- Have you seen the latest "Actonel" TV commercial?
They show a simple cartoon depicting the human spine as being "protected"
by a vigilant Actonel which stops these *bad* cells inexplicably attacking
the spinal column like little "dive-bombers"! The commercial
says these are the cells that "Cause" Osteoporosis (OP).
- WOW! Talk about going around your back-side to get to
your elbow... in order to "muddy the water" enough to make a
half-truth sound like the "truth," too. Ironically, this is
because there ARE specialized cells to remove old bone and these can cause
a reduction in bone-density (B-D)... so, a dishonest sociopath could,
with a contrived and canted cartoon, make it look like these cells are
the "cause" of OP... but they're not... not anymore than a gun
is the "cause" of a particular death - no, the guy pulling
the trigger is the CAUSE of death, remember.
- Consider the natural maintenance of bones. For proper
Bone Maintenance, Mother-Nature designed a Dual system for building bone
where appropriate & then removing bone where that's appropriate too.
This is done with 2 different specialized cells: one called OsteoBlasts
('Blasts), cells building new bone... while other cells, OsteoClasts ('Clasts),
- Ideally this build-up/tear-down system of "Bone
Remodeling" will be in perfect balance or as in growing children,
the "build-up" activity will be greater to accommodate growth.
- As we get older, though, this system can get out of balance.
For instance, where you might have decreased 'Blasts (building) or increased
'Clasts (dissolving & recycling). Consider, by the way, that this
"as we get older" is getting younger & younger all the time
at the hands of duplicitous docs & their dutiful dieticians.
- Now there are several things which can cause this out
of balance condition between the 'Blasts & the 'Clasts. We'll discuss
each in turn briefly, but first lets look at "Big Pharmz" answer
to the rapidly increasing problem... ...poisonous soap-scum removers called
- Drugs classed as Bisphosphonates (Actonel) work in a
very negative way -- reminiscent of cutting off a person's head to cure
their dandruff. Actonel, Fosamax, Boniva, et al, work to increase bone-density
by poisoning, thus killing, the innocently natural OsteoClasts, those "attacking"
cells in the aforementioned graphic. These would normally remove
Old bone... When these are poisoned and removed it results in an increase
in bone-density (B-D) because the old, brittle, worn-out bone, the old
bone is left behind.
- Key point actually. Unfortunately, an increase in B-D
won't mean much if it is "denser" with brittle, fragile, worn-out
bone -- bone past its useful service life. Right?
- Now this seemingly wacky approach is bad enough, but
when you also consider that OsteoClasts (removers) naturally prompt OsteoBlasts
(builders) to form, it is then even more bizarre taking a bisphosphonate
like Actonel because by leaving old bone behind you discourage the growth
of the new bone!
- Talk about a double-whammy...but Hey! Maybe you don't
need much new bone, because now you have plenty of old bone... yeah, that's
the ticket!
- Now, it is possible for the 'Clasts to eat away pockets
or pits in the bone which are not rebuilt when there appears to be normal
'Blasts activity... so the obvious (and too conveniently reflexed) answer
is to KILL (and very profitably too) the "guilty" 'Clasts...
but WAIT!
- Why don't we read to the period on this thing before
we start poisoning ourselves, you know, to finance a boob-job on a fat
man's trophy wife? Why don't we, instead, ask what is causing the bone
to be dissolved too quickly, and/or what is inhibiting the 'Blasts from
"keeping up" in the first freakin' place?
- There are many reasons for this 'Blasts/'Clasts imbalance...and
even though they may seem unrelated, many of them neatly dove-tail back
into what I think is the primary reason - an acidic body fluid pH leaching
calcium & other key minerals & trace minerals from the Big Mineral
Repository (your Bones!) to keep your blood pH at the slightly alkaline
pH of 7.35 to 7.45.
- The whole convoluted Bone-Remodeling system is linked
to your pH because your body will jump through hoops to keep your Blood
pH inside stringent close-tolerance parameters iterated in the last paragraph...
because you will die, almost instantly, without that balance. Don't worry,
the "system" will not let your blood pH stray outside the strict
limits & kill you instantly...before it lets that happen, it will kill
you a little slower some other way.
- Now, this cuts both ways, reader, because if you take
an extra big load of Calcium (anything over 500mg at once) your pH will
rapidly become too alkaline! Your kidneys have to start dumping minerals
overboard to compensate. Though, because of Soy, grains, sugar, coffee,
antacid, carbonated drinks & other highly acidic crap, most busy Americans
consume almost nothing but Acid-Forming foods processed by an insentient
Man... so the "too Alkaline" condition is rarely even a consideration.
- The following are some of the causes of those imbalances...virtually
all of them can be helped without killing the 'Clasts with unhealthful
- 1).. Alcohol in excess (one small glass of dry dark red
wine at supper is GREAT for your heart, gut, brain, joints & Bones)
-- even though most of the literature points out excessive consumption
leads to suppression of the 'Blasts (builders)...I think the bad nutrition,
a stressed Gut & poor mineral & nutrient absorption, associated
with excessive alcohol consumption, will lead to increased bone loss...
due to an acidic pH.
- 2).. Coffee -- Many quote the data that even moderate
Caffeine consumption can dramatically increase bone-loss because it is
a diuretic & it appears to inhibit Vit. D absorption, which then inhibits
Calcium utilization... but they might not add that another reason is because
coffee is very acid-forming, which causes minerals to be leached from your
bones. FYI : never take diuretics that remove trace minerals, instead,
when you retain water...drink LOTS of water...OK, if you are sure,
Al ?
- 3).. Phytates & Oxalates -- These "anti-nutrients"
contained in Soy & Grains bind to minerals like Calcium, Magnesium,
Iron & likely most critical, Zinc. So they not only contribute to a
mineral deficiency but Oxalates can cause other problems like kidney stones
& heel spurs. And the ubiquitous SOY (...it's everywhere, it's everywhere!!)
is unique in that unlike a high oxalate food like spinach which binds with
95% of its own Calcium...the Soy binds with all its Calcium & then
goes LOOKING FOR MORE. We did not evolve eating Soy & Grains...for
several million years of evolution homo Erectus never ground grains &
baked bread or ate other High Gluten foods that also adversely effect digestion,
which also contributes to bone-loss.
- 4).. Sugar/Refined Carbs -- Dieticians talk out of both
sides of their mouths with regard to sugar. I would tell people to totally
avoid sugar except once annually on your birthday (you know, that damn
cake)...instead Dieticians tell people to use sugar in moderation - which,
as I've said before, translates to "use pretty much all you want."
- 5).. Pharmz -- many supposedly effect adversely the 'Blasts
activity but in reality most actually also encourage increased 'Clast activity
due to acidic pH or impaired digestion... here are just a few :
- (a)...Steroids - Suppress the immune system by attacking
the good gut flora & fauna, which reduces absorption of Alkaline minerals,
which causes an acidic body pH, which leaches minerals from your bones.
- (b)...Antacids (along with carbonated drinks) --
Reduce valuable stomach acid that is needed to absorb Alkaline minerals...remember
Al's Acid Rule # 1 : "You can have a healthful, Alkaline body
(and blood) pH, if you have a normal, very acidic stomach pH
(less than 3) - *But* if you have a more alkaline stomach pH (greater
than 5 or 6) - you will NEVER have a "natural" alkaline body
pH...you might do it unnaturally with a big dose sodium bicarbonate, which
is not healthful. Also, an Alkaline stomach from antacids does not kill
dangerous microbs like it does when you have the correct stomach pH of
"1", which is the same as battery-acid.
- (c)...Thyroid - MD's misuse of Synthetic thyroid meds
causes bone loss. This is partly due to misdiagnosing the cause &
kind of thyroid problem, because the "Gold-Standard" TSH thyroid
test is bogus, resulting in people taking Synthroid that they don't
need ... & partly because we are told that Fluoride, chlorine &
aluminum in tap-water, toothpaste, antiperspirant & a thousand other
things, won't hurt us.
- In reality those things attack the thyroid in several
different ways ... not the least of which is Aluminum-Fluoride Complex
(AlFx) poisoning which causes Hyper-(high)thyroid, (and terrible insomnia) but
the TSH test reads it as Hypo-(low)thyroid so again the MD prescribes Synthroid,
which is exactly the wrong thing to do. When you put Fluoride & Aluminum
(both in tap-water) together you create a monster, AlFx, that is killing
you... and NO ONE is looking.
- (d)...Antibiotics - They kill the good gut bacteria,
so you know - yada, yada...boom, Osteoporosis. Really Folks, most of this
stuff is simple "Connect the Dots 101"
- 6).. Weight loss over 40 -- In 1969 on my way to Viet
Nam, my brand new Minny-Pearl-looking Mother in Law from Lizella, Ga.,
with her 3rd grade education (remember Deliverance?), said, "To be
healthy, Da Lord 'spects us to gain 10 or 15 lbs after the Change"
- Well, I thought that was the stupidest thing I had ever
heard. But guess what Folks, she was right, well, maybe not that the Lord
expects it... Anyway, the constant dieting with the 10 pounds yo-yoing
up & down means you are periodically depriving yourself of critical
minerals, etc... next, the extra 10 lbs of fat cells around your middle
produce more natural estrogen which stimulates OsteoBlasts activity...lastly,
crazy as it may sound, you hauling that extra 10 lbs around, makes your
bones stronger... like lifting weights.
- I'm all for being thin... but not if you have to starve
& practically kill yourself to be TOO thin & not if you have to
starve to keep off that last 10 or 15 lbs... especially if you eat the
right natural raw food in moderate amounts with moderate weight-bearing,
low-impact exercise and you level off 10 lbs heavier than when you
were in High School - then that is right were you should be... Consider
yourself lucky & tell your Husband to shut his pie hole because your
dainty, nicely distributed 10 lbs is for a Women's good health, unlike
his 30 pound "beer-gut."
- Regarding dieting to remain too thin... trust me, the
main-babe on "Grey's Anatomy," Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan &
any of these self-destructive women using starvation diets and/or "nose-candy"
to stay ungodly thin... all will develop Osteoporosis at a young age &
likely have heart failure before 50. Don't confuse "starvation diets"
(Bad) with "fasting" (Good)...a 1 to 3 day fast every month or
so (if done correctly) is one of the most positive things you can do for
your toxically compromised body.
- 7)... Bowel Disease -- Anything from IBS to Crohn's (I
almost died of Crohn's but cured myself...yeah, I know MD's say it is incurable)
has the potential to cause or exacerbate OP. One that is particularly
insidious is Celiac Disease, where you can't take Wheat Gluten (Grains)...
yet many, unknowingly, just keep on consuming gluten in bread, cereal &
pasta - real irony, you know? ..."Killed by the Staff-of-Life."
- With all bowel-disease, you are likely not only deficient
in the required nutrients for Bone-Remodeling, but your compromised digestion
means you are not absorbing the alkaline minerals that keep you from having
an acidic pH... so more bone is dissolved.
- 8)... Lastly, Acid/Alkaline-Forming foods -- Virtually
every food processed by man is Acid-Forming. Virtually all raw fruits
& Veggies are Alkaline-forming. Al's Acid Rule # 2...lemons &
limes test acidic if touched with a pH strip - but after digestion they
are among the MOST Alkaline-Forming foods found in nature! On the other
hand, meat would test alkaline if touched with a pH strip, but after it
is burned through digestion it leaves an Acidic Ash! This is especially
true for processed meats like bacon, sausage, etc.
- Don't avoid Acid-Forming foods that are natural or have
other efficacious properties...like Olive Oil & some berries are slightly
Acid-Forming but they are cool - it is the really unhealthful processed,
Acid-Forming foods that you should avoid like Coffee, sugar, refined flour,
Soy Isolate, processed meats and two of the most evil foods conceived by
man...a cream filled donut & pancakes w. syrup ...I could
care less if you hate me - but if you regularly make a hot "wholesome"
breakfast of pancakes w. syrup for your kids...you are a BAD parent. Sorry.
I digress.
- Back at the ranch: Actonel wants to concentrate on the
'Clasts bone-removal end, but maybe... ...the lower Bone-Density is almost
ALWAYS a problem with the other end, the raw material & building end!
- Not only because they are needed to build new bone, but
their very presence means the removal end is brought back into line due
to their alkalinity. But you see, Big-Pharmz does not have a stable of
controlled Drugs for "building" new bone & they can't patent
the raw material for same... ...so to achieve an increase in B-D they decided
the only way they can "solve" the problem, and still make money,
is to kill the 'Clasts on the bone removal "end" because that's
the only place a patented, proprietary, and expensive pharmaceutical poison
could possibly be applied!
- ...You see, on the raw material & building front-end,
Big Pharmz can't patent raw veggie's & fruit, chlorophyll, alkaline
water, Deep Breathing Exercises, 72 trace minerals, Alkaline-Forming Foods,
etc. ...to naturally raise your body pH so Calcium & other minerals
are not leached from your bones! Moreover, they can't patent HIGHLY Absorbable
ORGANIC Calcium (they give you INorganic, CARBONATE crap), Organic Chelated
Magnesium (they give you INorganic, OXIDE crap), Vitamin D-3 (they give
you inferior, D-2 crap), Vit.K, Silica, Boron (they give you...ahh, nothing),
Glucosamine & MSM (...ahh, what's that ?)
- No Folks, the best they can do on the front-end is to
insure YOU DO develop bone loss, which keeps the money flowing, while it
only "appears" that they are trying to help.
- So Doc's & Dieticians do the following: encourage
Milk, DON'T discourage carbonated drinks, allow Sugar "in moderation",
employ LOTS of Fluoride, Chlorine & Aluminum (tap-water, tooth-paste,
antiperspirants), discourage Supplementation (except crap like Centrum
& Caltrate)! They heavily push high Oxalate & Phytate foods like
Soy & Grains that bind & remove minerals, and they promote excessively
processed foods with lots of bread, cereal & pasta. All these things
will contribute to the development of OP for a variety of reasons, but
probably most significant is all these things are "Acid-Forming"
and most MD's will laugh & finger point, if you try to connect body
pH with bone loss. But it is so.
- Moving on, even "mainstream" medicine honestly
points out something that I find very disturbing & potentially very
dangerous... those Bisphosphonates stay in the bone for DECADES & the
Dive-bomber, 'Clasts can remain suppressed for 5 years after you stop taking
the stuff! This is horrible!
- From The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
Vol. 90, No. 3 1897-1899
- Copyright © 2005 by The Endocrine Society:
- <>http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/90/3/1897
- "Unlike most medications, bisphosphonates remain
in the body for decades. These drugs are not metabolized, but are either
excreted renally or deposited within the bones. The amount of drug within
the bone will accumulate with use. There is no known method of removing
the medication from the bones. The duration of physiological effect is
still unknown. After taking alendronate for 5 yr, the bone resorption and
formation markers remain suppressed for at least 5 yr after discontinuation."
- And this from the same Journal :
- "If bone resorption is strongly inhibited, the damage
can't be repaired because the osteoclasts won't dissolve the bone. In animals
given high doses of bisphosphonates, microdamage accumulation is observed.
The biological purpose of bone remodeling is probably to remove microdamage
and replace it with new bone. If this process stops, the damage accumulates
and could eventually weaken the bone."
- OK Folks, stop here if you can't handle bad news --
but for the rest of you... go to a search-engine and punch-in *lawsuits
Phossy Jaw* & discover the horror-show that is Osteonecrosis of the
Jaw (ONJ)! This is where your jaw bone dies & rots away leaving you
disfigured for life...oh yeah - from taking Actonel, Fosamax, Boniva, etc.
Weep for sufferers, Sally Fields.
- Here's a little blurb from my buddy the Leaflady's BLOG...
the whole article is at <>http://naturalhealthnews.blogspot.com/search?q=bisphosphonates!
Go sign up for her newsletter & read her fine work: (She does not
suffer fools!)
- "Bisphosphonate is pretty much left overs from making
Tide and P&G has a great amount of $$$ bound up in Actonel, their osteoporosis
drug. Yes P&G is in the drug business for profit and in a lot of other
things too - FOR PROFIT.
- Profit is good, but not at the expense of maiming and
killing. The downside of bisphosphonate is that it causes something called
osteonecrosis of the jaw. There are other problems with the osteoporosis
drugs that you can find out about by looking up the <>side effects
and deciding for yourself. In general osteonecrosis is 'dead bone', without
a blood supply."
- If you would like to know what you should do to avoid
OP in a natural, health-promoting, proactive way, then read my paper about
Sally Fields & Osteoporosis at <>http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#Sally
...it will explain all the "Do's & Don'ts" concerning acid/alkaline-forming
foods & the right supplement forms... If, for example, your MD recommended Calcium
CARBONATE & Magnesium OXIDE in crap like Oscal or Caltrate, then you
know he or she is either ignorant or evil... or both. Instead of helping?
These 2 "supplements" can actuallyexacerbate Osteoporosis.
- Lastly, a while back I wrote about Sally Field's insulting
Boniva commercial, where having to find time once a week to take Fosamax
was a hassle... but Once-a-Month Boniva was acceptable with her busy lifestyle.
- In the latest installment, she gleefully explains how
choosing an osteoporosis medicine is as easy as choosing which dress to
wear because, unlike other weekly treatments, Boniva is only a Once-a-Month
- Well, there you go...Sally & her strangely thoughtless
ilk... what's up with that bunch? Only because of a monthly dosing convenience,
they will be re-active and take a negative poison, a poison exacerbating
their disease... rather than be pro-active and take 60 doses a month (2
doses daily) of something natural & efficacious... This is their
definition of a "no-brainer"!
- I concur!
- Once-a-month Boniva, wins Hands-down over 60 doses a
month... but only if you ARE a "No-brainer" like our
otherwise adored Ms. Fields... I really do love her, even if she has sold
her soul to Mammon, the gloating false god of riches and avarice.
- Please feel free to contact me at alan068@centurytel.net
if you disagree or have a question.
- And Sally? I'd really would like to hear from you! We
can be friends... but only if you are contrite.
- That's enough... Well be.
- Alan Graham
- (334) 774-0395
- <>alan068@centurytel.net