Let's Kick AIPAC,
Soros And Obama

Response By Wendy Campbell

First let me begin by saying I greatly respect Lenni Brenner's book on the collaboration between the Nazis and the Zionists during WWII, and I am always appreciative of anyone who seeks the Truth,Justice and Equal Rights for all.  I am glad that Lenni thought enough about me to include me on his e-mail list and that I received his article "Soros Kicked AIPAC. Obama Kicks Soros.  Let's Kick All Three." (see website:

While I agree with much of what he says, I would like to address certain issues which I believe he downplays and overlooks.  Everyone is human and entitled to their own opinions, so this is not meant to be a "hit piece" by any means.

Since I have limited time, this will only address my musings which I scribbled onto my printed out sheets of his article as I read them.

He wrote "Since Hitler, for good and bad reasons, writing about Jewish  political money has been the great 'no-no' of America's capitalist media."

I believe that he should have wrote "America's Zionized capitalist media."  I believe that Brenner is not acknowledging the fact that US media is extremely disproportionately owned and represented by Jews who, more often than not, are Zionist Jews. Anti-Zionist Jewish  peace and justice activist Jeffrey Blankfort is just one,  of many, who has written articles about this situation with much factual information to thoroughly back it up.  Just doing your own research and opening your eyes confirms it's true. I also highly recommend that people order "The Last Mogul: The Life and Times of Lew Wasserman" by Canadian Jewish  film-maker Barry Avrich, which is only available at> .  Jewish Zionist  forces kept it from being widely distributed.  It only made it as far as a couple film festivals before it was pulled, then dropped by its original distributor and returned to Avrich to sell on Amazon.  Once you watch this excellent, informative documentary, you will see why Zionist Jews wanted to pull the plug on it.  It's a real eye-opener.

With regards to Malcolm Forbes' decision not to run the article about how Jewish  Americans account for 20% of the 400 richest Americans, I suspect the ADL may have coached him on that one.  As far as the Forward, a Jewish  weekly publication, spilling the beans on the fact that indeed 24% of the current Forbes 200 are Jewish  Americans, this is not surprising, since it is meant predominantly for Jewish  eyes, whereas Forbes is meant predominantly for gentile eyes.  I have learned that to get the real scoop on Jewish  matters, it is best to check out what Jewish  publications meant for a Jewish  audience report.  For instance, that is where I first read about how the Jewish  American Neocons and Israelis have been lobbying for a free oil pipeline from Iraq to Israel as a "bonus" for Israel's "support" for the US war on Iraq.  This kind of story revealing Jewish  Zionist strategies is not commonly so blatantly spelled out, if ever, in mainstream media, which is Zionized, meaning that it purposefully covers up most unpleasant truths about Israel, such as how it is a racist, apartheid country GUILTY of ON-GOING ethnic-cleansing since day one of its existence.  For decades, the Zionist gate-keepers of the mainstream media in American basically censors out anything negative about Israel, Judaism, Jewish  anything, and puts a pro-Israel spin on anything remotely having to do with Israel.

By the way, it is often claimed that Jews "only" make up around 2.5% of the American public, but there is no proof of that.  After all, it is a LAW that US census CANNOT take an official census of people who claim to be Jewish , either ethnically or religiously. Check it out. As everyone knows, Judaism is more than "just a religion".  It is more of an ethnicity, a tribe.  After all, many Jews claim that in order to be a true Jew, one's mother must be Jewish , where belief in God is strictly optional .  On top of that, Jews who call themselves "secular" Jews are not at all religious, yet many strongly identify themselves as Jews.  At any rate, wherever I have been, I have noticed that there are indeed many Jews.  Obviously, as previously pointed out, Jews have a heavy presence in US media, politics, as well as in the professional fields of law and medicine.  It's also true than many Jews have intermarried and it's hard to keep track of who is truly Jewish .  Even if someone is just part Jewish  ethnically, they can choose to identify as a Jew if they want, when they want, depending on the situation.  It certainly is a good career move in some cases!

Lenner says "Most Jews aren't rich."  But I have never met a truly  poor Jew, and I don't see any Jews begging on the streets.  It's certainly unusual. Jews have an admirable quality of helping each other out, which some other cultures do not. It's just an observation. It's really too bad that in general, they don't seem to care much about the human rights of Palestinian and Arab people, as they look the other way while the Zionist extremists continue to steal more Palestinian land and collectively punish the Palestinian people with roadblocks, checkpoints, apartheid walls, starvation, strangling everyday life for them.

Lenner says " George Soros isn't a Zionist."  I would bet my last dollar that George Soros IS a Zionist.  I know I would have heard of it if he wasn't. Because a Zionist is anyone who thinks that there must a "Jewish  state" of Israel in Palestine, where Jews have more rights than non-Jews. Simple as that.   Does George Soros call for completely equal rights for non-Jewish  Palestinians inside and outside of the green line of Israel, in ALL of pre-1948 Palestine?  Does George Soros support the Palestinian refugees' inalienable Right to Return as complete equals to their ancestral homeland of Palestine-Israel, and support their right to reparations as well?  If so, please forward me the proof of this! I truly would love to know about this.  But sadly, I doubt if such proof exists in word or action.

By the way, politicians are not only afraid of AIPAC and the Jewish  Lobby's ability to influence political contributions, but they are also aware of the power of all the pro-Israel shills in the US media, the Jewish  American politicians, and the myriad of organized Jewish  political action committees inside and outside of the US.

Brenner claims that Soros says "it's time for the American Jewish  community 'to rein in the organization that claims to represent it" referring to AIPAC, but what about reining in the fascist ADL and the hypocritical Holocaust fanatics at the Wiesenthal Center and the like?

As for the two-state solution, my position on this is that I would not actively oppose the idea of a two-state solution (which I believe is just official apartheid), and although I think that the one- democratic-and-secular state solution of Palestine-Israel is ideal, the main thing is that whether it will be a one-state solution (Palestine-Israel) or two-state solution of Palestine and Israel, that either way, Israel must be transformed into a true, secular democracy with completely equal rights for all regardless of religion, ethnicity, race or gender. And whether or not there is a two-state or one-state solution, the Palestinian refugees' inalienable Right to Return to their ancestral homeland in Palestine and Israel must be fully recognized and granted, and they must be given reparations as well.

I believe that Jews should abandon the idea of a "Jewish  state" in the Middle East.  It is a racist and imperialistic notion, and must be completely abandoned by all fair-minded people.  It's fine if some Jews still want to live there, but only under the condition that they share the land as equals with non-Jews.  Many Jews will have to give up their homes which have been built illegally on stolen Palestinian land, and they will have to re-locate to another home in the area which they may buy legally, or they can go back to wherever they came from, for examples: Brooklyn or Russia.

While some people such as Obama claim that Hamas is "a terrorist organization dedicated to Israel's destruction", it must be pointed out in fairness and that in all reality: Israel is a US funded, state-sponsored terrorist organization dedicated to the complete destruction of Palestine as well as countries such as Iraq, Iran, Syria and others which resist Zio-American tyranny and imperialistic exploitation.

Let me point out that Jewish  groups and individuals finance the Republican party almost as much as they do the Democratic party. Also, there are Republicans, especially the so-called "paleo-conservatives" and Big Oil people who were and are opposed to the war on Iraq and not keen on unconditionally supporting Israel.  So it's tweedle dee and tweedle dum with regards to the DemoRats and the RepubliCons. What matters are the following criteria: "Is the candidate anti-war? Is the candidate sincerely concerned about the human rights of the Palestinian people?  Is the candidate prepared to address the issue of the racist ideology of Zionism and marginalize it as necessary?"

So far, the only hopeful candidates on the horizon whom I am aware of thus far are Dennis Kucinich, a Democrat out of Ohio, and Ron Paul, a libertarian Republican out of Texas. If there are any others, please keep me posted.

As for the anti-war movement back in the late 60s, I challenge Brenner's assertion that Nixon "knew the [anti-war] parade was called and organized by the Trotskyists, Stalinists" etc. because I was there.  I was very involved with the anti-war movement then while in college and I do not recall any reference to Trotsky, Stalin, etc.  Not at all.  And I doubt Nixon or anyone thought of it as "The Russian Revolution".  No one talks about the Russian Revolution except lately it has been unearthed with regards to the leading roles that many Jewish  Bolsheviks played in it, and how over 20 million were killed.  But that is another issue.  At any rate, Brenner imposes his views from his myopic perspective of that time, but it does not necessarily speak for many others who took active anti-war stances at that time.

Brenner is downright wrong when he makes the claim that in the 19th century "Zionists were non-existent."  The fact is that Theodor Hertzl, the father of Zionism, began his campaign for a Jewish  state in the late 1880's and his Jewish Zionist cohorts, including the leading international banker Lord Rothschild, were successful in getting Lord Balfour, representing Great Britain,  to sign infamous The Balfour Declaration in 1917 supporting the notion of  a Jewish  state,  with Palestine as its location.  The Zionist movement did not spring up overnight then either.

Brenner writes: "In context, documented exposure of Zionism's perfidious role is not only legitimate, it is a perfect educational example of America's government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich, which must perish from the earth."  Let me point out it's not just because "they" are rich that we must expose and monitor them, it's because the elite, both Zionist Jews and their non-Jewish  cohorts,  are racist and exploitive in their actions and words-this is why we must vigorously challenge them and minimize their influence via education and vigilant enforcement of laws which truly benefit the general populace as a whole.

In closing, I wish Lenni Brenner would be as concerned about "separation of synagogue and state" as he is about "separation of church and state".  As far as I am concerned, both must be equally addressed.



Wendy Campbell is a documentary film-maker and editor of .

Her documentaries include: "Truth: Exposing Israeli Apartheid", "Neturei Karta: Jews Against Zionism"; "Rosa Remembers Palestine", "Syria: Land of Friendly People and Hidden Treasure", available at .  She considers herself to be a liberal and progressive Christian, a true American patriot and defender of the Constitution. She believes that capitalism tempered with a socialist net is best for a healthy society, whereby entrepreneurs can thrive, yet so can people who have low-paying but vital jobs such as teaching, social workers, etc. She also strongly supports the quest for national healthcare for all. She can be reached at:



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