living, breathing human being,
is a contributory factor in the "Green House" effect. In other
words, if we just held our breaths permanently for the Times, we could
correct the mistakes God made when creating the universe! And this really
shouldn't be a problem, providing we promise to hold our breaths until
the Times begins to tell the truth and starts documenting facts. They could
start by reporting on the Downing Street Memo!
- The global elite are behind this. I'm not sure exactly
how they sucked Gore into all this; perhaps he just meandered into this
jungle of junk science and journalism all by himself. But it smacks of
the same kind of globalist panic bunk conjured up by a bunch calling themselves
the Club of Rome. This bunch of elitist frauds concocted a report back
in 1972 entitled the "Limits to Growth." Basically, this documented
elitist-concocted bunk offered that Earth and its people would run out
of natural resources and raw materials sometime during the 1980s and 1990s.
A more complete synopsis on this group of perfumed charlatans can be found
on Wikipedia. See: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Club_of_Rome>
- In line with this line of non-reasoning, "scientist"
and biologist Paul Ehrlich politicized his scientific logic in precisely
the same fashion as Gore when criticizing those who disagreed with his
politically based scientific "logic." Ehrlich joined the "religion"
of the Club of Rome elitists and agreed with their warped observation that
the world would run out of natural resources. Ehrlich developed his own
prediction that by the year 2000, England would no longer exist. Challenging
Ehrlich was business professor and economist, the late Professor Julian
Simon. Simon was so sure of himself in debunking Ehrlich and the Club of
Rome's dire predictions, that Simon made a bet with Ehrlich on the future
availability of five precious metals used extensively in industrial production.
The results are here: <http://www.overpopulation.com/faq/People/julian_simon.html>>.
Needless to say, Simon won the bet, and the prices for all five metals
dropped because of their growing availability.
- In researching global elitists, I was only able to cross
reference one name, that of one Juan Luis Cebrian, Grupo PRISA media group
of Spain. Cebrian is a current member of the Club of Rome, and was also
in attendance at this year's Bilderberg meeting. A minor coincidence of
course, but nevertheless an indicator of the single-mindedness of those
seeking world domination through the advancement of global terror and panic.
- I'd like to believe Al Gore has simply bumbled into an
area of science he's untrained for and definitely not qualified to theorize
upon. But what is so horrifying is that people are buying his book, Congress
invites him to their chambers as an "expert," and this pop science
is now the "in" thing for our less than competent and less than
honorable members and senators in Congress. Even Nancy Pelosi, who doesn't
know how to impeach criminal political regimes that are destroying our
country, has jumped on the melting glaciers bunk of global warming. Sensing
that global warming will be accorded the same reverence as the former global
cooling frenzy, the panic purveyors have changed the moniker where it is
now heralded as "climate change."
- But as Patzert and other scientists have pointed out,
climate change is a natural phenomenon and therefore not controllable by
us. Changes in ocean temperatures, the jet stream, and other factors, probably
all attributable to changes in sun spot activity, are in all likelihood
the real causes and not at all subject to human behavior modification.
So if there are political implications, we need not look for the real causes
of global change, but the political entities that stand to gain by the
fraudulently generated resultant panic. If nothing else, Gore has benefited
from both a movie and what appears to be a best selling book.
- Perhaps he should have concentrated where former Republicans
such as Paul Craig Roberts and I would have eagerly supported him: the
global crisis created by the criminal activities and "politics"
of the Cheney-Bush crime machine. The people of America are already there
and know we have a "Constitutional crisis." Why then create a
fictional one that cannot be proven?
- Gore has trashed both his chances for the presidency
and his father's dream with his current charge leading the fright brigade.
- © THEODORE E. LANG 7/4/07 All rights reserved
- Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.
- Comment
- Michael Shore in Tel Aviv
- 7-6-7
- Read about who Al Gore is. His Senator/father was another
connected thief just like Al Gore Jr.. These are the writings of several
different people including Lyndon Laroche. Pretty much EVERY politician
is a member of the "gang" and their job is to "act"
out their part in the theft of trillions of dollars from the U.S. Treasury
and most other Treasuries of governments in the world. Please read all
the links if you cannot believe this is true.
- http://www.larouchepub.com/eirtoc/site_packages/2007/al_gore.html
- http://www.larouchepub.com/other/1998/2550never_president.html
- Gore's list of "buddies" include Prince Phillip,
Henry Kissinger etc. Maurice Strong is also on his list of "buddies".
Strong and his false impersonation as an environmentalist is documented
and explained in David Icke's books.
- Perhaps Gore's supposed "environmentalism"
is one way for this group of population eugenicists to push forward
their sick agenda of reducing the world's population by billions in the
most horrific ways? Read the following excerpt from this article
and then read the entire shocking article:
- http://www.larouchepub.com/other/1999/2627ehrlichs_html.html
- "Gore's mind-set is that of a genocidalist. According
to the Ehrlich book, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is cited as one
of the leading figures worldwide who "have taken courageous stands
on the population issue and its connection to the environmental problems."
As EIR has reported, Gore has conducted extensive meetings and correspondence
with both Prince Philip and Prince Charles, the leading eco-fascist genocidalists
of this century. Prince Philip, for example, has stated: "In the event
that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order
to contribute something to solve overpopulation." {HOW SICK ARE THESE
- Given these sentiments of his co-thinker, Prince Philip,
Gore's genocidal threat to cut South Africa off from affordable AIDS treatment
is a decision based first and foremost on a belief that those South Africans
who are HIV-infected are "useless eaters." In The Population
Explosion, the Ehrlichs sound, like Prince Philip, almost disappointed
that AIDS has not done enough to reduce human population: "Computer
projections suggest that, even in Africa, mortality from the disease alone
(as opposed to social breakdown or economic effects) is unlikely to bring
an end to population growth. While AIDS could turn out to be the global
epidemic that brutally controls the population explosion by raising death
rates, the strains of the virus that have so far been observed seem not
to have that capacity. In truth, it is impossible at the moment to predict
what will happen."
- This group talks about the so-called shortages of resources,
while at the same time not saying a word about how unnecessary "wars
for profits" use up and wastes huge quantities of the earth's resources,
which could be used for the betterment of humanity.
- Aha, so the Gore's environmental scam IS about making
money on trading in new "carbon offset instruments"."TRADING
IN CARBON OFFSET FUTURES">>AMAZING. Gore has an interest in
a new hedge fund that will trade in these new financial instruments. The
fund is London based. This could be worth billions of dollars in the future.
- http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2007/3411blood_n_gore.html
- http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2007/3413carbon_swindle.html
- " In November 2004, Al Gore and David Blood
launched a London-based investment fund, Generation Investment Management,
which insiders affectionately refer to as "Blood and Gore"-and
not without reason. Blood, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management,
brought a small team of former Goldman Sachs personnel with him to the
London fund, assuming for himself the job of managing director. Gore took
on the Chairmanship of Generation, bringing along his long-time Senate
chief of staff, campaign manager, and business crony, Peter S. Knight,
as another founding partner."
- "In a March 28, 2006 joint op-ed published in the
Wall Street Journal, headlined "For People and Planet," Blood
and Gore wrote, "we believe that sustainable development will be the
primary driver of industrial and economic change over the next 50 years....
Over the past five years, we have seen markets begin to incorporate the
external cost of carbon dioxide emissions. This is happening through pricing
mechanisms (price per ton of carbon dioxide) and government-supported trading
platforms such as the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme in Europe.
Even without a regulatory framework in the United States, voluntary markets
are emerging, such as the Chicago Climate Exchange and state-level initiatives
such as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. These market mechanisms
increasingly enable companies to calculate project returns and capital
expenditures decisions with the price of carbon dioxide fully integrated."
- One of the central recommendations of the Stern report
was to make carbon-swaps and similar greenhouse gas reduction schemes mandatory
worldwide. The implementation of this scam is part of Gore's portfolio
as Blair and Brown's "adviser" on implementing the climate control
- Brokering and speculating on carbon swaps is also what
Generation Investment Management is all about! Blood and Gore intend to
get in on the ground floor of what may prove to be the biggest and most
bizarre financial bubble ever conjured up by Anglo-Dutch financiers and
their fiction writers."
- Indeed, the day after Gore's producers received the Academy
Award for best documentary film, a minor press flap erupted back in Gore's
hometown of Nashville, when the Tennessee Center for Policy Research reported
that Al and his wife Tipper's home electricity bills for one month were
equal to the annual electricity bills of an average American household.
One of the key recommendations in Gore's An Inconvenient Truth? For households
to reduce their electricity consumption! Gore's response to the accusation
that he was a big fat hypocrite, was to explain that he was offsetting
the costs by purchasing carbon swaps. A little bit of digging revealed
that Gore was, indeed purchasing carbon offset instruments-from his own
Generation fund!
- After taking the time to read these articles and some
of the links, do you still think Gore is a "good guy"?
- Michael Shore
- m3636s@yahoo.com