- The Rothschild Zionists have captured France.
- Sarkozy's father is Hungarian, his mother a Greek Jewess
-- thus he is Jewish by Jewish reckoning from the mother's bloodline.
- He won by clear game-theoretic loading of the French
election process (very sophisticated "political science") with
an array of fake candidates (three Trotskyite candidates to divide the
traditional French left, for example) calculated (from high-speed computers
and polling information) to divide and run into ditches all opposition
to Zionist globalization.
- Sarkozy will disolve France as a sovereign nation into
the European Union where sovereignty rests with the Zionist merchant bankers
who pick the leaders of the EU. As the monetary system is taken out of
the hands of the people's national governments with the international
(read " internationalists' ") Euro -- so now all political power
will be in the hands of the chosen's chosen.
- And the media is now saying -- with great satisfaction
-- that Sarkozy will now move France "closer to the United States"
-- meaning exactly what? Whose policy is the policy of the United States
today? Whose but the international Zionist merchant bankers' ?
- Sakozy promises that France will join Europe and will
be more active and aggressive in fighting for what "we" (who?)
believe in around the world. This, of course, means that when Hillary
Clinton calls for more troops to occupy Iran -- French troops will be forthcoming.
- It also means that everything Zionist internationalist
Sakozy says will now be trumpeted on our internationalist Zionist monopoly
- Isn't it wonderful that the great countries of "Western
Civilization" all agree now? Isn't it wonderful to know that "freedom"
will now be pushed around the world -- that Frenchmen will be joining
your American sons and daughters in maintaining the international Zionist
order wherever people rise up in revolt against debt slavery and international
monopoly exploitation and bankers' puppet goverments. Can't you just wait
for Frenchmen and Americans to liberate Venezuela from its "freedom
hating" dictator, for example.
- Which brings me to another point.
- Sarkozy the Jew who represente himself as a Catholic
-- reminds one of certain famous Democats and Republicans we all know.
Remember how John Kerry discovered that he is a Jew after he was in government.
Remember, Madeline Albright (recently honored every six minutes or so
by Safeway in recordings piped into all their stores for national women's
month) -- remember how she, like Sarkozy, advertized herself as a Catholic
-- only to find out she has been attending the ruling-elite Episcopalian
church throughout her adult life -- only to find out, after the Senate
hearnings! -- that she was actually the daughter of one of Stalin's Jewish
- Or take Al Gore -- whose daughter married into the Schiff
merchant banking family -- a family that actually headed the Jewish community
in the late 19th and early 20th century, Jacob Schiff sent here from Europe
to control American banking -- and who will soon announce his run on the
totally bogus issue of "global warming" (as if that is the only
real issue worth discussing.) Of course, I like Ron Paul and Bob Bowman
and I would work for either rather than have "Manchurian John"
McCain or Hillary Clinton (whose husband, William Blyth is reputed to be
the bastard of Winthrop Rockefeller, governor boss of Arkansas in the 1940s
-- -- (there is a strong Rockefeller look to his face in my opinion.)
- At any rate, Sarkozy is going to bring France into the
European Union just like the next President will bring the US into the
North American Union. Notice, by the way, that you don't hear Hillary
Clinton arguing angainst the American Union. Why? Does she think opposing
the Union would hurt her changes? Hell no, of course. Then it must be
because she supports the disenfranchisment of the American people to an
international goverment run by Zionist Jew bankers. (The North American
Union will be run by people appointed by the bankers to carry out the bankers'
policies -- you will have as much say as you have in the workings of the
United Nations (do you remember ever voting for your representative at
the United Nations?) Replacing government by the people by "upgrading"
to goverment by the bankers -- sans consititution, sans representation.
- By the way -- Sen. Lieberman ran for Vice President
-- guess why? Why did George H. W. Bush accept the Vice Presidency from
Ronald Reagan? Remember "Manchurian John" Hinkley Jr.? Albert
Gore was merely a poster boy for environmentalism to attract voters brainwashed
by "pc" environmentalist indoctrination in the schools -- he
was the catnip for the kitties. But you say the election of 2000 was
rigged by the Republicans? I don't think so. I think the entire "hanging
chad" dispute was a staged super distraction. It was during the distraction
of the "hanging chad" dispute over who won the 2000 election
that the entire derivatives industry was deregulated by Congress. This
issue had not been brought up before the crisis.
- One more thing, Ron Paul is for elimiating the Federal
Reserve and he has spoken of a gold standard. This is not the solution
to control by the money power. A Hillary Clinton or Manchurian John can
carry out the same monetary policies that the Fed has been conducting.
What is needed is a complete revision of the entire banking and credit
system -- and a new policy directed by representatives of the people, not
puppets of the merchant bankers. Ron Paul has not made clear that he understands
the problem of a population deprived of purchasing power and pushed into
debt slavery -- a gold standard would not fix that -- rather it would
put us on the 19th -century course of deflation and scarce money which
is always good for the bond holding class -- but death to the indepted
class -- but the g. s. would be a great windfall to those now
holding all the gold. I would feel much better if Paul were a Douglas
social creditor.
- Good government is like good religion -- it is only
understood and believed-in by people too low on the power pyramid to ever
have the chance to affect things. And if the people anywhere rebel --
there is always some President Bush or Prime Minister Tony Blair or President
icolas Sarkozy or "pro-market" "pro-deregulation" "pro-American"
Chancellor Angela Dorthea Merkel (nee Kasner) of Germany to send in the
troops to "defend your freedom" -- and of course if all that
fails the merchant bankers can really get tough and bring in their real
backup -- the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army to ensure that internationalist
reforms are not rejected by anti-Semtic terrorists -- the "war on
terror" being something that the globalists tell us will go on for
many generations.
- Now I will make a deal with you -- I will learn to spell
and to write an organized essay if you learn to observe and think and move
your ass when you are about to be eaten alive. Is it a deal?
- Warm regard to all,
- Dick Eastman
- Yakima, Washington