2007 Temporary Bounty,
Transport & Incarceration Act 

By Frosty Wooldridge and Don McKee

The U.S. is a "nation of laws." Our U.S. Constitution mandates all laws enforced equally. We agree that our citizens deserve and receive preference, over and above any foreign-nationals here for any purpose or reason.  In any nation, we implement immigration laws for three main reasons:
1. Protect jobs for citizen-residents and legal immigrants, AND
2. Protect citizens from disease already eradicated in our nation, AND
3. Protect citizens from harm by seasoned criminal aliens.
Preemptive legislative action; introduce next week, before the Flakey Bill hits the floor -- a bill to help states, counties and towns with a gnawing, immediate safety and budget issue.
"Whereas, the costs (dollars, lives, and maiming) to victims, families of victims, and governments- to deal with the millions and millions of "undocumented immigrants, i.e., illegal aliens" who constitute a gigantic presence- are well beyond the means and desires of the local taxpayers, AND
Whereas, the U.S. Congress and Executive Branch have failed to control our international borders and the tens of millions of aliens now resident and working in the U.S. lacking "Lawful Presence," AND
Criminals who employ and exploit the "slave-labor" class continue to get away with their nefarious criminal behaviors unscathed-
This just-and-sufficient legislation is offered in good faith, for temporary use before and until the Congress comes to agreement on a more comprehensive piece of legislation- which could just be a decision to fully-and-completely enforce the existing laws in Title 8, USC and other immigration law provisions.  What a concept for our 21st century U.S. Congress and President Bush!
The 2007 U.S. Bounty Act; designed to invigorate and re-establish a process to first punish, and then deport ("Felony Deportation, with Prejudice") foreign-nationals who misbehave in the U.S.- focusing first upon the 630,000 'absconders.' If the effort results in apprehending other scofflaws, so be it.
Pay a handsome reward ($50K/inmate/yr PLUS a bonus, up-front, of $10 K per bed for start-up costs) to each southern border-state willing to quickly build, manage and staff appropriate tent-city prisons to house adjudicated aliens until the court-prescribed time for deportation. Require the U.S. DOJ-BOP to help manage those prisons, as a "partner." Encourage each state to use National Guard and Active Reserve Navy SeaBee troops to accomplish the construction. Indemnify each state, except for intentional negligence. The state that acts the fastest will reap the highest rewards.
Pay a handsome fee (cost plus $300K per vehicle) to any interior and northern state willing to immediately purchase armor-plated, over-the-highway alien transportation buses, decorated with the proud state indicia, built to U.S. DOJ vehicle specifications, to deliver the scofflaws to the new tent-city prisons located along the southern border. Each state will be allowed and encouraged to start with the criminal aliens already incarcerated in that state, which will immediately relieve local pressures and costs. Require the appropriate regional U.S. Marshal Service to staff (driver and guards) and maintain those buses, giving them $100K per Marshal assigned and $5.00 per vehicle mile driven -- for gas-diesel, lubricants and maintenance.
DOJ must find and implement a legitimate way (within 30 days of passage) to "incentivize" local city, county, and state police (governments) to cooperate, hand-in-hand with federal authorities to "bring-to-justice" each and every criminal who breaks our laws to illegally employ foreign-nationals- denying jobs to LOCAL citizen-taxpayers.
These incentive-fees-to-local-government must be paid-in-full within eight business-days of the transaction.} The scofflaws will be prosecuted in federal courts, and held without bail-bond opportunity until the adjudication process completes.
Pay a "Bounty" for each 'absconder' and other 'at-large' alien who has a "record" and "outstanding warrants." These bounty-fees must be paid-in-full within eight business-days of the transaction, based only on "warrant-satisfaction."
Ø $ 10K per scofflaw apprehended by Professional Bounty-Hunters
Ø $ 8 K per scofflaw apprehended by city, county, and state police departments
Ø $ 5K per scofflaw apprehended by DHS-ICE or DHS-C&BP.
Fine the DHS-USCIS for their every error. Put the U.S. Auditor General in charge of expeditiously determining those errors, and fines.
Fine the DHS-C&BP for every illegal alien that succeeds in entering and remaining in the U.S. every year, to include the 4.5 million that come from-through Mexico, the two million that enter from-through Canada, the two million that arrive through our "leaky" ports and across our wide-open beaches and seashore, and the two million on visitor-visas who 'forget' to go home when their visa expires. Assign the GAO the task of determining the numbers and fines, and pay them cost-plus 10 percent for doing that national service.
Fine the DHS-USCIS for every error. The loss of income will motivate them to dump the incompetent staff members on their proverbial ears. Put the U.S. Auditor General staff in charge of determining those errors, and fines- and pay them cost-plus 10 percent for doing that national service.
Fine the DHS Managers (personally, and the agency too- such as ICE, C&BP, USCIS, FEMA- 50-50) for each and every sub-standard management error that results in charges being brought against any line-officer- on a must-do basis for the local regional U.S. Attorney. For every line-officer charged, there must be a substantial fine against at least one manager. We must put a stop to abusing the troops for the sins of their managers, to include ineptitude, setting a terrible example, poor leadership, training, etc.
Fine the DHS-C&BP for every illegal alien that succeeds in entering and remaining in the U.S. every year. {Word the law to dock-the pay of managers, not troops.}  
The "measures-of-effectiveness" includes the 4.5 million nice aliens that come each year from-through Mexico, the two million that enter from-through Canada, the two million that arrive through our "leaky" ports and across our wide-open beaches and seashore, and the two million on visitor-visas who 'forget' to go home when their visa expires. Assign the GAO the task of determining the numbers and fines, and pay them cost-plus 10 percent for doing that national audit service.
The "competition" will be absolute, the overall costs reduced, the electorate will be ecstatic, and the message will be clear -- "aliens come to the U.S. at their own risk, which includes the risk of their family members."
Meanwhile, the Congress can dink around 'til the cows come home- with foolish "comprehensive reform."
This is our country! It's time to kick a** and take names later. Like Texas Ranger Captain McDonald said, "No man in the wrong can stand up against a man in the right that keeps on a comin'." Mr. George Bush, the people of the United States are comin'.



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