The Consequence Of Courage
By Trisha Friedman

"Where is Rabbi Weiss' home?" I called from my car window.
My question seemed innocent enough but the response elicited suspicious glances. The group of men strolling down the street looked at me blankly.
"The place where the fire was". I tried again.
"It is over there on the right" I had jogged a gentlemen's memory. I drove on as the group of walkers watched. A pile of debris with yellow police ribbons strewn about caught my eye. I began searching for a place to park on the narrow street. Once again, I passed the group of gentlemen strollers.
"But it is gone" I opened the car window.
"All gone", A man responded. Did I imagine the smile on his face?
I parked my car and walked back to the scene of the "crime (?)."
It was difficult to find a position from which to take pictures.
The area was cordoned off and the No Trespassing Sign did not leave any room for argument. The smell of smoke was still in the air.
The gentlemen strollers had also doubled back and stood watching me as I snapped my pictures. Looking at the remnants of the courageous Rabbi's synagogue, I felt sick inside.
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss has been called "a one man truth squad".
He is a member of the "Anti-Zionist Jewish Community, Neturei Karta International. Rabbi Weiss believes that the state of Israel is illegitimate and is in violation of the Torah. The Torah, the Rabbi believes, is "God's law"
Rabbi Weiss has called Zionism " the biggest cause of Anti-semitism in the world," and has credited it with fifty years of bloodshed and suffering, because it "won't obey God's law."
Tensions have been consistently heated in the upstate New York area and there have been protests in front of the Rabbi's home. More recently, Rabbi Weiss has inflamed the Zionist community with his trip to Tehran in which he stated, "The Zionists use the Holocaust issue to their benefit. We, Jews who perished in the Holocaust, do not use it to advance our interests. We stress that there are hundreds of thousands Jews around the world who identify with our opposition to the Zionist ideology and who feel that Zionism is not Jewish, but a political agenda.",7340,L-3226600,00.html Weiss, incidentally, is descended from Hungarian Jewry and his grandparents were exterminated by the Nazis at Auschwitz.
On Sunday, April 1, 2007, a fire destroyed Rabbi Weiss' synagogue.
Investigators said that the fire appeared to be accidental since the arson dogs did not detect an accelerant. And yet, the timing of the incident, Passover, and the recent protests over the Rabbi's trip to Iran point to a far more nefarious conclusion.
On April 10th, I spoke with Mrs. H, whose father-in-law is a fire fighter. I asked her about the people blocking the fire trucks.
"That always happens in the area," she responded. " Everyone comes out and the kids jump all over the trucks". She did inform me, however, that while the building burned, there were fist fights among the opposing groups.
Rabbi Weiss believes that the fire was deliberately set. He was grateful that the occupants had been in London at the time. And yet, the perpetrators had no way of knowing that. "It could have killed somebody".
Miriam Pollack, whose father is a member of Neturei Karta said "They are loving people and they are treated with hate. It's a sad story but they were ready for it. Rabbi Moshe Beck has said that they were ready to give up everything for God".
Trisha Friedman
Wendy Campbell
Hi All,
This report is from an eye-witness, a fellow peace activist, in New York about the burning of the synagogue which belongs to a congregation of the Ultra Orthodox Jews who also belong the Neturei Karta, an organization devoted to denouncing Zionism and the racist, apartheid Zionist state of Israel. Please check out their website at and also send them a donation if you are able to:
Rabbi Dovid Weiss, Associate Director
Neturei Karta International in New York
PO Box 1316
Monsey, New York 10952
According to local papers and other reports I have read, it was a "suspicious" fire, and the property and the Rabbi's car had been vandalized last year and spray-painted with Stars of David, etc.
There were also reports that Zionist Orthodox Jews actually tried to prevent the fire trucks from getting to the synagogue in a timely manner.
Reportedly, the Neturei Karta have had received anonymous threats about a possible fire from members of the Jewish Defense League and/ or the Jewish Defense Organization, which are on the list of domestic terrorist organizations, prior to the burning. One of the Rabbis of the Neturei Karta had also been previously physically beat up viciously by Zionist thugs not long after his recent trip to Iran for the Holocaust Conference. Where is the outcry from the ADL about this all this abhorrent violence and hatred against peaceful, religious Jewish people???
It's an outrage.
Please send them donations to show your support of their ULTRA COURAGEOUS work! You may also contact them by e-mail with a message of moral support at:
Rabbi Weiss was the featured star of my documentary "Neturei Karta: Jews Against Zionism". He did a great job of giving the history of Judaism and how the Zionists have tried to supplant Torah-true Judaism with Zionism, and his group's on-going activism to protest this. The Neturei Karta organization was founded in the 1930's even BEFORE the Jewish state of Israel was created. It's a fascinating documentary of great historical value if I say so myself!
Best wishes for peace, justice, truth, freedom and equal rights for ALL people,
Wendy Campbell
P.S. I hope the criminals who set the fire get caught... and get put in jail for a LONG TIME.



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