- One would think that the defeat of the most powerful
military in the world by 19 stumblebum jihadists armed with box cutters
would inspire a degree of humility and soul searching by the US Air Force.
But you won't find any of that in Air War Over America.
- In fact, the amount of self congratulatory back slapping
in this book is nauseating.
- Nor is the book well written. Still, it has historical
value for its content. The USAF commissioned the Air War Over America,
and CONR's Maj.General Larry Arnold wrote the Foreword. So, the book may
be regarded as the official USAF record of 9/11.
- What is noteworthy is that it conflicts in a number of
respects -- with the now official story presented in the 9/11 Commission
Report. Bear in mind that Air War was published in 2003 -- about a year
BEFORE the release of the 9/11 Commission report.
- According to Air War Over America, the first notice from
the FAA came at 8:30 AM -- which is 8 minutes earlier than what is stated
in the 9/11 Commission Report. The difference is significant because this
would easily have given NORAD time to intercept both Flights 11 and 175.
- The book also mentions that Fl 77 was a possible hijack
-- indicating that NORAD knew about Fl 77 long before it crashed. This
admission also flatly contradicts the 9/11 Commission Report.
- The account of the Langley scramble is particularly valuable.
According to F-16 Pilot Borgstrom they received an order just after take
off to fly NNE -- which means the F-16s were flying up the Chesapeake Bay
-- what you would expect. Then they got an order to fly NW and according
to the author were "vectored toward Washington -- instead of NY."
Again, this flatly contradicts the 9/11 Commission Report.
- Borgstrom also notes that the 3 fighters from Langley
were on different frequencies and "we were getting orders from a lot
of different people." This is important information and the 9/11 Commission
should have followed up by interviewing the Langley pilots about their
orders and conversations to reconstruct what happened. All the commission
had to do was track the orders back up the food chain. But apparently this
kind of simple detective work was too much for the official investigation
to manage. There is scant mention of the Langley pilots' testimony in the
9/11 Commission Report.
- Neither Air War nor the 9/11Commission Report explains
how the F-16s from Langley ended up flying in circles over the Atlantic.
This omission alone should stand your hair on end.
- The Air War also mentions that Dawne Deskins at NEADS
(NORAD) was watching the blip of an aircraft "that appeared to be
going in a turn around DC." According to the author, Deskins got "6
or 7 radar returns on it before it faded and was just gone..." The
author assumes this was Fl 77 -- but was it? This is doubtful since Fl
77 never flew over or around DC. In fact, Fl 77 never left Virginia. This
blip may have been the E-4B command and control platform I documented in
a carefully researched paper now posted on the internet.
- http://www.rense.com/general76/wdb.htm
- Along these same lines: Air War mentions that NEADS was
participating in an exercise on 9/11, Vigilant Guardian -- but there is
no mention of Global Guardian, which as we know was also underway. In fact,
Global Guardian was the BIGGER drill to which the others were tiered --
and we know it involved the E-4B.
- This is consistent with the continuing blanket suppression
of everything related to the E-4B that circled the White House at the time
of the Pentagon attack. The question we should be asking is: What was it
doing there? And why has its presence been covered up?
- The Air War also confirms what I learned from Barbara
Honegger, a military journalist. The Air National Guard unit in Florida
never even took off to escort Air Force One when Bush left Florida. No,
instead Bush relied on a Texas Air National Guard unit -- part of the 147th
fighter Wing. The Texas unit escorted him to Offutt AFB -- then later home
to DC. Was this Bush's old ANG unit? If so, on 9/11 Bush clearly trusted
no one except his own pretorian guard.
- The book's last 50 pages is nothing but fluff about the
"war on terror." Near the end the author cites General Ralph
Eberhart that "military forces will be used when and where needed
to augment and assist first responders.." What does this mean? It
can only be a veiled reference to martial law in America. Which I suspect
was the whole purpose of 9/11 -- to scare Americans into giving away their
freedoms for the phony security of military rule - a concept as false as
this book.
was a finalist for the 2004 Narcissus Book Award. Mark can be reached for
comment at markhgaffney@earthlink.net Also, visit Mark's website at www.gnosticsecrets.com