The Present Situation
Made Simple

By Dick Eastman

Your cow has a heifer, you give a man a white pebble and tell him that it is good for the heifer whenever he wants to claim it, the man gives it to another man in exchange for something and later  that other man brings the white stone to you and gets the heifer for it.

That is money.

Someone builds a safe and says he will keep white stones safe for people.

That is a bank.

A banker lends  some white stones to a businessman who wants cows to cook and feed to men digging a mine provided that the businessman pays three stones for every one hundred stones borrowed.

That is usury.

The banker starts adding his own white stones that he finds around his garden to the stones  he is keeping for people and he starts lending these new stones out in usury.

With more stones in circulation more stones are required to buy things --  a single stone now buys less than a heifer -- and a lot of people who thought they had purchasing power safe in the bank at one stone for one heifer find out that they have been robbed but don't know who to blame. So people work harder and a lot longer  to get the stones they need to buy just as much or fewer  heifers than before. Now, since the banker know knows there aren't heifers enough to repay all the loans he has made, the banker insists on collateral for every loan -- so people, in order to eat and pay their interest mortgage their ranches or whatever else they have that's worth anything.

So now the people owe the banker more stones than there are heifers and everyone owes that banker more than there is ability to pay. The banker forecloses on mortgages. He quietly comes to own everything.

The banker now realizes where his real wealth lies. First he floods the town with white pebbles and lending them out cheap to people fixing up their ranches or building new businesses in town. Then he cuts the amount of stones he lends out, so that as loans are repaid there are fewer and fewer stones in circulation -- people can't make their debt payments and eat too -- the ranches and new businesses in town all go to the banker.

People are given white stones because they sold their  labor, or because the exchanged something they own  for it, or because they are credit worthy. People are credit worthy because either they have collateral to put up or else the lender has confidence in their ability to profit and repay the loan.

Soon the banker owns a lot of businesses but finds it difficult to run them. He consolidates the businesses he he now owns by bankrolling large monopoly concerns owned impersonally by share holders (i.e. the banker and his trusted agents) where there is no liability against the owner for what the new monopoly firm does (aside from what happens to the value of the shares.)

These are corporations.

With monopoly power the corporations can set prices for output  far above costs of production of that output -- prices at whatever the market will bare -- and if the monopoly is strong enough that means they can take all of the purchasing power the people have earned in production.  The corporation pays wages and salaries, but it also pays the banker for its loans for plant and equipment and raw materials. The goods the corporation produces is a  flow of goods all  priced at a minimum  to cover all costs -- that is to cover the costs in wages and salaries plus payments to the bank whose loans set up the corporation and keep it running.

But here lies a major new problem.

The wages and salaries (white pebbles) paid so that people working  for the corporations can eat and stay clothed and sleep under a roof are not enough to pay for the products of the corporation, because, as I just said, the prices of the goods are set to cover both costs in wages and salaries but also payments to banks -- the people working for the corporation can't buy all that they produce even though they need it and would buy it if they could. For the people working for the corporations lack the credit to buy what is produced, lack the credit to buy what they need for their families to live and live comfortably.

Oh, yes. There is also a government.  The government started as a mechanism to keep people honest, but soon it became just another corporation, except instead of paying your white pebbles to get something in return, you turn over your white pebbles at gunpoint or at the threat of having it taken at gunpoint to the government (more of the banker's agents). The money is used to buy government products -- police and armies, for example. The police are to keep you from disturbing the banker.

The armies have a purpose too.

Since the wages and salaries are not enough to buy the product made in the corporations, the corporations always end up with an unsold  surplus which they seek to sell abroad. The idea is that people in other countries will buy the unsold output of the corporations, since people at home lacked the purchasing power to do this. (Thus the people produce output which they end up buying, which they can't buy enough of, and the surplus product that the banker's agents running the corporations sell abroad keeping the purchasing power they gain for additional overseas investments.

Now the people who now have to make products for export as well as for themselves are no the only people being put upon.   The  people of those other countries where the exports are going have their own ranches selling heifers and their own businesses in their own towns making things for their own people. And so the corporations from the banker's country  must one way or another take over the governments of those other countries -- with bribes, with revolutions that they pay for -- so that those governments will take loans from the banker (who is now an international banker) and buy the products of the corporations owned by the banker and his agents. This does not always go smoothly and sometimes war is needed to make it happen.

But soon it is discovered that war itself  is just as good as foreign trade. (Just as a government is really a corporation.) The corporation government, borrowing from the banker, immediately drafts soldiers or else  gathers up the unemployed who are standing around wondering how they will pay their debts or feed and clothe themselves) and "exports them" along with a lot of tools of destruction to provide the unasked-for service to some other country -- killing its people and destroying its factories. Exporting destruction is really a lot simpler and a lot more of a "sure thing" than trying to figure out what the average housewife of a foreign country wants for her kitchen. And of course the defeated country must pay in plunder and there is now also a new "demand" for exports from the corporations -- for "reconstruction" of the destroyed country under the control of agents that the successful war has set up running the new government during the occupation.

Back home, the workers for the corporations are producing tools of destruction as well as food and supplies all price-costed above what they can afford to buy for themselves -- so that their consumption is limited far below what their productive capacity by itself allows  -- the people are in debt because the amount of white pebbles is being manipulated to put them in debt and because the things they need to buy are priced "wages plus usury" whereas their income is only "wages."

And somewhere along the way the banker discovers "globalization."

The banker now realizes that some of the other countries he now controls were poorer than the country he got started in and that with the new dictatorships he has set up in those countries  -- the new "corporation with the guns" -- he can send the corporations of the country he started with to countries where life is cheap and workers will show up and work for payment of one tenth of what people of his own country can be employed for  -- the people in the banker's  own country having to be paid in more pebbles in order to have enough to tax away  in order to buy the guns that  gain control of the other countries and enough  to pay the interest on the loans that government took out to pay for those guns and uniforms and all that destruction. And so factories stop being built in the banker's own country  and  factories are shut down there and all the new factories are now built in the foreign country that has the corporation (government)  with the guns that has set things up so workers need be paid the least possible.

Now the monopoly corporations owned by the bankers and his agents can produce products for one fifth or less labor cost than what it cost in their own country. This does not however translate into low prices for the people in the banker's own country.   The corporations  are, after all, monopoly corporations -- the same banker owns all the corporations, his agents are each on several boards of different ones -- and so the "savings" in labor costs need not be passed on in lower prices to the people (now no longer producing anything) of the banker's old country -- except temporarily, to drive out of business any firms not owned by the banker, but after these non-globalized firms are gone the prices go right back up again. (Just like prices of gasoline go down before an election and right back up again a few months after the election.)

Of course the wages and salaries after taxes -- are smaller than ever for the former corporation workers now that globalization has set in. The richest  people in the original country of the banker are now the government employees, the lawyers defending the corporations and bank, those involved with wars and "free trade" -- the rest of the people take in each others laundries, build new banks and giant outlets for foreign-made goods -- end set up in the empty buildings where locally-owned businesses used to be nail polishing boutiques, coffee stands, tattoo parlors and so on. The banker and his agents running the corporations no longer view themselves as tied to the banker's original country. They just view countries as land administered by the gun-weilding corporations they have set up. Some governments of countries are for cheap-labor  production for international distribution, others are for exporting war. The banker may actually blow up his old building in his old country and blame it on "anti-bankers" and move to a new country or to several countries  that are not so run down and shabby.

Now to fix this problem we have to see that obviously the productive abilities of the people should not have been captured by the banker with his monopoly of credit and his agents, the corporations -- who even own the lyrics and monopoly rights to old movies that the people made long ago, and the publishing rights to books, and most important the patent control rights to everything anyone has invented to make better goods -- and, of course, and who controls what everyone hears on radio and television and owns the biggest sites and companies on the internet as well as an army of shills constantly selling people on  the rightness of all that the banker does and the glorious patriotic system the banker has set up  and blesses everything the banker's agents running the government are doing or trying to do.

When people are enslaved in debt and when production and the means of production have been taken from them it is time to consider this questions. Why does the banker get to loan out those extra stones he has added himself and why is he allowed to call in his loans and shrink the amount of stones in circulation? Why does he get to make the rule "because you have no collateral left you can't get credit for pebbles" -- who put him in that powerful position which is above governments and above responsibility for what happens to everyone when he does that?

Stop and think.

Labor is only responsible for a tiny fraction of what is made these days. That for that tiny share is all that most people are paid on.

What really makes products these days is machines and the advanced technologies incorporated in those machines, all labor-saving means of production that have been invented and discovered by many people over many years. This is the real wealth, the real credit of a country, -- not white pebbles or bank credit. Yet the banker and his agents have sold us on the story that we are only  supposed to get paid for "work." Whereas the banker and his agents (owning corporation stock and owning the IOUs representing all of the debt of the people) live on the interest and on the monopoly profit and on the gains from having a monopoly on the power to increase or decrease the amount of white pebbles in circulation and on their ability to have their agents running the government corporation make big contracts with corporations that are backed by the ability of the government to get pebbles from the people at gunpoint.  The problem for the people then is that the real credit (the wealth of knowledge and technology for machines and organization within a market system that saves all that  labor needed to produce) has not been accredited to the people of the country. Instead there is a monopoly n extending credit that owned by the banker and his agents -- that has enabled him to own large corporations that in turn own all the patents and to own the agents controlling government so that taxes and government borrowing as well as police and war power are also under his control.

What is needed is a hero to ride into town who can stare down the banker and his agents and their hired guns and tell him that the con is over. That from now on everyone in this country is getting a base amount of white pebbles to provide a good life so that they do not have to beg for jobs from corporations, so that they can have the means to start businesses for themselves, businesses where the people will have the purchasing power to buy what they produce  -- simply as credit due them for their share in the ownership of the vast wealth of the inventions and organization and machines that people have built. No longer are we going to believe the lie that the cost of producing our goods and services is anything other than the food and clothing and other consumption goods required by the people in order to produce what they produce in the market system. Cowboys eat meat while they round up more cows. And so does the blacksmith who shoes his horse and makes his saddle and the one who replaces the worn out shears for cutting the leather for that saddle. The banker making pebbles scarce and controlling the interest rate on pebbles and lending it at blue chip rates to corporations and not at all to the small businessman has no right to be monopolizing purchasing power.  The loans at interest and repayment that goes into prices and  makes people come up short when they go to the store to buy the things they need -- is not a flaw of the production  system -- it is not a flaw of the market system  -- it is a flaw of the credit system, of the financial system. Credit needs to be distributed to the people who have a right to it -- they have a right to it as a dividend check on the wealth of society that they in part own --  that is the technology and know-how that people have provided.

Of course the banker will say that he bought patents on all those inventions from the starving inventors who could not get money to develop their own ideas unless they sold the patent to the banker and his agents. He would say that since he and his agents have a monopoly on loan making and set the policy for all loan making so that people can't own small-businesses any more and workers cannot own their own tools etc. that the wealth of the world's know-how for labor saving machines is his and his agents' rightful monopoly.  The inventor of the light bulb could not get loans. The banker knew he had the ability to make profit -- but they wanted to buy and control  his real wealth of invention -- and so it is with every inventor, whether working for a corporation or working on his own. In this way the wealth added to us all by the great men is kept from our use. And no -- this system of monopolization of credit  does not motivate the inventor to invent -- nor the composer to compose.

And it is here the hero in his standoff with the banker and his gang tells them they are wrong, digs his spurs into the dust, adjusts his bandana and straightens his hat and turns his head over his shoulder and says to the town, which has gathered behind, "Whose right?"

At this point one of the banker's agents will slip off to the telegraph office and wire to the agents running the foreign countries informing them that  the banker and his agents are under attack and arrange that the foreign agents  send an invading army at once to the banker's country to put down a rebellion of "banker-haters." Another agent -- the one heading the government corporation -- runs off and declares war in three or four different countries and so sends off  all the fighting-age men off to foreign wars so they won't be able to cause any trouble at home when the foreign forces come to rescue the banker.  Of course there are already a large number of young fighting-age people in prisons, mostly for being involved in bottom-level selling of drugs -- another little piece of action that the banker and his agents have going on.

But the hero, seeing all this, sends off some of his boys to the internet and they inform people around the world -- especially in those countries where the banker and his agents have made a lot of war and have destroyed a lot of the native economy and way of life -- that this is the time to stand up to the banker and his agents on a world-wide basis.  It's time to face down every government controlled by the banker, it's time to get the truth of the real situation  across to every intelligent person -- so they can rise up as one and throw off this system of monopoly credit -- and set up a new credit system -- decentralized and with social credit added so that people can buy what they themselves produce with the wealth of know-how that has made production depend so little upon labor.

High noon moves around the earth every 24 hours. You are the hero. If you understand what is explained here, pass it on -- especially if you can do so in another language. To expand it and make it rigorous for the intellectual. To simplify it it in your own words. Tell it in a way that people of other lands and other cultures can understand.

And you had better act fast, because the bankers agents have already put in that call to bring down the "anti-banker" hero and all who back him. We are fast approaching a time when "heroes" will be impossible.

Homework for heroes: (for more against the credit monopoly -- start with oldest articles)

Dick Eastman

Yakima, Washington

The political battle in the US: (presidential politics) (presidential politics)

If you have any doubt the attack on the Pentagon was a false-flag inside job allow me to send photos and witness accounts establishing six distinct lines of PROOF and an analysis of all witness statements, including the ones who saw two planes, heard a jet fighter and smelled chordite. This is the real 9-11 investigators' evidence. Prepared for Key Dewdney and David K Griffin.


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