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Ehrlich - Plan To
Attend America's Funeral

By Ehrlich

Dear Friends,

I am going to say it till you can't tolerate hearing it anymore.

If this bill gets passed, the USA is finished. Not defeated. Finished.

The USA exists as a conquered nation. When this bill passes it no longer exists.

If this is the world you don't want then don't just exist...live...pay respect and homage to all those who have suffered to hand you what you have squandered. Who will truly hate you is the future generations for sitting there so blind and stupid to the rape of the nation and the opening of the gates to the nation's death. They will live miserable lives and they will read all about you living off those not yet born and totally complacent to the theft of your nation. I even find myself at fault for not doing more, but as I told Barry Chamish re the Rabin assassination, people cannot expect him to do it alone. They did and they suffered terribly for doing nothing.

I admit that we do need a leader. Perhaps he is among this group. If he or she is present, show yourself. Since I do not believe we will see an individual leader, we need a nation as a leader. I would prefer seeing Israel, Iran and China stand as one in here. It would have a riveting effect on the world. We need it.

If this bill passes, you will want to leave this country within five years. But they will not let you out. They already passed enough laws to stop you.

There will be 100-000 to 250-000 new troops within one year after the bill. Mercenaries have to be paid with stolen money. Nothing like getting your army into the conquered nation and have them pay for those that serve the enemy domestically and in their quest for global domination and control. This is another reason that Israel, Iran and China have to move now. Within a year the NWO military will have larger ground troops whom the NWO will liberally sacrifice in their "commitment" to their new country (while their new country falls further apart at the seams). This is a crime of a historic magnitude. You see that for over a decade I know the NWO Moabites. Do you doubt what I am telling you? If you don't are you going to do something. Even shouting at Moabite controlled Congressman and Senators might help. They don't take shouting well.

The military and police forces are clamoring for the Mexicans. Who do you think is invoking this need and demand? This crime this bill is far more deep and serious than you are imagining. You have no idea what it will translate into over the next five years. They are pushing higher grocery gasoline good prices on you, raising taxes, regressive taxes everywhere, they are going to suffocate you and they have just the people to put you in place should you decide in the future that you cannot tolerate it any more. Everyone, from the poor to the high end middle class will suffocate terribly. I see it starting already. I happen to be good at extrapolations. Then if you agree take my word for it, take a day off, and SHOUT.


Senators Plan To Revive Immigration Bill


WASHINGTON (AP) - Left for dead a week ago, legislation to strengthen border security while bestowing legal status on millions of illegal immigrants is showing signs of life.



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