Cuba - Weird Fish
Caught - Photo

From Scott Corrales
Granma Internacional (Cuba)

UPDATE 4-15-7
The strange fish is a Batfish. See
* Small specimen resembles a combination of fish, frog, manjuarí and bat *
* Specialists have still not classified it *
COJIMAR, 23 February - A small strange fish, the size of a ballpoint pen, was caught in Cojimar, east of Havana, on Tuesday at 6 pm. Local fishermen admitted never having seen anything like it.
"It is a combination of fish, frog, unicorn, manjuari and bat," said a fisherman. The specimen was caught by Damian Pita Leyva, 32, and Robertico Hernandez Sobrino, 15, both residents at Building 801, Zone 1 of the Alamar district to of La Habana del Este.
The specimen died between 8 and 10 hours after being fished, and is being kept in a refrigerator.
"We placed it in a bucket filled with freshwater and it walked around on two pairs of legs that also helped it swim," argued Carlos Pita Lledin, the father of one of the two youths who caught the animal.
Mud-colored, the creature has two large pectoral fins, two smaller ones in the ventral region, a small one nearly reaching its tail, and a longer one at the end of the tail. Under the horn on its head, it has medium sized orifice and two smaller one, resembling nasal passages. Two light colored eyes are present and it has small, sharp spines on its back. No gills are evident. A specialist has yet to classify this specimen.
(translation (c) 2007. S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Granma Internacional)


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